Need help understanding an Array push



Hello there. I'm new to Perl and am trying to maintain a large
complex script that generates some reports based on some text input
files. I'm having difficulty understanding a section of the code that
reads in from a text file with 3 columns of data to generate a new
output file with 5 columns of data. I was hoping that someone might
be able to help me understand a few lines that I find a bit complex
right now. Here are the details..

Sample Text input file:
"Filename" "Field" "Content"
"file0001.txt" "DESCRIPTION" "blah blah blah"
"file0001.txt" "NAME" "FOO"
"file0002.txt" "NAME" "BAR"

Need help understanding what this section of Perl code does:

1: foreach(@list) {
2: ($filenm,$fld_type,$content) = (split /\"/)[1,3,5];
3: $name =~ s/^\s+//;
4: $name =~ s/\s+$//;
5: push(@{$listcontent{"$filenm\{\{\{$fld_type"}},$content) if
6: }
7: foreach(sort keys %listcontent) {
8: ($newfilename, $fld_type) = split /\{\{\{/;

To start, @list is an array that holds the contents of the input file
(sans the header) like so:
["\"file0001.txt\"\t\"DESCRIPTION\"\t\"blah blah blah\"\n",

What I know so far...

- line 1 - 6 iterates through each row in the @list array. ok.
- line 2 pulls out the content from each row into 3 variables. ok.
- lines 3 and 4 strip off the leading and trailing white space. ok.

- line 5. No idea. =(
--> Guess: it looks like "listcontent" is an array that now holds some
new arrangement of the data pulled out of the other array. I don't
get what the open curly braces are doing. I tried to "print" this
array after it ran but I didn't understand what I was seeing. It
looked like some kind of convoluted programming mess so I thought I
must have done something wrong.
-> Can anyone please tell me what this new array looks like, or help
me understand this line of code?

- line 7 starts a new loop iterating through the new array...
-> What does "sort keys" do? Well, okay, I know what 'sort' is, but I
don't get the 'keys' part. It's not a subroutine in this script, so
what's it sorting on/by here?

- line 8 pulls out the content from each row in "listcontent" into 2
new variables. I recognize the "\{\{\{" from line 5, but I don't get
how this is getting separated here. i.e. I don't know what
$newfilename looks like.
- I suppose if I understand line 5 I'll have a better chance of
understanding line 8.

Can anyone please help? Thanks in advance.


J. Gleixner

Paul said:
Hello there. I'm new to Perl and am trying to maintain a large
complex script that generates some reports based on some text input
files. I'm having difficulty understanding a section of the code that
reads in from a text file with 3 columns of data to generate a new
output file with 5 columns of data. I was hoping that someone might
be able to help me understand a few lines that I find a bit complex
right now. Here are the details..

Sample Text input file:
"Filename" "Field" "Content"
"file0001.txt" "DESCRIPTION" "blah blah blah"
"file0001.txt" "NAME" "FOO"
"file0002.txt" "NAME" "BAR"

Need help understanding what this section of Perl code does:

1: foreach(@list) {
2: ($filenm,$fld_type,$content) = (split /\"/)[1,3,5];
No need to escape it.
3: $name =~ s/^\s+//;
4: $name =~ s/\s+$//;
5: push(@{$listcontent{"$filenm\{\{\{$fld_type"}},$content) if
6: }
7: foreach(sort keys %listcontent) {
8: ($newfilename, $fld_type) = split /\{\{\{/;

To start, @list is an array that holds the contents of the input file
(sans the header) like so:
["\"file0001.txt\"\t\"DESCRIPTION\"\t\"blah blah blah\"\n",

What I know so far...

- line 1 - 6 iterates through each row in the @list array. ok.
- line 2 pulls out the content from each row into 3 variables. ok.
- lines 3 and 4 strip off the leading and trailing white space. ok.

- line 5. No idea. =(
--> Guess: it looks like "listcontent" is an array that now holds some

It's a Hash of Lists (HoL).

perldoc perldsc
new arrangement of the data pulled out of the other array. I don't
get what the open curly braces are doing.
No idea. It's the key to the hash, but why someone chose that format
is only known to you and the person who wrote it, based on this
small piece of code, it's not needed.

push(@{$listcontent{"$filenm:fld_type"}},$content) if $fld_type;

then later..

my ($newfilename, $fld_type) = split /:/;

-> Can anyone please tell me what this new array looks like, or help
me understand this line of code?

Yes, Data::Dumper can.

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper( \%listcontent );
- line 7 starts a new loop iterating through the new array...

No.. it iterates over the keys of a hash. Note, you'll
only see unique keys, so the push is a waste, or you need
to also iterate over the elements in the array, which might
be what's happening in the rest of the code.

-> What does "sort keys" do? Well, okay, I know what 'sort' is, but I
don't get the 'keys' part. It's not a subroutine in this script, so
what's it sorting on/by here?

perldoc -f keys
- line 8 pulls out the content from each row in "listcontent" into 2
new variables.

It splits the key found in the listcontect hash.

I recognize the "\{\{\{" from line 5, but I don't get
how this is getting separated here. i.e. I don't know what
$newfilename looks like.

perldoc -f split

No idea why you'd have "\{\{\{" in there either. Poor choice of
separator, IMHO.

You could simply print it out..

print "$newfilename\n";
- I suppose if I understand line 5 I'll have a better chance of
understanding line 8.

use Data::Dumper;
my %data;
push( @{ $data{ 'key1' } }, 'value 1' );
push( @{ $data{ 'key1' } }, 'value 2' );
print Dumper \%data;
$VAR1 = {
'key1' => [
'value 1',
'value 2'

Read through perldoc perldsc, perldoc -f keys, perldoc -f split,
and use Data::Dumper to examine the structure, and you should be
able to answer all of your questions.

John W. Krahn

Paul said:
Hello there. I'm new to Perl and am trying to maintain a large
complex script that generates some reports based on some text input

Are warnings and strict enabled in this script?

I'm having difficulty understanding a section of the code that
reads in from a text file with 3 columns of data to generate a new
output file with 5 columns of data. I was hoping that someone might
be able to help me understand a few lines that I find a bit complex
right now. Here are the details..

Sample Text input file:
"Filename" "Field" "Content"
"file0001.txt" "DESCRIPTION" "blah blah blah"
"file0001.txt" "NAME" "FOO"
"file0002.txt" "NAME" "BAR"

Need help understanding what this section of Perl code does:

1: foreach(@list) {

Why are you reading in the whole file into an array? Is it really required?

2: ($filenm,$fld_type,$content) = (split /\"/)[1,3,5];

Your variables should be lexically scoped inside the foreach loop:

my ( $filenm, $fld_type, $content ) = ...

You are assuming that the indices 1, 3 and 5 of the list returned from split
will always contain valid data. You could do that without using "magic" numbers:

my ( $filenm, $fld_type, $content ) = /"([^"]+)"/g;

3: $name =~ s/^\s+//;
4: $name =~ s/\s+$//;

You are modifying the $name variable. Where did this variable come from and
what does it contain and why are you modifying it here?

5: push(@{$listcontent{"$filenm\{\{\{$fld_type"}},$content) if

perldoc perldata
perldoc perldsc
perldoc perllol

You are pushing $content onto the array @{ $listcontent{
"$filenm\{\{\{$fld_type" } }. The array is stored in the hash %listcontent
using the hash key "$filenm\{\{\{$fld_type". It is know in Perl as a HoA
(hash of arrays.)

6: }
7: foreach(sort keys %listcontent) {
8: ($newfilename, $fld_type) = split /\{\{\{/;


Peter J. Holzer

Paul said:
Need help understanding what this section of Perl code does:

1: foreach(@list) {
2: ($filenm,$fld_type,$content) = (split /\"/)[1,3,5];
5: push(@{$listcontent{"$filenm\{\{\{$fld_type"}},$content) if
6: }
7: foreach(sort keys %listcontent) {
8: ($newfilename, $fld_type) = split /\{\{\{/;

new arrangement of the data pulled out of the other array. I don't
get what the open curly braces are doing.
No idea. It's the key to the hash, but why someone chose that format
is only known to you and the person who wrote it, based on this
small piece of code, it's not needed.

push(@{$listcontent{"$filenm:fld_type"}},$content) if $fld_type;

I think you omitted a $ before fld_type here.

then later..

my ($newfilename, $fld_type) = split /:/;

What if there is a ":" in a file name?
No idea why you'd have "\{\{\{" in there either. Poor choice of
separator, IMHO.

The programmer of the script probably thought that "{{{" was very
unlikely to appear in a filename, whereas simpler separators like ":"
might appear. He also seems not to have been aware of real or pseudo
multidimensional hashes. I would have written that as:

push(@{ $listcontent{$filenm}{$fld_type} }, $content) if $fld_type;

and if I've had a good reason to "flatten" the hash (e.g., memory
consumption) then I'd have used a pseudo multidimensional hash:

push(@{ $listcontent{$filenm, $fld_type} }, $content) if $fld_type;

This is also just joins $filenm and $fld_type with a separator, but
that separator ($; (or $SUBSEP if you "use English;"), by default
"\034") is even less probable in a filename and it's already there for
that purpose so the reader doesn't have to think why "{{{" was chosen.


Peter J. Holzer

Paul said:
Hello there. I'm new to Perl and am trying to maintain a large
complex script that generates some reports based on some text input
files. [...]
Need help understanding what this section of Perl code does:

1: foreach(@list) {

Why are you reading in the whole file into an array? Is it really

Just a bit of stylistic nitpicking:

I think Paul made it rather clear that he didn't write the script but is
trying to understand a script written by someone else. So asking "Why
are YOU reading ..." seems a bit inappropriate here.


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