past time


George Mpouras

You may find it useful. Returns what time was before as much days, seconds,

You can specify also a past date as start count time.

For example what time was before 160 days?

use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;

my $T = TimeUnits_to_epochtime('FROM_PAST' => time , 'days' => 160 );

print scalar localtime $T;

# Returns the epoch seconds, from the time you specify as FROM_PAST
# FROM_PAST is seconds from epoch
# You can use (more than once) the time units as keys:
# Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Weeks, Days, Months, Years
# Some usage examples:
# print scalar localtime TimeUnits_to_epochtime('FROM_PAST' => time ,
'sec' => 3600, 'year' => 3 );
# print scalar localtime TimeUnits_to_epochtime('FROM_PAST' => 23746273
, 'minutes' => 180, 'min' => 360 , 'sec' => 120 );
# print scalar localtime TimeUnits_to_epochtime('FROM_PAST' => 472363433
, 'months' => 38, 'Weeks' => 3 );
sub TimeUnits_to_epochtime
my $startfrom = -1;
my $NOW = time;
my @NOW = localtime $NOW;
my $Secs = 0;
my $Months = 0;
my $Years = 0;
for (my ($i,$j)=(0,1); $i<=$#_; $i+=2, $j+=2) {
die "Argument ".(1+$j)." \"$_[$j]\" is not an integer\n" unless
if ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^sec/){ $Secs += $_[$j] } # Seconds
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^min/){ $Secs += $_[$j]*60 } # Minutes
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^hou/){ $Secs += $_[$j]*3600 } # Hours
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^day/){ $Secs += $_[$j]*86400 } # Days
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^wee/){ $Secs += $_[$j]*604800 } # Weeks
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^mon/){ $Months += $_[$j] } # Months
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^yea/){ $Years += $_[$j] } # Years
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^fro/){ $startfrom= $_[$j] } # SECONDS FROM EPOCH
TIME that I want to look back
else { die "Argument unit \"$_[$i]\" is not Years, Months, Weeks, Days,
Hours, Minutes or Seconds\n" } }
die "Please define a valid seconds from epoch, for the key \"NOW\"\n" if
$startfrom == -1;
$Years += int $Months / 12;
$Months = $Months % 12;
my $m = $NOW[4] > $Months ? $NOW[4] - $Months : 12 - $Months + $NOW[4];
my $n = Time::Local::timelocal_nocheck($NOW[0],$NOW[1],$NOW[2],$NOW[3],
$m, ($NOW[5] - $Years));

$startfrom - ( $NOW - $n + $Secs )

George Mpouras

some corrections

use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local 'timelocal_nocheck';

#print scalar localtime TimeUnits_to_epochtime('Weeks' => 6 );
print scalar localtime TimeUnits_to_epochtime('Months' => 4 );

# Returns the epoch seconds, from the time you specify as FROM_PAST
# FROM_PAST is seconds from epoch
# You can use (more than once) the time units as keys:
# Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Weeks, Days, Months, Years
# Some usage examples:
# print scalar localtime TimeUnits_to_epochtime( 'months' => 38,
'Weeks' => 3 );
# print scalar localtime TimeUnits_to_epochtime('FROM_PAST' => time ,
'sec' => 3600, 'year' => 3 );
# print scalar localtime TimeUnits_to_epochtime('FROM_PAST' => 23746273
, 'minutes' => 180, 'min' => 360 , 'sec' => 120 );
sub TimeUnits_to_epochtime
my $startfrom = $^T;
my @NOW = localtime $^T;
my $Secs = 0;
my $Months = 0;
my $Years = 0;
for (my ($i,$j)=(0,1); $i<=$#_; $i+=2, $j+=2) {
die "Argument ".(1+$j)." \"$_[$j]\" is not an integer\n" unless
if ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^sec/){ $Secs += $_[$j] } # Seconds
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^min/){ $Secs += $_[$j]*60 } # Minutes
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^hou/){ $Secs += $_[$j]*3600 } # Hours
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^day/){ $Secs += $_[$j]*86400 } # Days
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^wee/){ $Secs += $_[$j]*604800 } # Weeks
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^mon/){ $Months += $_[$j] } # Months
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^yea/){ $Years += $_[$j] } # Years
elsif ($_[$i]=~/(?i)^fro/){ $startfrom= $_[$j] } # SECONDS FROM EPOCH
TIME that I want to look back
else { die "Argument unit \"$_[$i]\" is not Years, Months, Weeks, Days,
Hours, Minutes or Seconds\n" } }
$Years += int $Months / 12;
$Months = $Months % 12;
my ($m,$y);

if ( $NOW[4] > $Months ) {
$m = $NOW[4] - $Months;
$y = $NOW[5] - $Years
else {
$m = 12 - $Months + $NOW[4];
$y = $NOW[5] - $Years - 1

$startfrom - $^T + timelocal_nocheck(@NOW[0..3],$m,$y) - $Secs

J. Gleixner

You may find it useful. Returns what time was before as much days, seconds,

ahhhh.. You do know there are many date classes that have been around
for many, many years that do this, and much, much more.. right?

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