I am still very much a beginner in programming and am facing a problem with a Java code. I would be very thankful for suggestions and comments. The problem is as following:
I found a Java code online that is designed to compare two pictures and highlight the differences between them. However, the way the code works is by using a loop that compares the RGB value of each pixel of the two pictures and highlights it in a certain color if the value is equal. This however results in a problem that even the slightest shift in camera angle or lighting conditions between the two pictures leads to a different RGB value of the pixels making the code highlight them as a difference even though the pictures are mostly identical. The code is written below and i have added the link to photos showing examples of the outcome of the code. What would you suggest i change in the code? Thank you for your help in advance.
The code:
Here is the link to example images of the outcome ( https://postimg.cc/gallery/rkXfPr7 )
I found a Java code online that is designed to compare two pictures and highlight the differences between them. However, the way the code works is by using a loop that compares the RGB value of each pixel of the two pictures and highlights it in a certain color if the value is equal. This however results in a problem that even the slightest shift in camera angle or lighting conditions between the two pictures leads to a different RGB value of the pixels making the code highlight them as a difference even though the pictures are mostly identical. The code is written below and i have added the link to photos showing examples of the outcome of the code. What would you suggest i change in the code? Thank you for your help in advance.
The code:
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
public class PictureOverlayTest {
* Four variables, three for the wanted BufferedImages, one String for the
* Path of the third Image, which does not already exist.
private BufferedImage image1;
private BufferedImage image2;
private BufferedImage image3;
private String pathImage3;
public PictureOverlayTest(String filePathAndName1, String filePathAndName2,
String filePathAndName3) throws IOException {
* Constructor in order to keep this method reusable and clean. Needs
* three Strings. The paths and Filenames of all three images. Image 1
* and 2 should exist already, Image 3 will be created if all
* requirements are met. Constructor creates the first two buffered
* images, sets all needed variables and starts the checkAndCompare()
* method
File file = new File(filePathAndName1);
this.image1 = ImageIO.read(file);
file = new File(filePathAndName2);
this.image2 = ImageIO.read(file);
this.pathImage3 = filePathAndName3;
private void checkAndCompare() throws IOException {
* This function creates the Color blue, compares the sizes of both
* pictures and if they are the same, creates a third image. Then it
* loops through the two images and compares each pixel. If the pixels
* are the same, the third image gets a blue pixel at that point
Color blue = Color.blue;
Color yellow = Color.yellow;
if (image1.getHeight() == image2.getHeight()
&& image1.getWidth() == image2.getWidth()) {
image3 = new BufferedImage(image1.getWidth(), image1.getHeight(),
for (int y = 0; y < image1.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < image1.getWidth(); x++) {
int colorImage1 = image1.getRGB(x, y);
int colorImage2 = image2.getRGB(x, y);
if (colorImage1 == colorImage2) {
image3.setRGB(x, y, blue.getRGB());
} else {
image3.setRGB(x, y, yellow.getRGB());
// Whatever Color you want. By default it is black.
System.out.println("Message: Image comparison is done");
} else {
System.out.println("Error: Image dimensions do not match");
private void savePicture3() throws IOException {
* This method saves the created Image into a file onto your computer.
* The if() statement is used to check if the file was successfully
* created, in order to avoid unwanted errors. Keep in mind, that you
* have to change the "bmp" in ImageIO.write() to whatever format you
* actually want
File file = new File(pathImage3);
if (file.createNewFile()) {
ImageIO.write(image3, "bmp", file);
import java.io.IOException;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
PictureOverlayTest test = new PictureOverlayTest(
"C:\\Users\\Rabee Taha\\Desktop\\Java Test Pics\\test1.png",
"C:\\Users\\Rabee Taha\\Desktop\\Java Test Pics\\test2.png",
"C:\\Users\\Rabee Taha\\Desktop\\Java Test Pics\\test3.png");
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Here is the link to example images of the outcome ( https://postimg.cc/gallery/rkXfPr7 )