My popup window (Modal) target is not working.
I have javascript:
function PopNewWin(url)
if (window.showModalDialog) {
window.showModalDialog(url,"PopupWin","dialogWidth:500px;dialogHeight:150px"); } else { window.open(url,'PopupWin','height=150,width=500,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes'); }}and<a href="javascriptopNewWin('Page2.asp')">Popup Link</a>Page2.asp=======i have a form with POST method displayed, of which the target window isPopupWin, which is the current one.<%if request.form("action")= 1 then%> something here after the form post...<%else%> <form action="Page2.asp" method="post" onSubmit="returnValidateForm(this)" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="PopupWin"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="1"> ... ... <input type="submit" id="button1" value="Click to Submit"><%end if%>I suppose, that since the modal pop window name is PopupWin, then if in theform post , i specify the target as the same,then after submit, it should use back the same window, instead of openinganother new one, which is what happen now.How can I make it that after submit, it will use back the same window frame.Thank you.
My popup window (Modal) target is not working.
I have javascript:
function PopNewWin(url)
if (window.showModalDialog) {
window.showModalDialog(url,"PopupWin","dialogWidth:500px;dialogHeight:150px"); } else { window.open(url,'PopupWin','height=150,width=500,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes'); }}and<a href="javascriptopNewWin('Page2.asp')">Popup Link</a>Page2.asp=======i have a form with POST method displayed, of which the target window isPopupWin, which is the current one.<%if request.form("action")= 1 then%> something here after the form post...<%else%> <form action="Page2.asp" method="post" onSubmit="returnValidateForm(this)" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="PopupWin"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="1"> ... ... <input type="submit" id="button1" value="Click to Submit"><%end if%>I suppose, that since the modal pop window name is PopupWin, then if in theform post , i specify the target as the same,then after submit, it should use back the same window, instead of openinganother new one, which is what happen now.How can I make it that after submit, it will use back the same window frame.Thank you.