I am new to coding. Can you guys give me some advice?

Dec 19, 2022
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i am fairly new to coding, i know some python but i am kinda lost, i dont know what to learn where to learn it from and where shoulkd i go next from there. i am learning on my own so this is a big problem for me. i have seen a lot of youtube videos and all of them say to start with python, should i? or is it just a waste of time? do u guys have any other tips for me?
Dec 21, 2022
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I was posting the same advice in some other thread:

My 3 advises for starters:

  • Not only watch videos, read also blogs and tutorials and books.
  • You need 1 to 3 own small coding projects to working on and have real practice. Don't choose too big or too difficult projects for the beginning. E.g. if you start learn C++ make a little Console Game asking questions and the User has to supply the correct answer on the keyboard, or if you start learning webprogramming make your own small little guestbook or sth. similar.
  • Don't practice only alone. Have a tutor, a group or a friend sometimes. Work on a project together.

Which language you choose to start with is more or less up to your preferences.

My recommendation:
Python is ok. You can easily try things with it.
You could also choose C++. But this has a higher learning curve. But it is a worth.
The basic ideas of programming like variables and functions and different types you can also trial with my script language (no installation required btw.). I could guide you through it if you are interested.

With C++ you will learn many of the computer background mechanics as well. With other languages like Java, C# and even more with Python those things are hidden from the programmer.
Jan 11, 2023
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Ah...this question brings back my old memories.

This is probably THE MOST asked question in the world by newbie programmers!

Anyway, my suggestion would be learn python or/and C first. When you become comfortable with any or both of those two, then you will not face any major problems with ANY programming languages out there and that's pretty much guaranteed! ;)
Jan 31, 2023
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Starting with Python is a great way to start learning to code. It is a great language to learn the fundamentals of programming and to get comfortable with the basics. There are lots of great online resources for learning Python, like Codecademy and the Python documentation. Additionally, there are lots of books and tutorials available online. Once you have a good grasp of Python, you can then start exploring different programming languages and frameworks. It's also a good idea to get involved in the programming community and ask questions so you can get feedback and help from other programmers. Good luck!
Jun 28, 2023
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I was posting the same advice in some other thread:

Which language you choose to start with is more or less up to your preferences.

My recommendation:
Python is ok. You can easily try things with it.
You could also choose C++. But this has a higher learning curve. But it is a worth.
The basic ideas of programming like variables and functions and different types you can also trial with my script language (no installation required btw.). I could guide you through it if you are interested.

With C++ you will learn many of the computer background mechanics as well. With other languages like Java, C# and even more with Python those things are hidden from the programmer.

Can you possibly help me with where i could start learning coding for the first time?
Jul 24, 2023
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i am fairly new to coding, i know some python but i am kinda lost, i dont know what to learn where to learn it from and where shoulkd i go next from there. i am learning on my own so this is a big problem for me. i have seen a lot of youtube videos and all of them say to start with python, should i? or is it just a waste of time? do u guys have any other tips for me?
Python is a greatbeginner friendly language but first you should know what you're trying to learn for python is multi-purpose i.e ML(machine learning),AI(artifiacial intelligence),APPLICATION(using kivy, tkinter, pyqt5),WEBDEVELOPMENT(using django, flask, pyramid, bottle,e.t.c), RESEARCH,GAMEDEVELOPMENT, e.t.c
So you just need to find your niche and start; python is best used in back-end of websites but you can also learn html, css, javascript
What do you think
Sep 5, 2023
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You need to go to the courses as soon as possible, and there you will be recommended where to start and what is better. I think Python is better for beginners.
Dec 16, 2023
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i am fairly new to coding, i know some python but i am kinda lost, i dont know what to learn where to learn it from and where shoulkd i go next from there. i am learning on my own so this is a big problem for me. i have seen a lot of youtube videos and all of them say to start with python, should i? or is it just a waste of time? do u guys have any other tips for me?
Yes, python is a good language for beginners. If you are studying on your own, it is very important to practice constantly - this is the fastest way to learn. It is best to have several programming projects to practice
Dec 22, 2023
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hi guys i am new too,im not THAT new so i know the basics,i current in a way of thinking that goes like that,

-have a project
-dont watch any tutorials
-close all my progams (browser,games,etc)
-and only do coding
-when i need to do something that i dont know ,i give myself 10 tryes,if i could'int do in 10 tryes ,i do a google search

if i am doing anything wrong, you guys are free to help me ;)
Feb 8, 2024
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i am fairly new to coding, i know some python but i am kinda lost, i dont know what to learn where to learn it from and where shoulkd i go next from there. i am learning on my own so this is a big problem for me. i have seen a lot of youtube videos and all of them say to start with python, should i? or is it just a waste of time? do u guys have any other tips for me?
always take advice with a grain of salt, if possible never take advice from someone, its useless, as tech industry keeps changing, don't rely on youtube videos for advice, don't go to reddit its fed up , i mean you can but don't take it too seriously, build something of your own, ask yourself what problem can you solve and start building soluition for it instead of building a tic tac toe or calculator app ,software engineering is about problem solving, there is soo much rat race, dont be a part of it
Jul 25, 2024
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look up free pdf if u have to work offline you can download them and learn from them while u don't have a connection they are a great resource to learn from if you have a limited to no existent budget
Aug 22, 2023
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It really depends on your interests! If you are fond of back-end data Manipulation, perhaps familiarize yourself with Php & MySQL, but these languages exacerbate the need for HTML5 & CSS3. On the other hand, Javascript is useful for an accessible front-end data manipulator with many uses. This languages can also easily interact with HTML5 & CSS3. Python can interact easily with another subclass of languages: Ruby, Swift, Typescript, etc. It also is very easy syntactically, and has many APIs that make it easy to program GUI. There are also several types of languages: live code, machine code, data code, etc. Its really just dependant on what you're interested in!
Aug 6, 2023
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Ask ChatGPT to write a simple program for you. Then ask about the syntax as you need to understand it. "What is 'if'?" "What is 'for'?" "What is 'else'?" . You should be able to learn quite efficiently that way.

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