Need Some Advice.




Until now I have been using Dreamweaver to create ASP.Net/VB web sites.
I gave up of using it. Too many limitations.

What is the best software to create ASP.NET/VB web sites?

Maybe Web Matrix from ASP.NET.
Or Visual Studio?

What do you advise me to use?


Karl Seguin

I code everything by hand so take my opinion with a grain of salt...VS.Net
is a pretty poor WYSIWYG HTML editor, but as far as an IDE is concerened
(for pure .Net programming) it's king. hopefully in ASP.Net you spend less
time with the ASP part of it and more time in your business and data
layers...which makes VS.Net the best choice.

Web Matrix can't be beat for it's price...and I've heard of many people
using Dreamweaver with mixed success.

If you can afford it, VS.Net is hands down a better choice in my opinion...



Hello Karl,

I have installed Dreamweaver which I have been using, Web Matrix and
Visual Studio 2003. During the last week I have been comparing the 3.

Both Dreamweaver and Web Matrix create very similar code.
In Dreamweaver some code is hidden because it uses DreamweaverCTRLS.dll.

The moment I tried Visual Studio 2003 I got confused.
This is my idea from Visual Studio when comparing to what I am used to:

Some elements are familiar to me:
1. Web.Config File.
2. ASP.NET (aspx) pages.
3. CSS files.

However some elements are a little bit strange:
1. I have an SQL database set up.
Usually I create datasets on the .aspx files.
In Visual studio it seems the dataset is created using XML in XST
Creating a data access has been a problem.

Am I right? So how can I access the dataset in my aspx file?

2. What is global.asax? How does it work exactly?

3. Usually, in each page I place the scripts in each .aspx page.
Something like:
<script language="vb" runat="server">

In Visual Studio there are script files.
How can I link an .aspx page a script file?
Is a script file to be used only by one page or can be access by any?

Anyway, this is a simple example of what I am used to:
(It has a dataset and the script and body part in the same page)

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<script runat="server">

Function MyQueryMethod() As System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String = "server='(local)';
trusted_connection=true; database='dbBonsAlunos'"
Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [users].* FROM [users]"
Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New
dbCommand.CommandText = queryString
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection

Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New
dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand
Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet

Return dataSet
End Function

<form runat="server">
<!-- Insert content here -->

Is the future Visual Studio 2005 Express similar to Visual Studio 2003
or to Web Matrix?


"Karl Seguin" <karl REMOVE @ REMOVE openmymind REMOVEMETOO . ANDME net>
wrote in message REMOVE @ REMOVE openmymind REMOVEMETOO .
ANDME net:

Karl Seguin

VS.Net uses CodeBehind (google search) as the programming model. Instead of
having the C#/VB.Net code as part of the page, it uses a separate file..this
is generally the prefered way of programming ASP.Net as it can lead to a
cleaner separation between the pure presentation layer and the presentation
logic layer. If you right clck on the ASPX page and go "View Code" you'll
see what I'm talking about.

Global.asax is a file which contains methods that are executed throughout
the life of a request. Application_Start for example is executed at the
very start of the application's life. Application_BeginRequest when the
user firsts hits a page and so on....They are useful places to put code that
must happen during these events (like a visitor log would make sense in

Datasets created using XML/XST isn't specific to Visual Studio. This is an
ADO.Net thing and unlike the datasets you are used to, they are called
"Typed DataSets" because they are strongly typed. Again, this is generally
prefered over DataSets. There's nothing stopping you from using normal
DataSets in VS.Net, or even a mix of the two.


MY ASP.Net tutorials - New and Improved (yes, the popup is annoying) - unofficial newsgroup FAQ (more to

Shapper said:
Hello Karl,

I have installed Dreamweaver which I have been using, Web Matrix and
Visual Studio 2003. During the last week I have been comparing the 3.

Both Dreamweaver and Web Matrix create very similar code.
In Dreamweaver some code is hidden because it uses DreamweaverCTRLS.dll.

The moment I tried Visual Studio 2003 I got confused.
This is my idea from Visual Studio when comparing to what I am used to:

Some elements are familiar to me:
1. Web.Config File.
2. ASP.NET (aspx) pages.
3. CSS files.

However some elements are a little bit strange:
1. I have an SQL database set up.
Usually I create datasets on the .aspx files.
In Visual studio it seems the dataset is created using XML in XST
Creating a data access has been a problem.

Am I right? So how can I access the dataset in my aspx file?

2. What is global.asax? How does it work exactly?

3. Usually, in each page I place the scripts in each .aspx page.
Something like:
<script language="vb" runat="server">

In Visual Studio there are script files.
How can I link an .aspx page a script file?
Is a script file to be used only by one page or can be access by any?

Anyway, this is a simple example of what I am used to:
(It has a dataset and the script and body part in the same page)

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<script runat="server">

Function MyQueryMethod() As System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String = "server='(local)';
trusted_connection=true; database='dbBonsAlunos'"
Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [users].* FROM [users]"
Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New
dbCommand.CommandText = queryString
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection

Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New
dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand
Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet

Return dataSet
End Function

<form runat="server">
<!-- Insert content here -->

Is the future Visual Studio 2005 Express similar to Visual Studio 2003
or to Web Matrix?


"Karl Seguin" <karl REMOVE @ REMOVE openmymind REMOVEMETOO . ANDME net>
wrote in message REMOVE @ REMOVE openmymind REMOVEMETOO .
ANDME net:
I code everything by hand so take my opinion with a grain of salt...VS.Net
is a pretty poor WYSIWYG HTML editor, but as far as an IDE is concerened
(for pure .Net programming) it's king. hopefully in ASP.Net you spend less
time with the ASP part of it and more time in your business and data
layers...which makes VS.Net the best choice.

Web Matrix can't be beat for it's price...and I've heard of many people
using Dreamweaver with mixed success.

If you can afford it, VS.Net is hands down a better choice in my opinion...


MY ASP.Net tutorials - New and Improved (yes, the popup is annoying) - unofficial newsgroup FAQ (more to

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