Passing windows credentials from server to server.


Wade Wegner


I have been desperately trying to programmatically authenticate a windows
user, create their credentials, and then redirect them to a different server
while passing the credentials at the same time so that they don't have to
login again.

Specifically, I have two webservers in the same domain. When I have a user
go to Webserver A (which uses basic authentication) I programmatically
create either a user credential or impersonate a user context (for now it's
hardcoded, but in the future it would be entered in forms). Then, I want to
let that user access a page on Webserver B (which uses basic
authentication), but I don't want them to have to login again -- rather, I
want to use the user context that I programmatically created on Webserver A.

For instance, here is an example of the code I use to create the user

Dim strURI = ""
Dim myCred As New NetworkCredential("userid", "password", "domain")
Dim myURI As New Uri(strURI)
Dim myCache As New CredentialCache
myCache.Add(myURI, "Basic", myCred)

From this, I have attempted to use WebRequests and WebResponses to somehow
allow me to direct the browser to a different page, and use the credential I
have generated. The most I can do, however, is create the request and
receive the response:

Dim myWebRequest As System.Net.WebRequest =
myWebRequest.Credentials = myCache
Dim myWebResponse As WebResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse()

If only I could use the response.redirect method, and somehow pass the
credentials with the redirection (like you can with the webrequest), it
could work!

I have also attempted to use the LogonUser API (from the advapi32.dll), and
impersonate a user based on the proper logon information -- this works, and
I'm able to successfully impersonate the user, but again, I don't know how
to pass along the user context to a different page.

I know that many people will say "just use form based authentication," but
this will not work for me, as I want this to work with tools like Outlook
Web Access, which requires windows authentication.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!


Andrea D'Onofrio [MSFT]

can you set on server B windows authentication? If yes, you can easily solve
your problem by turning on impersonation in server A's web.config.


Wade Wegner

I would be very interested to hear your explanation, and know how to do
it -- especially if it's easily solved.

FYI - below I did specify that Server B uses windows authentication.



Andrea D'Onofrio [MSFT]

I would be very interested to hear your explanation, and know how to do
it -- especially if it's easily solved.
ServerA -> Basic Authentication
ServerB -> Windows Integrated
You must turn on impersonation in ServerA web.config:
<authentication mode="Windows" />

<identity impersonate="true"></identity>

If you have a code like Response.Redirect(http://serverB/default.aspx) in a
ServerA page, IIS (automatically) succesfully authenticate the user (the
user must be a valid user for both serverA and ServerB) and you don't need
to write any additional code.

You will find more details about the issue in these articles:
283201 HOWTO: Use Delegation in Windows 2000 with COM+

287537 Using Basic Authentication to Generate Kerberos Tokens
FYI - below I did specify that Server B uses windows authentication.
FYI, extracted from your original post:
....access a page on Webserver B (which uses basic
authentication), but I don't want them to have to login again ...

Wade Wegner

I have always thought that using the termi "windows authentication" referred
to the fact that you were authenticating to a windows account, and that it
qualified for both basic and NTLM. If I was incorrect, then I apologize.

Now ...

I have tried your suggestion, and I can get it to work under one context,
but not another. For isntance, when I authenticate the user on Server A,
and then have them click a button that redirects them to Server B, I get
prompted for login credentials. However, if I use a client-side vbScript to
redirect the user (window.location = "path.aspx"), then it works correctly.

Am I doing something incorrectly, or will this not work for response



Andrea D'Onofrio [MSFT]

I've tested the scenario I suggested you on IIS 5.1 (both on ServerA and
ServerB) and all works fine with Response.Redirect (then server side code).
I don't know which servers there are in your scenario, but I think that, in
this context, there are no differences with IIS 5.0 or IIS 6.0. Try to
- ServerA -> Basic Authentication and ServerB -> Windows Integrated are the
only options flagged
- the Enabled Integrated Windows Authentication in the Advenced IE options
is checked


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