Advice on learning to code?

Mar 10, 2022
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I hope one day to become a software developer. Last month I decided to take action and began my research. I first began to learn Java using online videos and a book called "Java a beginners guide". I have began following what i was learning with JDK and the IDE Intelij and have been working on a small converter project which I feel is going well.
I created a Github and Stackoverflow account to aid me with the project in case i run into problems i cannot solve.
On research i have also been drawn to learn Python because it is in so much demand from employers. I have also been learning on "freecodecamp" which touches on Python however...It also teaches HTML and CSS.

Am I trying to run before i can walk? I feel like I am becoming completely overwhelmed by how much I need to learn. Any advice?
Mar 3, 2021
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It sounds like you're doing just fine. Python is easy and powerful, but it's not as structured and straightforward as Java. I'd try them both for a few weeks and see which one you enjoy writing more and go with that. As for the rest of it, I think it's going to feel overwhelming no matter what. The more you learn about it (or any subject, really), the more you understand just how much more there is to learn. Right now, you're learning syntax, logic, etc, and there's a lot of it. Once you've got all that down, you just move on to something else, like a specific field of programming, or a library, or another language, and then you find out how deep each of those go and it starts to feel overwhelming again. So... try not to stress about it too much. You can spend a lifetime programming and you'll never come close to learning everything. Try to get used to knowing that you're code will rarely compile on the first try (decades later, it still won't; it's practically a law), bugs will always exist, and perfect is the enemy of good. Just keep at it and try to keep it fun.

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