Please help if you can!



I really hope you can help!

I need to create a program where the user can order any combination and quantity of 3 products. I then offer a 10% discount if the customer correctly answers a trivia question. After that, there are 3 choices for shipping.

I have most of the program completed but I'm struggling with the most important parts :/ I can get the total with discount to calculate only if i order every item. I also cant figure out how to get the shipping calculated correctly, including where to put any code referring back to the trivia question. Can somebody please help me with this? I would really appreciate it!

Here is the code:

shop_again = 'y'

print("Welcome to the Star Wars Shop!")
customer = eval(input("Is there a customer in line? (1 = yes, 2 = no)> "))
while shop_again == 'y':
if (customer == 2):
print("Welcome to the Star Wars Memorabilia Shop!")
customer = eval(input("Is there a customer in line? (1 = yes, 2= no)> "))

elif (customer == 1):
print("Please select an item to update your order and any other number to check out.")
print("Yoda Figure: $10 each.")
print("Star Wars Movie DVD: $20 each.")
print("Death Star Lego Set: $200 each.")
print(" 1 for Yoda Figure")
print(" 2 for Star Wars Movie DVD")
print(" 3 for Death Star Lego Set")
order = eval(input("Order: "))

if (order == 1):
yoda = eval(input("How many Yoda Figures do you want? : "))
yodatotal = 10 * yoda
print("Total:", yodatotal)
print("Current order:", yoda, "for", yodatotal)
if (order == 2):
movie = eval(input("How many Star Wars Movie DVDs do you want? : "))
movietotal = 20 * movie
print("Total:", movietotal)
print("Current order:", movie, "for", movietotal)
if (order == 3):
legos = eval(input("How many Death Star Lego Sets do you want? : "))
legototal = 200 * legos
print("Total:", legototal)
print("Current order:", legos, "for", legototal)

shop_again = input("Would you like to keep shopping? 'Y' for yes, 'N'for no: ")
print("Yoda Figures: ",yoda,"Totaling", yodatotal)
print("Star Wars Movies: ", movie,"Totaling", movietotal)
print("Death Star Legos: ", legos,"Totaling", legototal)
itemstotal = yodatotal + movietotal + legototal
print("Your order before shipping and discounts: ",itemstotal)
print("Answer a trivia question for a discount!")
discount = eval(input("On what planet did Yoda live when Luke Skywalker first met him? 1) Earth 2) Dagobah 3) Pluto :"))
if (discount == 1):
print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!")
if (discount == 2):
print("That's correct, you get a 10% discount!")
if (discount == 3):
print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!")
if (discount == 1):
total = itemstotal
print("Your total before shipping: ",total)

if (discount == 2):
total = itemstotal * .9
print("Your total before shipping: ",total)

if (discount == 3):
total = itemstotal
print("Your total before shipping: ",total)

print("1) Regular Shipping: 3-4 business days, $5.00 per $50 ordered. 2) Express Shipping: overnight, $10 per $50 ordered. 3) Super Saver Shipping: 7-10 business days, free.")
shipping = eval(input("Please select the shipping method you want: "))

if (shipping == 1):

total == total % 50
total == total * 5
print("Your total is: ",total)
if (shipping == 2):
total == total/50
total == total % 50
total == total * 10
print("Your total is: ",total)
if(shipping == 3):
print("Your total is: ",total)
print("Thanks for shopping here! Please come again!")

Dave Angel

I really hope you can help!

Please use the existing thread when you're continuing to ask the same

This mailing list has no way to delete messages.

So what changes are there between the two versions of the code? Are
they marked somehow?

Have you absorbed and implemented the very useful comments made by
Mitya? Whenever you find yourself doing exactly the same code many
times, chances are high that you should factor it into a function, or a


First, sorry for starting a new post - I didn't want anyone to have to readthrough the whole first one when the questions were completely different :/

Second, I honestly have no idea how to answer your questions. I am a sophomore in high school and I am trying to learn this on my own because my teacher is not very good at explaining things.

i just cant figure out how to get the total when an order is placed withoutthe customer ordering at least one of each item. I also can't figure out how to get the shipping to calculate correctly. It is an intro class and weare using just the basics. Most of what Mitya said is stuff I've never seen before, although I am very grateful for her response, I am supposed to use only what the teacher "taught".

Sorry if I frustrated you. I'm just a kid trying to learn. Any help is appreciated


First, sorry for starting a new post - I didn't want anyone to have to readthrough the whole first one when the questions were completely different :/

Second, I honestly have no idea how to answer your questions. I am a sophomore in high school and I am trying to learn this on my own because my teacher is not very good at explaining things.

i just cant figure out how to get the total when an order is placed withoutthe customer ordering at least one of each item. I also can't figure out how to get the shipping to calculate correctly. It is an intro class and weare using just the basics. Most of what Mitya said is stuff I've never seen before, although I am very grateful for her response, I am supposed to use only what the teacher "taught".

Sorry if I frustrated you. I'm just a kid trying to learn. Any help is appreciated


I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to do all of this. I have been working on it all day and you are a better teacher in a fewminutes than my teacher has been in 4 months. THANK YOU!

And thank you again, Mitya. I really appreciate your time and effort too! Someday I'll be advanced enough to understand it lol

I'm going to take a break and work on it more tomorrow. I'll be back.

Thank you!



OK. There are several small errors in here, but there's nothing too largeor worth much worry.

I really hope you can help!

I need to create a program where the user can order any combination and quantity of 3 products. I then offer a 10% discount if the customer correctly answers a trivia question.  After that, there are 3 choices for shipping.

I have most of the program completed but I'm struggling with the most important parts :/  I get the total of multiple orders of the same item, butwe can't figure out how to total the entire order - before discounts and shipping - and then where to put any code referring back to the trivia question. Can somebody please help me with this? I would really appreciate it!

You write that you "need" to do this, which may hint that this is some sort of homework. If so, it's generally a nice thing to say as much. That said, as long as you've given a good shot at it it's normally fine.

 This is the code:

My *very first* thought about this code is that it's really badly spaced.Don't put lines together so much! [] shows how much nicer things look when they're partitioned more. You may not agree, but it took about 10 seconds and I prefer it.

 shop_again = 'y'

Hold on! Hold on!
shop_again should have a True/False value. It is screaming to be a boolean. "y" is a letter, not a boolean. Thus:

shop_again = True

This is important because you don't really want to get confused with all your types. What if shop_again was later changed to be True when a button was clicked. Why on earth would you set it to "y"? You'd set it to True. Thus, the sensible option is to have your types right from the very start.

print("Welcome to the Star Wars Shop!")

customer = eval(input("Is there a customer in line? (1 = yes, 2 = no)> "))

eval(input(TEXT)) is a *bad* idea.

First of all, eval is really dangerous. Answer "yes" instead and it'll just crash. Answer True and it'll run... BUT do *neither* the if or the elif!That's *bad*.

Secondly, you don't need it. Your:

"if(customer == 1)" could be "if(customer == '1')", which would work without the eval.

And then you've got the standard of "Y/N". So a better question would be:

customer = input("Is there a customer in line? [Y/N]> ")

Finally, you want to accept "Y" *and* "y", so you'd really want:

customer = input("Is there a customer in line? [Y/N]> ").lower()

customer = input("Is there a customer in line? [Y/N]> ").lower()

Because customer really deserves to be boolean [True/False], you'd want to change it immediately.

customer = (customer == "y")

This second line assumes that all non-"y"s are False, but that's a folly you'll have to live with for now.

while shop_again == 'y':

If you've changed shop_again to be boolean:

while shop_again:
Some people don't get how this line would make sense. But it does. The "while" statement only cares if it's value it gets is "truthy". Here are lotsof truthy things:

"y" == "y"
False == False
not False
"egg loaf"
[1, 2, 1, False, False]

and here are some falsy things:

"n" == "y"
True == False
not True

If this makes no sense, please just say.

    if (customer == 2):

Again, if you've done my changes from above:

if not customer:

        print("Welcome to the Star Wars Memorabilia Shop!")
        customer = eval(input("Is there a customer in line? (1 = yes, 2 = no)> "))


customer = input("Is there a customer in line? [Y/N]> ").lower()

customer = (customer == "y")


Run your program and then answer "2" twice. What happens? It's not good.

The problem is that answering "2" to this second one doesn't skip the loop!

x = ASK
    if not x:
    if x:


Where you want:

x = ASK
    if not x:
    if x:

        MORE STUFF

or (even better):

while not x:
    x = ASK

The second is what I've just decided to call the "ask-until-yes" model. Basically, you ask until you get a "yes", so you don't have to put the loop anywhere else. By the time the first loop is over, you *know* that x is True!

    elif (customer == 1):

Again, if you've done my changes from above:

elif customer:

        print("Please select an item to update your order and anyother number to check out.")
        print("Yoda Figure: $10 each.")
        print("Star Wars Movie DVD: $20 each.")

        print("Death Star Lego Set: $200 each.")
        print(" 1 for Yoda Figure")
        print(" 2 for Star Wars Movie DVD")
        print(" 3 for Death Star Lego Set")

    order = eval(input("Order: "))


order = input("Order number: ")

    if (order == 1):

If you've followed my advice:

if order == "1":

        yoda = eval(input("How many Yoda Figures do you want? :"))

        total = 10 * yoda

Ooookkay. Now you're thinking: "BUT *surely* I need eval here!!(?)".

You don't.

yoda = int(input("How many Yoda Figures do you want? : "))

This is better because there are so many problems with eval, and int alsomeans that you can only order whole numbers of yodas.
You probably also want to call this "number_of_yodas", because you're notdefining what "yoda" is.

         print("Total:", total)

        print("Current order:", yoda, "at", total)

    if (order == 2):

If you've followed my advice:

if order == "2":

        movie = eval(input("How many Star Wars Movie DVDs do you want? : "))

        total = 20 * movie

As above:

number_of_movies = int(input("How many Star Wars Movie DVDs do you want? : "))

total = 20 * number_of_movies 

        print("Total:", total)

        print("Current order:", movie, "at", total)

    if (order == 3):

If you've followed my advice:

if order == "3":

        legos = eval(input("How many Death Star Lego Sets do you want? : "))

        total = 200 * legos

As above:

number_of_legos = int(input("How many Death Star Lego Sets do you want?: "))

total = 20 * number_of_legos

         print("Total:", total)

        print("Current order:", legos, "at", total)

    shop_again = input("Would you like to keep shopping? 'Y' for yes, 'N' for no: ")


shop_again = input("Would you like to keep shopping? [Y/N]> ").lower()

shop_again = (shop_again == "y")

    print()print("Your order before shipping and discounts: ",total)


print("Answer a trivia question for a discount!")

discount = eval(input("On what planet did Yoda live when Luke Skywalkerfirst met him? 1) Earth 2) Dagobah 3) Pluto :"))


discount = input("On what planet did Yoda live when Luke Skywalker first met him? 1) Earth 2) Dagobah 3) Pluto :")

if (discount == 1):

    print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!")

if (discount == 2):    print("That's correct, you get a 10% discount!")

if (discount == 3):

    print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!") 

If you've taken my advice:

 if discount == "1":
    print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!")

if discount == "2":
    print("That's correct, you get a 10% discount!")
if discount == "3":
    print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!") 


if (discount == 2):

If you've taken my advice:

if discount == "2":


    (total * .9)

Hold on! What do you think this line does? What is it meant to do?

You meant:

total = total*.9

Which for clarity should be written:

total = total * 0.9


    print("Your total before shipping: ",total) 

 print("1) Regular Shipping: 3-4 business days, $5.00 per $50 ordered. 2) Express Shipping: overnight, $10 per $50 ordered. 3) Super Saver Shipping: 7-10 business days, free.")

shipping = eval(input("Please select the shipping method you want: "))

shipping = input("Please select the shipping method you want: ")

if (shipping == 1):

If you've taken my advice:

Show original


I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to do all of this. I have been working on it all day and you are a better teacher in a fewminutes than my teacher has been in 4 months. THANK YOU!

And thank you again, Mitya. I really appreciate your time and effort too! Someday I'll be advanced enough to understand it lol

I'm going to take a break and work on it more tomorrow. I'll be back.

Thank you!



OK. There are several small errors in here, but there's nothing too largeor worth much worry.

I really hope you can help!

I need to create a program where the user can order any combination and quantity of 3 products. I then offer a 10% discount if the customer correctly answers a trivia question.  After that, there are 3 choices for shipping.

I have most of the program completed but I'm struggling with the most important parts :/  I get the total of multiple orders of the same item, butwe can't figure out how to total the entire order - before discounts and shipping - and then where to put any code referring back to the trivia question. Can somebody please help me with this? I would really appreciate it!

You write that you "need" to do this, which may hint that this is some sort of homework. If so, it's generally a nice thing to say as much. That said, as long as you've given a good shot at it it's normally fine.

 This is the code:

My *very first* thought about this code is that it's really badly spaced.Don't put lines together so much! [] shows how much nicer things look when they're partitioned more. You may not agree, but it took about 10 seconds and I prefer it.

 shop_again = 'y'

Hold on! Hold on!
shop_again should have a True/False value. It is screaming to be a boolean. "y" is a letter, not a boolean. Thus:

shop_again = True

This is important because you don't really want to get confused with all your types. What if shop_again was later changed to be True when a button was clicked. Why on earth would you set it to "y"? You'd set it to True. Thus, the sensible option is to have your types right from the very start.

print("Welcome to the Star Wars Shop!")

customer = eval(input("Is there a customer in line? (1 = yes, 2 = no)> "))

eval(input(TEXT)) is a *bad* idea.

First of all, eval is really dangerous. Answer "yes" instead and it'll just crash. Answer True and it'll run... BUT do *neither* the if or the elif!That's *bad*.

Secondly, you don't need it. Your:

"if(customer == 1)" could be "if(customer == '1')", which would work without the eval.

And then you've got the standard of "Y/N". So a better question would be:

customer = input("Is there a customer in line? [Y/N]> ")

Finally, you want to accept "Y" *and* "y", so you'd really want:

customer = input("Is there a customer in line? [Y/N]> ").lower()

customer = input("Is there a customer in line? [Y/N]> ").lower()

Because customer really deserves to be boolean [True/False], you'd want to change it immediately.

customer = (customer == "y")

This second line assumes that all non-"y"s are False, but that's a folly you'll have to live with for now.

while shop_again == 'y':

If you've changed shop_again to be boolean:

while shop_again:
Some people don't get how this line would make sense. But it does. The "while" statement only cares if it's value it gets is "truthy". Here are lotsof truthy things:

"y" == "y"
False == False
not False
"egg loaf"
[1, 2, 1, False, False]

and here are some falsy things:

"n" == "y"
True == False
not True

If this makes no sense, please just say.

    if (customer == 2):

Again, if you've done my changes from above:

if not customer:

        print("Welcome to the Star Wars Memorabilia Shop!")
        customer = eval(input("Is there a customer in line? (1 = yes, 2 = no)> "))


customer = input("Is there a customer in line? [Y/N]> ").lower()

customer = (customer == "y")


Run your program and then answer "2" twice. What happens? It's not good.

The problem is that answering "2" to this second one doesn't skip the loop!

x = ASK
    if not x:
    if x:


Where you want:

x = ASK
    if not x:
    if x:

        MORE STUFF

or (even better):

while not x:
    x = ASK

The second is what I've just decided to call the "ask-until-yes" model. Basically, you ask until you get a "yes", so you don't have to put the loop anywhere else. By the time the first loop is over, you *know* that x is True!

    elif (customer == 1):

Again, if you've done my changes from above:

elif customer:

        print("Please select an item to update your order and anyother number to check out.")
        print("Yoda Figure: $10 each.")
        print("Star Wars Movie DVD: $20 each.")

        print("Death Star Lego Set: $200 each.")
        print(" 1 for Yoda Figure")
        print(" 2 for Star Wars Movie DVD")
        print(" 3 for Death Star Lego Set")

    order = eval(input("Order: "))


order = input("Order number: ")

    if (order == 1):

If you've followed my advice:

if order == "1":

        yoda = eval(input("How many Yoda Figures do you want? :"))

        total = 10 * yoda

Ooookkay. Now you're thinking: "BUT *surely* I need eval here!!(?)".

You don't.

yoda = int(input("How many Yoda Figures do you want? : "))

This is better because there are so many problems with eval, and int alsomeans that you can only order whole numbers of yodas.
You probably also want to call this "number_of_yodas", because you're notdefining what "yoda" is.

         print("Total:", total)

        print("Current order:", yoda, "at", total)

    if (order == 2):

If you've followed my advice:

if order == "2":

        movie = eval(input("How many Star Wars Movie DVDs do you want? : "))

        total = 20 * movie

As above:

number_of_movies = int(input("How many Star Wars Movie DVDs do you want? : "))

total = 20 * number_of_movies 

        print("Total:", total)

        print("Current order:", movie, "at", total)

    if (order == 3):

If you've followed my advice:

if order == "3":

        legos = eval(input("How many Death Star Lego Sets do you want? : "))

        total = 200 * legos

As above:

number_of_legos = int(input("How many Death Star Lego Sets do you want?: "))

total = 20 * number_of_legos

         print("Total:", total)

        print("Current order:", legos, "at", total)

    shop_again = input("Would you like to keep shopping? 'Y' for yes, 'N' for no: ")


shop_again = input("Would you like to keep shopping? [Y/N]> ").lower()

shop_again = (shop_again == "y")

    print()print("Your order before shipping and discounts: ",total)


print("Answer a trivia question for a discount!")

discount = eval(input("On what planet did Yoda live when Luke Skywalkerfirst met him? 1) Earth 2) Dagobah 3) Pluto :"))


discount = input("On what planet did Yoda live when Luke Skywalker first met him? 1) Earth 2) Dagobah 3) Pluto :")

if (discount == 1):

    print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!")

if (discount == 2):    print("That's correct, you get a 10% discount!")

if (discount == 3):

    print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!") 

If you've taken my advice:

 if discount == "1":
    print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!")

if discount == "2":
    print("That's correct, you get a 10% discount!")
if discount == "3":
    print("Sorry, that answer was wrong!") 


if (discount == 2):

If you've taken my advice:

if discount == "2":


    (total * .9)

Hold on! What do you think this line does? What is it meant to do?

You meant:

total = total*.9

Which for clarity should be written:

total = total * 0.9


    print("Your total before shipping: ",total) 

 print("1) Regular Shipping: 3-4 business days, $5.00 per $50 ordered. 2) Express Shipping: overnight, $10 per $50 ordered. 3) Super Saver Shipping: 7-10 business days, free.")

shipping = eval(input("Please select the shipping method you want: "))

shipping = input("Please select the shipping method you want: ")

if (shipping == 1):

If you've taken my advice:

Show original

Chris Angelico

Second, I honestly have no idea how to answer your questions. I am a sophomore in high school and I am trying to learn this on my own because my teacher is not very good at explaining things.

Unfortunately, there are a great many bad programming courses out
there - either because the course material itself is flawed, or
because it's being delivered by someone who isn't good at teaching.
But fortunately, with Python, you don't need a course at all! Check
this out:

You may even be able to work through the tutorial (actually _do_ the
examples, btw) in less time than it would take to solve your problem
by asking here - it takes time to formulate questions, more time to
wait for responses, and then the response may or may not make good
sense to you. It's an excellent tutorial; I strongly recommend it to
people new to Python, whether they're experienced programmers with
other languages or totally new to coding.
i just cant figure out how to get the total when an order is placed without the customer ordering at least one of each item. I also can't figure out how to get the shipping to calculate correctly. It is an intro class and we are using just the basics. Most of what Mitya said is stuff I've never seen before, although I am very grateful for her response, I am supposed to use only what the teacher "taught".

Sorry if I frustrated you. I'm just a kid trying to learn. Any help is appreciated

The rule that you should use only what you've been taught is a
restriction, and yes, restrictions may feel annoying. But it actually
makes your task easier. Why? Because you have a guarantee (assuming
the course material isn't so fundamentally flawed as to make the task
impossible) that the goal can be achieved with just those tools. You
probably haven't, for instance, been taught about building a dispatch
table using a dictionary and a collection of functions, so you don't
need to worry about coding that way (as an aside, it's a quite viable
way to write something like this).

Once you understand the problem AND understand the tools you're
working with, it's up to you to figure out how to combine your
available tools to solve the problem. That's a fundamental of all
programming and, truth to tell, all of life. But it starts with
understanding both halves, so to that end I think Mitya's post is
quite useful even if the code itself does things you "haven't been
taught". You'll just need to do some code massaging at the end.

Best of luck in the course. Try not to let it scare you off coding -
it's a wonderful world out here, unfathomable powah is unleashed by a
few keystrokes!

import antigravity

Mitya Sirenef

First, sorry for starting a new post - I didn't want anyone to have to read through the whole first one when the questions were completely different :/

Second, I honestly have no idea how to answer your questions. I am a sophomore in high school and I am trying to learn this on my own because my teacher is not very good at explaining things.

i just cant figure out how to get the total when an order is placed without the customer ordering at least one of each item. I also can't figure out how to get the shipping to calculate correctly. It is an intro class and we are using just the basics. Most of what Mitya said is stuff I've never seen before, although I am very grateful for her response, I am supposed to use only what the teacher "taught".

I'm sorry to hear that, I just want to clarify - the teacher did not yet
the use of lists, dictionaries and functions?

If that's the case, I have to agree with you that he's probably not a very
good teacher because this task can be done much easier and better
with those 3 concepts, all of which are very easy. If you are barred from
using them, Joshua's post will be most helpful.

If you are curious about the 3 concepts I mentioned, they are covered
in the official python tutorial, but the quick rundown is:

list: a list of items, e.g. a shopping list:

shoplist = ["tea", "cake", "blueberries"]

dictionary: a collection of keys/values, like words/definitions in a

shopping_cart = {"yoda": 3, "dvd": 5} # 3 of yoda figures, 5 dvds

function: a way to group a bunch of code together:

def main():
# do something
# do something else
# la la la


The nice thing about functions is that if you need to repeat
something, let's say, two thousand times, you just call the
function two thousand times, e.g.:

for x in range(2000): main()

Which is much easier than typing in two thousand copies of the same code
(don't ask me how I know!)

- mitya

Chris Angelico

When you use Google Groups, your quotations look to us like this:

So please just delete the part where you quote other people. I think there
are other ways of quoting properly, but you might as well just not quote.
(When you quoted my post, the result was *literally* twice as long!)

One of the regulars on the list has posted a run-down of how to post
from Google Groups without annoying everyone, and among other things,
it recommends manually deleting all the blank lines. To my mind,
though, this would be insane and inane tedium. I recommend signing up
to the mailing list; see for details. (As
an aside, the mailing list is run by Mailman, which is written in
Python. So we use Python to discuss Python.)


Mitya Sirenef

One of the regulars on the list has posted a run-down of how to post
from Google Groups without annoying everyone, and among other things,
it recommends manually deleting all the blank lines. To my mind,
though, this would be insane and inane tedium. I recommend signing up

I have to agree - I saw that howto as well and it occurred to me
that if we have to delete blank lines manually we might
as well use postal pigeons with tiny little papyrus scrolls -
at least those don't insert blank lines automatically!


Chris Angelico

I have to agree - I saw that howto as well and it occurred to me
that if we have to delete blank lines manually we might
as well use postal pigeons with tiny little papyrus scrolls -
at least those don't insert blank lines automatically!

Yes, but they have poor latency, and packet loss due to hawks is a
major problem. But an RFC 1149 network is plausible, even if not
viable in most situations.


Mitya Sirenef

Yes, but they have poor latency, and packet loss due to hawks is a
major problem. But an RFC 1149 network is plausible, even if not
viable in most situations.


I don't know, I played starcraft II by pigeon-net and it
worked just fine. Yes, latency is quite bad but it gives
you more time to think about strategy...



One of the regulars on the list has posted a run-down of how to post
from Google Groups without annoying everyone, and among other things,
it recommends manually deleting all the blank lines.

I'm still posting via Groups and am not seeing my posts come through
with blank lines or weird formatting.

However, I _am_ regularly (every goddamn day, thanks for nothing,
Google) telling the new UI to bugger off and reverting to the old,
sane, thread-on-one-page-not-three UI. I think the issues are with the
new UI, which just further reinforces my belief that Google are trying
to just kill Groups dead.

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