I am writing a PhD thesis comparing computer languages, and Python and Rubyis among the languages I am working with. I am using the Rasch Model to measure latent traits and like productivity, expressivity, referential transparency and efficiency. If a member of this list wants to read a short tutorial about the Rasch Model, here is the address:
To keep with my work, I need an Internet Data Base from where a person writing a program in Python could fetch libraries, applications, compilers, etc.. One of the things I need to measure is how complete and easy to use is such a data base. I will give a concrete example.
Suppose that a person is writing programs in sbcl, an implementation of Common Lisp. That person needs a compiler for Python. All he needs to do is add the following line to the REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) line:
(ql:quickload :cl-python)
In a few seconds, Lisp will access a Internet Data Base and will download and install a Python compiler written in Common Lisp. This Python compiler will be completely integrated with Common Lisp, in the sense that one can mix Python and Common Lisp programs. The Common Lisp compiler will pass thePystone, etc. Suppose now that this same Common Lisp programmer needs to add a few routines written in Fortran. He can fetch a Fortran compiler written in Common Lisp as easily as he did with CL-Python: (ql:quick load :f2cl)will do the magic. If he needs to generate beautiful pdf, he can download cl-pdf. If he needs an efficient Internet server, he can use Hunchentoot. Everything can be fetched by the ql:quickload command.
Of course Common Lisp is not the only language with this kind of facility. Racket has its own database: PLaneT. Again, one can get many applications and libraries from PLantet repository. I wonder if Python has a similar repository. Suppose I want a Fortran to Python converter; then I would type: > sys f2py If I want an emacs like editor, I would type > sys pyemacs, and so on. By the way, although emacs itself is largely written in elisp, there are many emacs clones that one can find in Lisp repositories; for instance,hemlock is the most famous of these clones. Racket has its own environment, that is drracket, that accept even images mixed to the text.
I made a list of 9 things that I would like to see in such a repository. By the way, I heard that Ruby has an Internet repository too. If people fromthis list know about the Ruby repository, I would appreciate information on how to use it. In any case, information about the Python repository will be very useful.
People who are funding my thesis would like to check for the following applications. I mean, I will check whether the repository offers the applications and libraries listed below.
1 - Internet servers. In Lisp, one has hunchentoot. In Racket, one has the Racket Web Framework. Bigloo has hiphop.
2 - Jit compiler for using from a web server. I mean, one has a web server running under Apache in a hosting service like Hostgator, Daddy Host or another inexpensive service. I decide to run a few applications in Racket, butthe application requires number crunching. I install the Jit Racket in the hosting service, and call it from my dynamic generated page. My programs will run almost at the speed of optimised C.
3 - Music generation. I would like generation of musical scores and midi files.
4 - Text editor that mimics emacs. In Common Lisp, one has hemlock. I wouldlike something in the lines of hemlock.
5 - CAD and electronic CAD. Something in the lines of PTC.
6 - The repository service is the other thing that I want to check. I mean,I want the address of the Python equivalent of quicklisp and PLaneT.
7 - Image generation. pdf generation. Something in the lines of cl-pdf and cl-png, fl-vector, etc. Of course, I need programs written in Python itself, not call to C libraries.
8 - Usable compilers for other languages. For example, a JIT compiler for Python itself written in Python. Compilers for Fortran, compilers for CommonLisp, for Javascript, etc. BTW, the compiler generator of Common Lisp has the same name as the Python language. In other words, the language in whichthe Common Lisp compiler is written is called Python too. Therefore, when I ask for a compiler generator in Python, many people send me a link to this Common Lisp Python compiler generator. What I want is a compiler generator in Python, the scripting language.
9 - Computer algebra. Something in the lines of Maxima will do.
I don't hope to find all these nine things in a single repository. Even if you tell me that there is nothing in Python similar to Maxima or to the Common Lisp Python compiler generator or even to hemlock, your information will be very useful. The list is tough, so that no language is able to offer all items.
To keep with my work, I need an Internet Data Base from where a person writing a program in Python could fetch libraries, applications, compilers, etc.. One of the things I need to measure is how complete and easy to use is such a data base. I will give a concrete example.
Suppose that a person is writing programs in sbcl, an implementation of Common Lisp. That person needs a compiler for Python. All he needs to do is add the following line to the REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) line:
(ql:quickload :cl-python)
In a few seconds, Lisp will access a Internet Data Base and will download and install a Python compiler written in Common Lisp. This Python compiler will be completely integrated with Common Lisp, in the sense that one can mix Python and Common Lisp programs. The Common Lisp compiler will pass thePystone, etc. Suppose now that this same Common Lisp programmer needs to add a few routines written in Fortran. He can fetch a Fortran compiler written in Common Lisp as easily as he did with CL-Python: (ql:quick load :f2cl)will do the magic. If he needs to generate beautiful pdf, he can download cl-pdf. If he needs an efficient Internet server, he can use Hunchentoot. Everything can be fetched by the ql:quickload command.
Of course Common Lisp is not the only language with this kind of facility. Racket has its own database: PLaneT. Again, one can get many applications and libraries from PLantet repository. I wonder if Python has a similar repository. Suppose I want a Fortran to Python converter; then I would type: > sys f2py If I want an emacs like editor, I would type > sys pyemacs, and so on. By the way, although emacs itself is largely written in elisp, there are many emacs clones that one can find in Lisp repositories; for instance,hemlock is the most famous of these clones. Racket has its own environment, that is drracket, that accept even images mixed to the text.
I made a list of 9 things that I would like to see in such a repository. By the way, I heard that Ruby has an Internet repository too. If people fromthis list know about the Ruby repository, I would appreciate information on how to use it. In any case, information about the Python repository will be very useful.
People who are funding my thesis would like to check for the following applications. I mean, I will check whether the repository offers the applications and libraries listed below.
1 - Internet servers. In Lisp, one has hunchentoot. In Racket, one has the Racket Web Framework. Bigloo has hiphop.
2 - Jit compiler for using from a web server. I mean, one has a web server running under Apache in a hosting service like Hostgator, Daddy Host or another inexpensive service. I decide to run a few applications in Racket, butthe application requires number crunching. I install the Jit Racket in the hosting service, and call it from my dynamic generated page. My programs will run almost at the speed of optimised C.
3 - Music generation. I would like generation of musical scores and midi files.
4 - Text editor that mimics emacs. In Common Lisp, one has hemlock. I wouldlike something in the lines of hemlock.
5 - CAD and electronic CAD. Something in the lines of PTC.
6 - The repository service is the other thing that I want to check. I mean,I want the address of the Python equivalent of quicklisp and PLaneT.
7 - Image generation. pdf generation. Something in the lines of cl-pdf and cl-png, fl-vector, etc. Of course, I need programs written in Python itself, not call to C libraries.
8 - Usable compilers for other languages. For example, a JIT compiler for Python itself written in Python. Compilers for Fortran, compilers for CommonLisp, for Javascript, etc. BTW, the compiler generator of Common Lisp has the same name as the Python language. In other words, the language in whichthe Common Lisp compiler is written is called Python too. Therefore, when I ask for a compiler generator in Python, many people send me a link to this Common Lisp Python compiler generator. What I want is a compiler generator in Python, the scripting language.
9 - Computer algebra. Something in the lines of Maxima will do.
I don't hope to find all these nine things in a single repository. Even if you tell me that there is nothing in Python similar to Maxima or to the Common Lisp Python compiler generator or even to hemlock, your information will be very useful. The list is tough, so that no language is able to offer all items.