Problems with VS 2008 debugging


Lloyd Sheen

The text below is from the immediate window:


Now that makes no sense. Why when I add an attribute to a element
cannot I not see what it is. I am trying to trace something and this
problem really complicates the debugging process.

Is it just me or is VS 2008 a real step backwards. I am on Vista
Ultimate and VS 2008 pro. Please don't ask to upgrade to SP1 as I tried
with the beta and the install would not happen. I would like to resolve
this before killing the install with an attempt at the upgrade.


Jeff Dillon

Lloyd Sheen said:
The text below is from the immediate window:


Now that makes no sense. Why when I add an attribute to a element cannot
I not see what it is. I am trying to trace something and this problem
really complicates the debugging process.

Is it just me or is VS 2008 a real step backwards. I am on Vista Ultimate
and VS 2008 pro. Please don't ask to upgrade to SP1 as I tried with the
beta and the install would not happen. I would like to resolve this
before killing the install with an attempt at the upgrade.


Set a Watch, and expand it. Is this C#? Wouldn't that be .Attributes[0]?

Lloyd Sheen

Jeff said:
Lloyd Sheen said:
The text below is from the immediate window:


Now that makes no sense. Why when I add an attribute to a element cannot
I not see what it is. I am trying to trace something and this problem
really complicates the debugging process.

Is it just me or is VS 2008 a real step backwards. I am on Vista Ultimate
and VS 2008 pro. Please don't ask to upgrade to SP1 as I tried with the
beta and the install would not happen. I would like to resolve this
before killing the install with an attempt at the upgrade.


Set a Watch, and expand it. Is this C#? Wouldn't that be .Attributes[0]?

Its VB and the code is as follows:

The aspx code:

<asp:Image CssClass="justHand" EnableViewState="false"
ImageUrl="~/Images/zip-file-32x32.png" AlternateText="Click to create a
zip file for the CD" ID="CreateZipImage" runat="server" Width="16px" />

The VB code:

Dim im As Image = CreateZipImage
im.Attributes.Add("onclick", "CreateZipFile('" +
MassageURL(Me.CDImage.AlternateText) + "' , '" +
MassageURL(Me.CDImage.AlternateText + "\") + "')")

When I look at the attribute count for im prior to the attributes.add it
is zero and after it is one but that attribute is nothing????


Lloyd Sheen

Jeff said:
Lloyd Sheen said:
The text below is from the immediate window:


Now that makes no sense. Why when I add an attribute to a element cannot
I not see what it is. I am trying to trace something and this problem
really complicates the debugging process.

Is it just me or is VS 2008 a real step backwards. I am on Vista Ultimate
and VS 2008 pro. Please don't ask to upgrade to SP1 as I tried with the
beta and the install would not happen. I would like to resolve this
before killing the install with an attempt at the upgrade.


Set a Watch, and expand it. Is this C#? Wouldn't that be .Attributes[0]?

Another thing about VS 2008.

While I was replying to the above post I did a "Find all references" on
CreateZipImage. It gave me 2 references:

Protected WithEvents CreateZipImage As
Global.System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image - C:\Visual Studio Projects\Music
Player Web Site\UserControls\SongList.ascx(41, 22)


Dim im As Image = CreateZipImage - C:\Visual Studio Projects\Music
Player Web Site\UserControls\SongList.ascx.vb(473, 22)

Now the second was the line I used for "Find all references" so I double
click on the first reference and I get the following:

The definition of the object is hidden.

Now that is possibly the most stupid and useless message I have yet seen
in VS 2008. If it was indeed hidden why is it shown in the references.
Now I can open the ascx file and go to the line and OHHHH OHHH what do
I see (not really hidden) is the definition (see previous post).

Then if I use "Go to definition" it goes to an entirely different line
in ascx file which has the following code:


That is line 41 but column 22 is before it or maybe it is a problem with
tabs vs spaces.

VS 2008 is just simply terrible as an ASP.NET editor.

CreateZipImage is actually found on line 79 of the ascx file. So go figure.


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