Problems Viewing Web Page


Jeff Petter

I'll preface this by stating that I am brand new to, so I may be way
off base in my approach, but I do have a few books that I've been following
along with.

Presently, I have a couple of things that really have me scratching my head,
and both have to do with viewing controls on a web form. The first is an
image. If I place an Image control (and maybe I should mention that I'm in
'grid control' mode) on the page and use the properties to set the image
url, build & start the app, all I see is a blank page. However, if I drag
the file from the project explorer onto the aspx page, build & start, I see
it. Additionally, I cannot place static text and textbox controls on the
page, and have them displayed where I place them. What I have noticed is
that the HTML controls seem to work in so far as they are positioned where I
place them, and I see them. The web controls though, I either don't see, or
they aren't positioned where I've placed them on the page.

If anyone has any ideas I would certainly appreciate them.


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