page not loading in open pop up



I am opening pop up windows from a hint button on several pages in my
site. If the user leaves the pop up window open from a previous page, I
would like the new hint to open in that window.

I thought that by giving the pop-ups the same name it should work (see
code below) but it isnt. Every time a user clicks on the hint button
the popup opens in a new window regardless of the fact that a previous
hint window is open .

here is my code that calls the function from an html page (there is
also some rollover code in it):

<a href="javascript:eek:pen_pop_hint('ex3_n2_hint.html', 'hint');"

And here is the function that is called from an external javascript

//open hint popup
function open_pop_hint(path, targ)
litwin =,


Any help would be greatly appreciated I keep staring at the code and I
dont see where the problem is and I cant find anything on the web about
it. Everything seems to be about how this should work.

PS. the most baffling thing of all is that I used this same code on an
old site and it worked as expected.

thanks in advance


I am opening pop up windows from a hint button on several pages in my
site. If the user leaves the pop up window open from a previous page,

There's your problem. From a PREVIOUS page. That means all variables are
Unless you use a frameset (and hold the variables in global scope of a page
that doesn't change), you can't do this. A frameset has way too many cons to
use it just for something like this.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable
from magic.


Thank you for replying so promptly, I really appreciate your taking the
time to help me.

The only thing about the mystery is that I just checked my old website
that uses the exact same code and it doesnt need frames for the html
page to continue to open in a pop up that was opened with the same
name. Even if you are on a different page? I'm looking at it in IE5 on
both a PC and a Mac.


Thank you for replying so promptly, I really appreciate your taking the
time to help me.

The only thing about the mystery is that I just checked my old website
that uses the exact same code and it doesnt need frames for the html
page to continue to open in a pop up that was opened with the same
name. Even if you are on a different page? I'm looking at it in IE5 on
both a PC and a Mac.

IE5 was buggy and allowed a lot of things other browsers didn't/don't allow.

Did you try with IE6 WinXP SP2? If not, post the URL and I'll take a look at
it when I get home.

That was the only idea I had, anyway.

I have one more idea...
The variable you use to define the window -- you DID remember to make it
global, right?

function open_pop_hint(path, targ)
litwin =, ...

You need to have a
var litwin = null;
BEFORE (not inside) the function. Otherwise the variable is local to the

Did that help any?



thank you so much I had a mis-spelling in the global variable! and now
it works.

Thanks for all your help.

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