Problem with EditableDesignerRegion and Set/Get methods ..


Micke Andersson

I have a slight problem with
SetEditableDesignerRegionContent(region,content) .. it keeps telling me that
I already have a control with the same ID when I try to update, thus failing
and somehow actually adding stuff twice ..

so what am I doing wrong? I have a custom control which contains a list of
other controls (TabControl and a list of Tabs), but I cannot use templates
since I want attributes on the Tabs themselves). It all works runtime - and
in the designer - but on and off when I do certain changes, I cannot persist
the EditableDesignerRegion contents due to contents apparently appearing

The designer is actually bound to the TabControl, but actually what I am
editing is the contents of the Tab - the TabControl selects what Tab is
active dynamically so I don't really know how to do it another way. I'm
pretty certain the problem is at or near the GetEditable...() and
SetEditable...() functions, so can anyone give me a hint on how to persist
Tab data from the designer correctly?

I tried looking at information about ControlParser and ControlPersister, but
there's not a lot out there that i can can find :(

EditableDesignerRegion is created from a <div> tag surrounding each tab
(generated by TabControl.Render()) and is filled with the designer mark
(__designer="0" in this case) when in design mode.

/Micke Andersson

public override string
GetEditableDesignerRegionContent(EditableDesignerRegion region) {
IDesignerHost host =
try {
if (host != null) {
Tab tab = _c.Tabs[region.Name];
string s = "";
foreach (Control cc in tab.Controls) {
s += ControlPersister.PersistControl(cc, host);
return s;
} catch (Exception ex) {
_(" EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message);
return "";

public override void SetEditableDesignerRegionContent(EditableDesignerRegion
region, string content) {
int currentstep = 0;
if (content == null)
try {
IDesignerHost host =
if (host != null) {
Tab tab = _c.Tabs[region.Name];
Control[] c = ControlParser.ParseControls(host, content);
foreach (Control cc in c) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
_(" EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message);

Alessandro Zifiglio

hi Micke, I dont know the structure of your code logic and what you are
doing exactly to get this problem. One of the things i have noticed when
using designer regions and editabledesignerregions is that if i emit the
call to base.SetViewFlags in the Initialize method of my designer class then
unique ids are not maintained.

* The designer host calls Initialize to initialize the component
for design.
* The base implementation will throw an exception if the associated
* control does not implement the INamingContainer interface.
public override void Initialize(IComponent component)
this._c = (Tab)component;
// Seems like without setting ViewFalgs for TemplateEditing then
// any control you add into the region does not maintain
// a unique id :| No idea why this is the case but it dont
bother me
// to add this simple one line.
base.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true);

if this did not fix your issue, then let me know and i'll try to put
together a small test control with tabs and designer regions /
editabledesignerregions working, to get you started.

Alessandro Zifiglio

Micke Andersson

That actually appears to have fixed it. While I am not editing templates per
se, I understand the logic behind it, kinda. Maybe they should have called
that option something else - something more generic- if it just makes the
designer aware of the fact that there's actually other web code living around

Oh, and write some help past the automatically generated stuff once you get
past looking for help about adding an onClick event :)

Thanks a lot for helping out,

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