Parsing output



Hi; I have a command to obtain all the groups a user is part of. The
command is:
dsquery user domainroot -samid <user name> | dsget user -memberof -

The output is:
"CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testdc,DC=testroot,DC=test,DC=com"

I need to obtain the group name From after CN= until the first comma.
I tried scan and match. I can't get it right.

Drew Olson

anon1m0us said:
I need to obtain the group name From after CN= until the first comma.
I tried scan and match. I can't get it right.

I'm not sure I understand you correctly, but is this what you're looking

irb(main):008:0> mystring = "CN=test,blasdhlfkasjdlfjkCN=test1,balkjdf"
=> "CN=test,blasdhlfkasjdlfjkCN=test1,balkjdf"
irb(main):009:0> mystring.scan(/CN=([^,]*),/)
=> [["test"], ["test1"]]


Martin Portman

anon1m0us said:
Hi; I have a command to obtain all the groups a user is part of. The
command is:
dsquery user domainroot -samid <user name> | dsget user -memberof -

The output is:
"CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testdc,DC=testroot,DC=test,DC=com"

I need to obtain the group name From after CN= until the first comma.
I tried scan and match. I can't get it right.

irb(main):001:0> output = "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testdc,DC=testroot,DC=test,DC=com"

irb(main):006:0> output.split(',')
=> ["CN=Domain Users", "CN=Users", "DC=testdc", "DC=testroot", "DC=test", "DC=com"]

irb(main):008:0> output.split(',').grep(/CN=/)
=> ["CN=Domain Users", "CN=Users"]

irb(main):009:0> output.split(',').grep(/CN=/).collect{|a| a=~/CN=(.*)/; $1}
=> ["Domain Users", "Users"]

You can do what you want with the final array.

The final collect part of the last line is a bit cryptic. Others may follow
with more elegant ways of doing this.


Harry Kakueki

I need to obtain the group name From after CN= until the first comma.
I tried scan and match. I can't get it right.
Is this what you are looking for?

str = "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testdc,DC=testroot,DC=test,DC=com"
str =~ /CN=(.*?),/
p $1


Harry Kakueki

I need to obtain the group name From after CN= until the first comma.
I tried scan and match. I can't get it right.
If you want it at the beginning, this would be better than my first suggestion.

str = "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testdc,DC=testroot,DC=test,DC=com"
str =~ /^CN=(.*?),/
p $1


Drew Olson

Drew said:
irb(main):009:0> mystring.scan(/CN=([^,]*),/)
=> [["test"], ["test1"]]

I have a question after studying my own solution for the ruby-wise :)
Why does this scan return an array of arrays rather than a simple array
of matches? I suppose the OP should really do this if he wants the


Why is this flatten necessary? I'm assuming I did something dopey in my


Harry Kakueki

Drew said:
irb(main):009:0> mystring.scan(/CN=([^,]*),/)
=> [["test"], ["test1"]]

I have a question after studying my own solution for the ruby-wise :)
Why does this scan return an array of arrays rather than a simple array
of matches? I suppose the OP should really do this if he wants the


Why is this flatten necessary? I'm assuming I did something dopey in my

I think it is because of the parentheses. Try removing them and take a look.


Sebastian Hungerecker

Drew said:
I have a question after studying my own solution for the ruby-wise :)
Why does this scan return an array of arrays rather than a simple array
of matches?

If you don't use groups within your regexp, scan will just return an array=
with the matched strings. If you do however, it will return an array of=20
arrays, each array containing one string per matched group.
"la=3Dlu,lipp=3Dlapp,slipp=3Dslapp".scan(/\w+=3D\w+/) =3D> ["la=3Dlu", "lipp=3Dlapp", "slipp=3Dslapp"]
=3D> [["la", "lu"], ["lipp", "lapp"], ["slipp", "slapp"]]

Sebastian Hungerecker
NP: Dornenreich - Zu Tr=C3=A4umen wecke sich, wer kann
Ist so, weil ist so
Bleibt so, weil war so

Drew Olson

Sebastian said:
Drew said:
I have a question after studying my own solution for the ruby-wise :)
Why does this scan return an array of arrays rather than a simple array
of matches?

If you don't use groups within your regexp, scan will just return an
with the matched strings. If you do however, it will return an array of
arrays, each array containing one string per matched group.
"la=lu,lipp=lapp,slipp=slapp".scan(/\w+=\w+/) => ["la=lu", "lipp=lapp", "slipp=slapp"]
=> [["la", "lu"], ["lipp", "lapp"], ["slipp", "slapp"]]

Sebastian Hungerecker

Thanks, that makes perfect sense. Incidentally, I did only want the
results of the grouping returned, however now I understand the rational
behind the array of arrays. Very helpful as always.


Robert Klemme

anon1m0us said:
Hi; I have a command to obtain all the groups a user is part of. The
command is:
dsquery user domainroot -samid <user name> | dsget user -memberof -

The output is:
"CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testdc,DC=testroot,DC=test,DC=com"

I need to obtain the group name From after CN= until the first comma.
I tried scan and match. I can't get it right.

irb(main):001:0> output = "CN=Domain

irb(main):006:0> output.split(',')
=> ["CN=Domain Users", "CN=Users", "DC=testdc", "DC=testroot",
"DC=test", "DC=com"]

irb(main):008:0> output.split(',').grep(/CN=/)
=> ["CN=Domain Users", "CN=Users"]

irb(main):009:0> output.split(',').grep(/CN=/).collect{|a| a=~/CN=(.*)/;
=> ["Domain Users", "Users"]

You can do what you want with the final array.

The final collect part of the last line is a bit cryptic. Others may
follow with more elegant ways of doing this.

A variation:

irb(main):018:0* output = "CN=Domain
=> "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testdc,DC=testroot,DC=test,DC=com"
irb(main):019:0> output.split(/,/).map {|s| s[/^CN=(.*)$/, 1]}
=> ["Domain Users", "Users", nil, nil, nil, nil]
irb(main):020:0> output.split(/,/).map {|s| s[/^CN=(.*)$/, 1]}.compact
=> ["Domain Users", "Users"]
irb(main):021:0> output.split(/,/).map! {|s| s[/^CN=(.*)$/, 1]}.compact!
=> ["Domain Users", "Users"]

Or, probably a bit more efficient

irb(main):023:0> output.split(/,/).inject([]) {|ar,s| x=s[/^CN=(.*)$/,
1] and ar << x;ar}
=> ["Domain Users", "Users"]

Or, with enumerator

irb(main):032:0> output.to_enum:)scan, /(?:\A|,)CN=([^,]*)/).map {|m| m[0]}
=> ["Domain Users", "Users"]

A more generic approach would first extract all the information from the
record and then select the piece wanted:

irb(main):037:0> data = output.to_enum:)scan, /(?:\A|,)([^=]+)=([^,]*)/).
irb(main):038:0* inject( {|h,k| h[k]=[]}) {|ha,m| ha[m[0]] <<
=> {"CN"=>["Domain Users", "Users"], "DC"=>["testdc", "testroot",
"test", "com"]}
irb(main):039:0> data["CN"]
=> ["Domain Users", "Users"]

Ok, I have too much time today... :)

Kind regards


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