pop-up in ASP?



I've got a form where the user enters some info. Among other things a
4-digit postal number typed into a TextBox.

Most of the time the user will only type inn the number, but when the user
can't remeber the number he should be able to press a button and get a page
that lists all the numbers and select the name click on a ok-button and then
return to the original page.

I thought that instead of making a .aspx page, goto that, and then return,
that i could use a pop-up for this that would return a value to the page
that created the pop-up.

How do i do that (create a pop-up) in Visual Studio?

Kevin Spencer

How do i do that (create a pop-up) in Visual Studio?

How do you get down off an elephant? Answer: You don't get down off an
elephant. You get down off a duck. ;-)

Forgive me for my levity. It's Friday. By that I mean that you don't create
a Popup in Visual Studio per se. You create it in your code. It has to be
done with client-side JavaScript, using the JavaScript window.open() method.
You add the JavaScript code to your page using the
Page.RegisterStartupScript() method. You can read all about this method


Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

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