Output to a control instead of the MS Dos box for C programs



Keith said:
Using Adobe Reader, I was able to load n1124.pdf and export it as
text. Other PDF readers can probably do the same thing. I haven't
really tried using the resulting text version; I just use the pdf.

I use the text version all the time. It is quickly and easily
searched and/or grepped. I modified the published version slightly
(reducing the lh margin, and stripping the page breaks) so it is
easily used for usenet quotes, etc. The result is bz2d, and
available on:


The results of a text dump from N1124 are virtually useless. So I
put up with the differences.

Jordan Abel

2006-11-09 said:
I use the text version all the time. It is quickly and easily
searched and/or grepped. I modified the published version slightly
(reducing the lh margin, and stripping the page breaks) so it is
easily used for usenet quotes, etc. The result is bz2d, and
available on:


The results of a text dump from N1124 are virtually useless. So I
put up with the differences.

Has anyone tried making a "polished" text version of N1124? Would such
a thing be compatible with WG14's copyrights (though it seems to me that
if your modifications to n869 are ok, this would be)


Jordan said:
CBFalconer wrote:
.... snip ...

Has anyone tried making a "polished" text version of N1124? Would
such a thing be compatible with WG14's copyrights (though it seems
to me that if your modifications to n869 are ok, this would be)

I have no reason to assume that it is ok, I only know that I have
received no requests to withdraw it.

Mark McIntyre

Mark McIntyre wrote:

I didn't know there was going to be cake today. What kind?

Mark McIntyre

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
--Brian Kernighan

Richard Bos

Mark McIntyre said:
I didn't know there was going to be cake today. What kind?

Oat. [/QUOTE]

Once the Scotsman, always the Scotsman, right Mark?

I wanted Cherry Cake. At least it _starts_ with a C.


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