Need to get a javscript variable into my tcl code




I have a difficult task I believe. I have tcl code that opens a
webpage, then via execScript commands calls javascript code to play
audio files for my js object player. The problem is that I need to know
when the clip is done for example to have my tcl code check for that.

Has anyone been able to pass a javascript variable to tcl code, or has
had a work around to this??

Here is what I have so far:

tcl code (I am using optcl to open the page in a tk window):

# set tk window
package require optcl
set t [toplevel .ie]
wm title $t "my Test"
set htm [optcl::new -window $t.htm Shell.Explorer.2]
$t.htm config -width 800 -height 600
pack $t.htm -fill both -expand 1

# Open the page
$htm navigate "c:/test/v1fe.htm"

#### This is not the right way to get the variable
# A test to see if I can get a variable from javascript, it doesnt work
cause execScript passes null
set myVar [[$htm -with Document : parentWindow] execScript
{javascript:myfunction ()}]
puts $myVar

my javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Test to pass value 1 to tcl code
function myfunction()

Any suggestions/examples??




<snip code sample>
I have no idea what browser are you working with, but presuming that
<execScript> method has the same mechanics as in IE (that's the only
execScript I know of):

1) execScript always returns null, you cannot return any results from
2) execScript runs in the restricted environment. In the particular it
cannot create new property in DOM objects *but* it can change the
existing ones.

Combining both issues (sorry, I don't know TCL, so pseudo code):

1. [create] window.tmpReturnValue property
2. [run] execScript( myFunction() )
3. myFunction [set] window.tmpReturnValue to some return value
4. myFunction [exit]
5. [read] window.tmpReturnValue

I had to use this side walk to access VBScript dialogs from JScript and
get the user choice back.
Not sure at all though if it works in you situation.


Hi VK,

Thanks for the reply.
1) execScript always returns null, you cannot return any results from

I found that out the hard way, trying all sorts of stuff for hours to
capture a variable...Dooooh!
2) execScript runs in the restricted environment. In the particular it
cannot create new property in DOM objects *but* it can change the
existing ones.

I'm not familiar with DOM objects. Is this Microsoft activex Com
The problem is I'm a bit clueless using tcl in sophisticated ways, such
as using OPTCL and active x stuff, so bear with me.

Combining both issues (sorry, I don't know TCL, so pseudo code):

1. [create] window.tmpReturnValue property
2. [run] execScript( myFunction() )
3. myFunction [set] window.tmpReturnValue to some return value
I think my code is doing #1,2,&3 (w/ help from a tcl guru)??
[$htm -with Document : parentWindow] execScript {var
result={javascript:myfunction ()}}

I do this on the javascript side right??
4. myFunction [exit]
Not sure how to do this. I didn't know you have to exit the function?
execScript just calls the function, correct?
5. [read] window.tmpReturnValue
Also not sure how to read. This is on the tcl side?

Thanks for the direction. Any suggestions?





Again - I never used TCL, so I'm just guessing the syntacs:

# set tk window
package require optcl
set t [toplevel .ie]
wm title $t "my Test"

# By the context $t must refer to the IE window
# So it should added a new custom property to the window like:
# wm tmpReturnValue $t ""
# - Please fing the right syntacs yourselve

set htm [optcl::new -window $t.htm Shell.Explorer.2]
$t.htm config -width 800 -height 600
pack $t.htm -fill both -expand 1

# Open the page
$htm navigate "c:/test/v1fe.htm"

# this always gives you null so useless:
set myVar [[$htm -with Document : parentWindow] execScript
{javascript:myfunction ()}]

# you have to read $t.tmpReturnValue property instead
# - Please fing the right syntacs yourselve

my javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function myfunction()
myReturnValue = 'OK';
window.tmpReturnValue = myReturnValue;

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