Optimizing a text statistics function


Nickolay Kolev

Hi all,

I am currently writing some simple functions in the process of learning
Python. I have a task where the program has to read in a text file and
display some statistics about the tokens in that file.

The text I have been feeding it is Dickens' David Copperfield.

It is really simple - it reads the file in memory, splits it on
whitespace, strips punctuation characters and transforms all remaining
elements to lowercase. It then looks through what has been left and
creates a list of tuples (count, word) which contain each unique word
and the number of time it appears in the text.

The code (~30 lines and easy to read :) can be found at

I am now looking for a way to make the whole thing run faster. I have
already made many changes since the initial version, realising many
mistakes. As I do not think of anything else, I thought I would ask the
more knowledgeable.

I find the two loops through the initial list a bit troubling. Could
this be avoided?

Any other remarks and suggestions will also be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance,

Jack Diederich

It is really simple - it reads the file in memory, splits it on
whitespace, strips punctuation characters and transforms all remaining
elements to lowercase. It then looks through what has been left and
creates a list of tuples (count, word) which contain each unique word
and the number of time it appears in the text.

The code (~30 lines and easy to read :) can be found at

I am now looking for a way to make the whole thing run faster.

Do you actually need it to be faster? If the answer is "no, but
it would be nice." then you are already done *wink*.

A good profiling strategy is to wrap each part in a function
so you can see which lines consume the most CPU. Just make sure
to wrap big pieces so the function call overhead doesn't get
added ten thousand times and distort the picture.

You will get a bunch of suggestions on how to make the code faster,
so I'll skip those. What you want to do is only do the expensive
parsing once and not every time you run your program. Try pickle.
[untested code follows]

import pickle

def proc(txt_filename): # txt_filename like 'dickens.txt'
... exiting code ...
reutrn wordCountList

def procWrap(txt_filename):
cache_filename = tst_filename.replace('.txt', '.pickle')
fob = open(cache_filename)
wordCountList = pickle.load(fob)
except IOError:
wordCountList = proc(txt_filename)
fob = open(cache_filename, 'w+')
pickle.dump(wordCountList, fob, -1) # see the docs about the '-1'
return wordCountList

Use procWrap() instead of proc() to get the list. You'll need
to delete the .pickle file every time you change proc() so the
pickle gets refreshed. This way you never have to care about how
effecient the parsing loop is, because you only have to call it once.


Dennis Lee Bieber

It is really simple - it reads the file in memory, splits it on
whitespace, strips punctuation characters and transforms all remaining
elements to lowercase. It then looks through what has been left and
creates a list of tuples (count, word) which contain each unique word
and the number of time it appears in the text.
Without looking at the code, I'd probably drop the use of the
tuples for a dictionary keyed by the word, with the data being the
count. Granted, the output would not be easily sorted...

Okay, you do have a dictionary...

I suggest dropping the initialization pass -- for common words
it's going to be redundant... Dictionaries have a method for supplying a
default value if a key doesn't exist. See the following:

## for x in strippedWords:
## unique[x] = 0
## for x in strippedWords:
## unique[x] += 1

for x in strippedWords:
unique[x] = unique.get(x, 0) + 1


Neil Benn


I don't know python as well as most people on this list so
this is a leading question.

In other languages I've used (mainly java although some C, C# VB
<wash out your mouth>), the way I woud look at speeding this up is to
avoid loading all the words into memory in one go and then working upon
them. I'd create one stream which reads through the file, then passes
onto a listener each word it finds from the lexing (making the input
into tokens) and then another stream listening to this which will then
sort out the detail from these tokens (parsing), finally an output
stream which put this data wherever it needs to be (DB, screen, file,
etc). This means that the program would scale better (if you pass the
European voting register through your system it would take exponentially
much longer as you must scan the information twice).

However as more experienced python programmers have not suggested
this is this because there is :

a. Something I'm not getting about python text handling
b. Not easy/possible in python

I ask this because I've been looking at (C)StringIO and it is OK for
this kind of behaviour using strings (reading from a serial port and
passing onto middleware) but it doesn't seem to have the ability to
remove characters from the buffer once they have been read, therefore
the buffer will grow and grow as the process runs. For now I'm having
to use strings which is less than ideal because they are immutable (I
was think of writing my own StringBuffer class will will discard
characters once they have been read from the StringBuffer) and therefore
my program scales badly.

However I do agree with the earlier poster - don't optimise for
speed unless you need to (I'm assuming this is an academic exercise and
I'm waiting to go to the pub)!!! Simplicity of design is usually a
better win.


It is really simple - it reads the file in memory, splits it on
whitespace, strips punctuation characters and transforms all remaining
elements to lowercase. It then looks through what has been left and
creates a list of tuples (count, word) which contain each unique word
and the number of time it appears in the text.
Without looking at the code, I'd probably drop the use of the
tuples for a dictionary keyed by the word, with the data being the
count. Granted, the output would not be easily sorted...

Okay, you do have a dictionary...

I suggest dropping the initialization pass -- for common words
it's going to be redundant... Dictionaries have a method for supplying a
default value if a key doesn't exist. See the following:

## for x in strippedWords:
## unique[x] = 0
## for x in strippedWords:
## unique[x] += 1

for x in strippedWords:
unique[x] = unique.get(x, 0) + 1

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Neil Benn
Senior Automation Engineer
Cenix BioScience
PfotenhauerStrasse 108

Tel : +49 (351) 210 1300
e-mail : (e-mail address removed)
Cenix Website : http://www.cenix-bioscience.com

Nickolay Kolev

Dennis said:
## for x in strippedWords:
## unique[x] = 0
## for x in strippedWords:
## unique[x] += 1

for x in strippedWords:
unique[x] = unique.get(x, 0) + 1

Just the thing I was looking for. :)

To clarify:

unique.get(x, 0)

This says *give me the value of unique[x] if it exists, else give me 0*.

Peter Otten

Nickolay said:
I am currently writing some simple functions in the process of learning
Python. I have a task where the program has to read in a text file and
display some statistics about the tokens in that file.

The text I have been feeding it is Dickens' David Copperfield.

It is really simple - it reads the file in memory, splits it on
whitespace, strips punctuation characters and transforms all remaining
elements to lowercase. It then looks through what has been left and
creates a list of tuples (count, word) which contain each unique word
and the number of time it appears in the text.

The code (~30 lines and easy to read :) can be found at

I am now looking for a way to make the whole thing run faster. I have
already made many changes since the initial version, realising many
mistakes. As I do not think of anything else, I thought I would ask the
more knowledgeable.

I find the two loops through the initial list a bit troubling. Could
this be avoided?

Any other remarks and suggestions will also be greatly appreciated.

I'd probably do this with regular expressions, either with r.split() where r
matches the spaces between the words or r.finditer() where r matches the

But since you were asking for speed, another approach might be faster. First
I normalize all non-word characters to space and all alpha-chars to
lowercase. Note that this may yield different word frequencies as e.g.
"two.words" will be 2 words with my and one word with your approach.

from __future__ import division
import string, sys

def main(filename):
# caveat: assumes one byte per character
repl = string.whitespace + string.punctuation
tr = string.maketrans(repl, len(repl)*" ").lower()
assert len(tr) == 256

words = file(filename).read().translate(tr).split()
histogram = {}
wordCount = len(words)
for word in words:
histogram[word] = histogram.get(word, 0) + 1

wordCountList = [(c, w) for w, c in histogram.items()]

for freq, word in wordCountList[:10]:
print '%15r %5d %5.2f%%' % (word, freq, freq / wordCount * 100)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Other remarks:
Speed is not that important most of the time.
Psyco offers speed for free.
You might consider switching to 4-space indent.


Terry Reedy

Neil Benn said:
In other languages I've used (mainly java although some C, C# VB
<wash out your mouth>), the way I woud look at speeding this up is to
avoid loading all the words into memory in one go and then working upon
them. I'd create one stream which reads through the file, then passes
onto a listener each word it finds from the lexing (making the input
into tokens) and then another stream listening to this which will then
sort out the detail from these tokens (parsing), finally an output
stream which put this data wherever it needs to be (DB, screen, file,
etc). This means that the program would scale better (if you pass the
European voting register through your system it would take exponentially
much longer as you must scan the information twice).

You are talking about chaining iterators, which the generators and the new
iterator protocol make easier than before -- intentionally. Something like
following (untested).

filename = 'whatever'

def wordify(source):
for line in source:
for word in line.split():
yield word.strip()

def tabulate(words):
counts = {}
for word in words:
counts[word] = counts.get[word,0]
for wordcount in count.iteritems():
yield wordcount

def disposer(wordcounts):
for wordcount in wordcounts:
print wordcount


However as more experienced python programmers have not suggested
this is this because there is :

a. Something I'm not getting about python text handling

Nothing obvious.
b. Not easy/possible in python

Wrong (see above)

c. The OPs question (speedup) was answered a half hour after posting by an
experienced P. progammer (use dict.get) -- which answer makes the
processing one-pass, which in turn makes chaining possible.

d. It has been less than 5 hours since OP posted.

e. The OP did not ask how to restructure program to make it more modular.
Thinking ahead to make code more reusable and scaleable is a second order
concern after learning basics like getting .get(). But since you brought
the subject up ...

Terry J. Reedy

Nickolay Kolev

Peter Otten wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to rewrite the whole thing. I will try to
work through it as I do not understand what you are doing most of the
time there.
Speed is not that important most of the time.

Agreed. I am not looking for a magical solution that will shave some
time off at the price of using things I do not understand and/or are not
You might consider switching to 4-space indent.

Not wanting to start a flame here (this is probably a much discussed
topic): why? I write in VIM and use tabs. The default representation
width of the tab char there is 8 spaces. If I do get many, many nested
blocks, I could just set it to a lower width, no?


Benji York

Nickolay Kolev said:
I find the two loops through the initial list a bit troubling. Could
this be avoided?

How about instead of:

for x in strippedWords:
unique[x] = 0

for x in strippedWords:
unique[x] += 1

You do something like (untested):

for word in strippedWords:
unique[word] = unique.get(word, 0) + 1

Scott David Daniels

Peter said:
Nickolay Kolev wrote:
Playing along, simply because it's fun.
def main(filename):

#> words = file(filename).read().translate(tr).split()
#> histogram = {}
#> wordCount = len(words)
#> for word in words:
#> histogram[word] = histogram.get(word, 0) + 1

Better not to do several huge string allocs above (I suspect).
This method lets you to work on files too large to read into memory:

wordCount = 0
histogram = {}

for line in file(filename):
words = line.translate(tr).split()
wordCount += len(words)
for word in words:
histogram[word] = histogram.get(word, 0) + 1

- Scott David Daniels
(e-mail address removed)

Peter Otten

Scott said:
Peter said:
Nickolay Kolev wrote:
Playing along, simply because it's fun.
def main(filename):

#> words = file(filename).read().translate(tr).split()
#> histogram = {}
#> wordCount = len(words)
#> for word in words:
#> histogram[word] = histogram.get(word, 0) + 1

Better not to do several huge string allocs above (I suspect).
This method lets you to work on files too large to read into memory:

wordCount = 0
histogram = {}

for line in file(filename):
words = line.translate(tr).split()
wordCount += len(words)
for word in words:
histogram[word] = histogram.get(word, 0) + 1

In theory you are right, in practice most text files are tiny compared to
the amount of RAM available on a fairly recent machine.

However, I readily admit that your variant plays nicely with *very* large
files as long as they have newlines, and, contrary to my expectation, is
even a bit faster with my adhoc testcase, a 670,000 byte 8,700 line HTML


Dennis Lee Bieber

unique.get(x, 0)

This says *give me the value of unique[x] if it exists, else give me 0*.

Unless I misread the help file... I do know there IS a method
that does this, as I've used it in the past. The other scheme would be a
try/except block...

unique[x] = unique[x] + 1 #maybe use the newer += operator
unique[x] = 1

At first, this will tend to cause the exception to trigger on
each word, but as you start getting repeated words, the first operation
will complete.


Nickolay Kolev

Scott said:
Better not to do several huge string allocs above (I suspect).
This method lets you to work on files too large to read into memory:

.... code ...

Now this is something I was thinking about when I started considering
options for this task.

From my understanding, for line in file('...'): is only useful if I
want to make checks on the lines and then do something with them:

for line in file('...'):
if line.startswith('XXX'):

This avoids creating a huge list of all lines and then filtering it to
another list with only the desired ones.

In my case I want to get all the lines regardless of any condition. I
also do not even need them as a list of lines, a single huge string is
completely sufficient. It will be split on whitespace later anyway.

Both methods should produce the same amount of memory usage as all words
are stored in a list. Reading a file line by line should be slower, as
Python would have to check where the newline characters are. Please
comment and correct, I am making assumptions here. Clarification from
someone who know how these things are internally implemented would be nice.


Terry Reedy

Nickolay Kolev said:
From my understanding, for line in file('...'): is only useful if I
want to make checks on the lines and then do something with them:

It is also useful for limiting amount in RAM at one time. The main
downside would be if the units you want to analyse, in this case words, are
split across line endings. But split() on whitespace will also split the
units at line endings.
Both methods should produce the same amount of memory usage as all words
are stored in a list.

It seems to me that 300 meg file chunk + 400 meg list/dict is larger than
small file chunk + 400 meg list/dict, but maybe I misunderstand what you
Reading a file line by line should be slower, as
Python would have to check where the newline characters are.

'for line in file' has now been optimized to run quickly. Behind the
scenes, sensibly sized chunks (such as 64K) are read from disk into a
memory buffer. Lines are then doled out one at a time. This is done with
compiled C. So I suspect the slowdown compared to read-all and split is

Terry J. Reedy

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