perldoc related query




In the answers to qurestions , most of the times
perldoc -f <keyword> is referred to... my qn - in the 1st place how do
u know what keyword to look for... is there some index or what for
perldoc or is this index given by the -h option (if it is Iam sorry I
couldnt find it) ... or u get to know this by experience... ('cos when
I wanted to get to the number of times a substring occurred in a
pattern, i was asked to use perldoc -f count.... though this did
work... how would i know to look up count in the first place)



You can use the perldoc -q option to do a general search on a word.

perldoc -q substring

would have probably pointed you in the right direction

A. Sinan Unur

In the answers to qurestions , most of the times
perldoc -f <keyword> is referred to... my qn - in the 1st place how do
u know what keyword to look for...

For perldoc -f function, it is easy: You use the name of the function:

perldoc -f open

As for perldoc -q keyword, I personally do not know ahead of time what
keyword to use. SInce I have read the FAQ multiple times, I have an idea
which sections contain what. I then browse through that section, and find
the appropriate question and answer. Then, I can figure out what short
keyword would have given me that question.


Jürgen Exner

Prasanna wrote:

[Note: I realize that you are in good company because for many (most?)
participants in this NG English is not their native language, including
myself. But it would help a lot if at least you could try to minimize your
spelling mistakes. Also, line breaks are not a scarce resource and good
formatting helps a lot to improve the legibility of your text.]
In the answers to qurestions , most of the times
perldoc -f <keyword> is referred to

I hope not! It should rather be "perldoc -f said:
... my qn

I'm guessing you mean "question"?
- in the 1st place how do
u know what keyword to look for... is there some index or what for

Yes, try "perldoc perldoc" for the high-level index as suggested when
calling "perldoc" without any arguments and then "perldoc perlfunc" for the
or is this index given by the -h option (if it is Iam sorry I
couldnt find it)

No, -h shows you the technical details but doesn't give you any information
about the content.
... or u get to know this by experience... ('cos when

u??? cosinus???
I wanted to get to the number of times a substring occurred in a
pattern, i was asked to use perldoc -f count.... though this did
work... how would i know to look up count in the first place)

Really? I get an error message
perldoc -f count
No documentation for perl function `count' found


Paul Lalli

Prasanna said:

In the answers to qurestions , most of the times
perldoc -f <keyword> is referred to... my qn - in the 1st place how do
u know what keyword to look for... is there some index or what for
perldoc or is this index given by the -h option (if it is Iam sorry I
couldnt find it) ... or u get to know this by experience... ('cos when
I wanted to get to the number of times a substring occurred in a
pattern, i was asked to use perldoc -f count.... though this did
work... how would i know to look up count in the first place)


Often times, when a response says "Please read `perldoc -q spaces`",
it's because those who know have answered the same question a few
hundreds of times, so they know exactly which keyword will lead to the
correct answer. In the general case, there are three ways of using

* Looking up a particular general topic, such as operators or variables
(`perldoc perlop` or `perldoc perlvar`). You can get the full listing
of all of these topics by looking at the perldoc Table Of Contents:
`perldoc perltoc`

* Looking up a given function, such as push or system. If you know the
name of the function you're looking up, you can type `perldoc -f push`
(for example). If you don't know the name of the function, but suspect
there might be one that suits your needs, you can find the full list of
functions, by category, by looking at `perldoc perlfunc`

* Looking up answers to FAQs. If you can make a pretty good guess as
to what word might be in your FAQ (such as "why are all these spaces
printing in front of my lines?), you can try supplying that keyword:
`perldoc -q spaces`. Otherwise, you can get a full listing of every
FAQ, by category, by looking at `perldoc perlfaq`. You can then read
the answer to the question by supplying a keyword from the question to
`perldoc -q <keyword>`, or looking at the entire category of questions
and answers by examining the apropriate FAQ document, such as `perldoc

Hope this helps,
Paul Lalli


Thanks a lot... hopefully the next question which I ask would be
challenging yet meaningful to the grp :)


A. Sinan Unur

Thanks a lot... hopefully the next question which I ask would be
challenging yet meaningful to the grp :)

Please do read *all* of the responses you receive. It is not in your best
interest to post replies with no context, and use infantile spelling.



Prasanna said:

In the answers to qurestions , most of the times
perldoc -f <keyword> is referred to... my qn - in the 1st place how do
u know what keyword to look for

You start by spelling "question" and "you" properly.
... is there some index or what for
perldoc or is this index given by the -h option (if it is Iam sorry I
couldnt find it)

If you are looking for a function, you just use perldoc -f <function_name>.
If you don't know the name of the function you want, an index wouldn't
help. In that case, you "perldoc perlfunc" and "perldoc perlop" and skim
through them.

If you aren't looking for a specific function (or don't yet know that you
... or u get to know this by experience...

Yes, that is certainly part of it. Often I know from experience what the
magic word is to put after -q to get what someone needs. Sometimes it is
not obvious from first principals that that is a word one would use, so I
don't hold it against them that they didnt' guess it correctly before
posting here.

('cos when
I wanted to get to the number of times a substring occurred in a
pattern, i was asked to use perldoc -f count.... though this did

I think it was -q, not -f.
work... how would i know to look up count in the first place)

If you used perldoc -q number, you would also have found the same answer
(although a few sections further down).

Or perldoc -q substring
Or perldoc -q occur



A. Sinan Unur said:
Please do read *all* of the responses you receive. It is not in your best
interest to post replies with no context, and use infantile spelling.


How do you, Sinan Unur, know that I have not read all the responses...
A thank you is always wrt (with respect to ) some help received... Do I
have to quote the responses of all the people who have replied to write
a simple Thank You... I dont think so ...
BTW (By the way ) who are you to label some thing as infantile... How
old are you ? Ninety Five??



You start by spelling "question" and "you" properly.

magic word is to put after -q to get what someone needs. Sometimes it is
not obvious from first principals that that is a word one would use, so I
don't hold it against them that they didnt' guess it correctly before
posting here.
And you can start by spelling "principles" and "didn't" correctly


Tad McClellan

Prasanna said:
who are you to label some thing as infantile

It is disrespectful of your audience to save 2 characters with
"grp" instead of "group".

But it is possible to be disrespectful and old, so "infantile"
may not have been entirely accurate.


Tad McClellan wrote:
Prasanna said:
And you can start by spelling "principles" and "didn't" correctly

So long bonehead!

Tad McClellan SGML consulting
(e-mail address removed) Perl programming
Fort Worth, Texas

Tad McClellan wrote:

It is disrespectful of your audience to save 2 characters with
"grp" instead of "group".

But it is possible to be disrespectful and old, so "infantile"
may not have been entirely accurate.

Tad McClellan SGML consulting
(e-mail address removed) Perl programming
Fort Worth, Texas

Tad said:
If it is "grep", then it is off-topic in a Perl newsGRouP.

You know (the screwball called) Tad... cut the sermon will you...
Nobody is being disrespectful here ... I cant see how a thank you
stands disrespectful in any way... if it does in Texas... then I cant
help it... By writing group as a grp it doesnt mean that I am
disrespectful to you, do u understand it you jerk? If you still think
that this is disrespectful then man I am surprised at how low your
self-worth should be... which I get is pretty low... else you wont be
clamoring for 'eye-ball'time like this ...

When somebody has the gall to correct a poster saying his/her
spelling(s) is/are incorrect it is imperative that the person who had
taken this initiative be correct in his/her spelling(s) as well... I
just pointed that out...

Prasanna said:
Crybaby detected, attitude filter engaged...


And Mr.'context sensitive' Sherm it is you alongwith a bunch of others
who have a problem... the problem of thinking that you know
everything... just because you are able to answer some questions doesnt
mean that you know everything... just because Iam learning PERL doesnt
mean it is the end of the world for me either...kindly develop some
humility... everybody's time is precious here... kindly use the rules
with sanity, unless some one commits an egregious error ...

Shit man this sucks big time... all you put is a thank you and you get
a barrage of mails scoffing you for not following the rules ... Duh!!

A. Sinan Unur

[ Quoted signature snipped. Please do not quote signatures. ]
How do you, Sinan Unur, know that I have not read all the responses...

Because you completely ignored Jurgen's advice when posting your "Thank
You" message.
A thank you is always wrt (with respect to ) some help received...

Do I have to quote the responses of all the people who have replied
to write a simple Thank You... I dont think so ...

So, you are implying you were thanking Jurgen even though you chose not
to follow his advice?
BTW (By the way ) who are you to label some thing as infantile... How
old are you ? Ninety Five??

Please see <URL:>. The
word infantile does not necessarily describe one's age in years, but is
commonly used to refer to behavior lacking in maturity.

Anyway, *PLONK*.

Tad McClellan

Prasanna said:
Tad McClellan wrote:

[snip a full-quote]
Tad McClellan wrote:

It is disrespectful of your audience to save 2 characters with
"grp" instead of "group".

Nobody is being disrespectful here ...

It may be that someone _is_ being disrespectful here, but that
they do not realize it.

It might be nice if somebody told him, in case it was unintended.

I cant see how a thank you
stands disrespectful in any way...

None of the last 2/3 of this thread was about your thanking
someone, it was about your posting style.

It was about 1) quoting no context and 2) using cutsie spellings
like a kewl d00d.

By writing group as a grp it doesnt mean that I am
disrespectful to you, do u understand it you jerk?

I did not say that it was disrespectful to me, I said that it was
disrespectful to your audience here.

Many people here are not native speakers of English. Asking them
to map "u" => "you" and "'cos" => "because" seems like you don't
care about people who don't know English intimately.

When somebody has the gall to correct a poster saying his/her
spelling(s) is/are incorrect

The "spellings" here were *intentional* misspellings.

it is imperative that the person who had
taken this initiative be correct in his/her spelling(s) as well...

The spellings there may have been _mistakes_.

Everybody makes mistakes, you are right that it is silly to expect

However *your* chosen spellings were not mistakes.

Note that the tone was nothing more than nicely pointing these things
out to you, until *after* your _subsequent_ cutsie spellings.

We saw that you were asked not to do that, followed by you doing
just that again, like you didn't care. (made more ironic by claiming
thanks for the post where the ignored request was made.)

just pointed that out...

It was not about a mistaken keystroke (typos), as it is well known
netiquette to not pick on those.

We did not _have_ mistaken keystrokes in this thread, we had *intentional*
misspellings, a entirely different matter.

And Mr.'context sensitive' Sherm

It isn't just him, it is 95% of the people that you are writing to
that want context quoted.

It serves a purpose for them, if you don't understand what that
purpose might be, ask what the purpose might be.

Most people do not view news the way that you do, so their experiences
are different than the experiences that are familiar to you.

it is you alongwith a bunch of others
who have a problem...

Everybody who has been here for a while is wrong, while the lone
new guy is right.

Please try and cooly evaluate the probabilities in such a statement.

If everybody is on to you about something, and you are new here,
then it should follow that there must be something that you don't
understand yet.

Consider trying to find out what it is as a first step to understanding it.

the problem of thinking that you know

The probablility of someone who has posted here hundreds of times
knowing things about posting here is much much higher than the
probability of someone who has never been here before knowing
these things.

If you don't like it that folks ask for quoting context, you could
perhaps ask *why* they ask for that rather than flat-out refusing
to do it the way that everybody else here does it.

just because Iam learning PERL doesnt
mean it is the end of the world for me either...

None of this is about Perl, it is about posting newsgroup articles.

kindly develop some

Claiming that you, who just got here, knows better how to do news
postings than several people who have been posting to news for
some time, seems a lack of humility to me.

everybody's time is precious here... kindly use the rules
with sanity, unless some one commits an egregious error ...

Disrespecting our other-language peers IS an egregious error!

Shit man this sucks big time...

You might want to consider leaving and never coming back if the
cost is more than the benefit in your analysis.

a barrage of mails scoffing you for not following the rules .

If you don't see a reason for a "rule" in a society that is foreign
to you, it would be prudent to ask about it rather than flaunt it...

David H. Adler

You can use the perldoc -q option to do a general search on a word.

perldoc -q substring

Actually, -q searches the perl FAQ, rather than doing a general search.


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