pytz has so many timezones!


Nicholas Bastin

Because they publish maps?

I'm not sure what this has to do with it.
Ok, maybe they don't define them. But they get them from somewhere
and the zones are labeled A-Z (don't ask which letter isn't used).
Zone Z is equivalent to GMT and the time is refered to as Zulu time.

They get them from NATO. NGO's outside of NATO do not use NATO time
zones for describing time data, mostly because NATO doesn't care about
daylight savings time. Works fine for the military, but not so well
for your civilian users.
That's 25 zones, not 400. Under that system there are no half-hour
offset zones, no zones based on sunset and no lunatic GMT+13 zones.

Yes, but lucky for us, we live in the real world, so we have to deal
with 400 time zones. The reality is that people LIVE in those
'lunatic' time zones, and software needs to address that.

If I schedule a meeting with someone in Indiana, and I'm in Ohio,
they're in the same military time zone, but they don't observe
daylight savings time, so in fact our times are different. Users
probably want our applications to handle these problems.
Of course. But the GMT offset could be used to filter his list
of 400 choices, couldn't it?

Sortof. First, your user has to understand what GMT is, so that's
already going to cause problems. Secondly, you need to handle time
zones which drift from different GMT offsets depending on the time of
year. At the very least your algorithm needs to be greedy.
Agreed. But if someone gave me a list of 400 choices, I would look
for some way to reduce the list to a manageable choice. Isn't that
what the OP wants?

Why not teach him the truth, starting from the top level? Shouldn't
you teach him to fish rather than just give him one?

Because the truth is that there are upwards of 400 different time
zones, accounting for local custom and law. The military can
conveniently ignore that, but we as application writers cannot.

There is no central authority which defines global time zones. The
functional definition of a time zone is merely a geographical area of
the earth that has adopted the same local time rules.


I'm not sure what this has to do with it.

Maybe you've never had to navigate?
They get them from NATO. NGO's outside of NATO do not use NATO time
zones for describing time data, mostly because NATO doesn't care about
daylight savings time. Works fine for the military, but not so well
for your civilian users.

Yes, but lucky for us, we live in the real world, so we have to deal
with 400 time zones. The reality is that people LIVE in those
'lunatic' time zones, and software needs to address that.

WHY must we accomodate the ignorant? Why not cut them off
from the Internet until they get their act together? Don't
people get mad at Microsoft for breaking standards? People like
you are to blame for accomodating broken standards. "Oh, no,
we can't afford to lose those three potential customers who
live on an island in Kiribati!"
If I schedule a meeting with someone in Indiana, and I'm in Ohio,
they're in the same military time zone, but they don't observe
daylight savings time, so in fact our times are different. Users
probably want our applications to handle these problems.

Isn't that what they call a "locale"?
Sortof. First, your user has to understand what GMT is,

And you start that education by learning the 25 timezones.
Then when you understand that, you can then learn about locales.
so that's
already going to cause problems. Secondly, you need to handle time
zones which drift from different GMT offsets depending on the time of

It helps to know what you're drifting from.
At the very least your algorithm needs to be greedy.

How good an algorithm do you think the OP will come up
with if he doesn't understand why his list has 400 items
or has any clue how to reduce it?
Because the truth is that there are upwards of 400 different time

accounting for local custom and law. The military can
conveniently ignore that, but we as application writers cannot.

But you can safely ignore the basis of the 400 locales?
There is no central authority which defines global time zones. The
functional definition of a time zone is merely a geographical area of
the earth that has adopted the same local time rules.

So, you can live your life with functional definations,
never bothering to learn any theory? Is code monkey all you
aspire to?

J. Cliff Dyer

Nicholas said:
There is no central authority which defines global time zones. The
functional definition of a time zone is merely a geographical area of
the earth that has adopted the same local time rules.

In fact, even the authorities who do define time zones don't always
have the final say. In Xinjiang province in Western China, the
official time zone is the same as Beijing, even though Xinjiang is
about as far west of Beijing as Nevada is from DC, so the sun comes up
around "noon" and sets around "midnight." So many people set their
clocks to unofficial Xinjiang time, three hours offset from Beijing.

In offering a "Xinjiang" timezone set to the unofficial time, you
might win some customers who see you as being on their side. Xinjiang
is a muslim country, so you might also score points with muslims
elsewhere in the world who see their minority Uighur brethren as
oppressed by the authorities of Beijing. On the other hand, you might
annoy the authorities in Beijing. Which is just to say that choice of
time zone is not just a geographic issue. There are political,
diplomatic issues to weigh as well.



It's not clear at all from the OPs post exactly what functionality he
is trying to derive from the timezone. Since timezones (obviously)
contain more information than just the GMT offset (otherwise we
wouldn't even have them), he may very well want to use the timezone
given by the user to display correct local time to them. In this case,
the actual, correct, political timezone is important, not just the GMT

I am developing a website which would be accessed by members all over
the world. They can exchange data having some time fields, say
'schedule for next meeting'. Whenever somebody feeds some time field,
my application converts it to UTC and stores in the database. Later,
when the data is to be displayed to some member, the application
converts it to his local time, and displays the data.


Nicholas Bastin

Maybe you've never had to navigate?

I don't often find the need to navigate by time zone. Nor do
cartographers consider themselves experts on time, but rather
WHY must we accomodate the ignorant? Why not cut them off
from the Internet until they get their act together? Don't
people get mad at Microsoft for breaking standards? People like
you are to blame for accomodating broken standards. "Oh, no,
we can't afford to lose those three potential customers who
live on an island in Kiribati!"

There's no broken standard here. I'd advise you to refrain from
painting other people with your own ignorant brush.
Isn't that what they call a "locale"?

No. If we spoke a different language or used a different script,
that'd be a different locale. Of course, we might still be in the
same time zone.
And you start that education by learning the 25 timezones.
Then when you understand that, you can then learn about locales.

Just because NATO thinks there's 25 time zones doesn't mean that
they're any more correct than all of the local entities which have
defined their own time zones. And again, your usage of the word
'locale' bears no relationship to the actual definition, in computer
science terms.
It helps to know what you're drifting from.

You're drifting from UTC. UTC which has no bearing nor controlling
influence on time zone definitions. Just because government entities
reference +/- UTC in time zone definitions does not mean that they're
substantially related.
How good an algorithm do you think the OP will come up
with if he doesn't understand why his list has 400 items
or has any clue how to reduce it?

I didn't presume the OP was an idiot. I felt that it was much more
reasonable to explain how the 400 differed then to paint for him a
fairy tale of 25 magical time zones, which had no bearing on his
application. There are many ways to filter the 400 based on the needs
of each application, and I leave it as an exercise to the OP to either
deduce the appropriate ones, or ask more questions.

No, locale has already been defined by the computer science community,
and it doesn't involve time zones. There are, realistically, less
than 400 locales. Do not confuse the two. (Locales can be consistent
across many time zones - see en_US for a trivial example). Locales
are coded by language, script, country, and a variant, and do not
contain time zone information.
So, you can live your life with functional definations,
never bothering to learn any theory? Is code monkey all you
aspire to?

Well, I certainly don't aspire to be a stuck up ass, which is
apparently what you've been working towards.

There is no magical theory behind time zones. There is no one truth,
and there is no controlling global regulation. Does NATO have a
simple time zone implementation? Absolutely. Is that relevant to
most consumer applications? Absolutely not.

When you write applications for the military, feel free to adhere to
their standards. When you write applications for an international
community, you might want to put the bigotry aside and cater to their
actual needs.

Nicholas Bastin

I am developing a website which would be accessed by members all over
the world. They can exchange data having some time fields, say
'schedule for next meeting'. Whenever somebody feeds some time field,
my application converts it to UTC and stores in the database. Later,
when the data is to be displayed to some member, the application
converts it to his local time, and displays the data.

Yeah, you are, unfortunately, probably going to have to deal with the
entirety of this time zone data in this case. You can obviously elide
some information for countries you don't intend to support, but
there's no particular reason to exclude a potential market.

I would say the easiest way to get people to choose their own time
zone is to ask them their country, and then filter their choices by
that. (That would get you down to less than a dozen choices in almost
every country in the world).

Dennis Lee Bieber

There are only 25 timezones: -12, -11, ... -1, 0 (GMT), +1, ... +11,

Uhm... -12 and +12 would be the same, wouldn't they?

There are only 24 divisions 15deg wide in longitude, 7.5deg to each
size of zone center, and Greenwich is center of 0...

However, consider that the former Soviet Union is reputed to have
used only ONE timezone for the entire width of the country (sunrise at
6AM say in Moscow would be near sunset on the east coast)

So while there are only 24 hourly offsets, there can be many "zones"
to reflect variations in daylight time changes or non-standard
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
(Bestiaria Support Staff: (e-mail address removed))

Diez B. Roggisch

Which only matters if you're setting your clock.

That's BS. If I'm supposed to be attending a video-conference that spans a
few continents which is scheduled using a web-app, it's VITAL that I get
the invitation and reminder rendered in MY local timezone, DST included.

And for the matter of

There are only 25 timezones: -12, -11, ... -1, 0 (GMT), +1, ... +11,

who says that timezones have to be separated by one hour each? Why aren't
they separated by 30minutes, or 20, or 10? Or 2 hours? Or why don't we have
a global time?

Your 25 timezones are an abstraction the same way as are the 400 apparently
in use by people all over the world - and last time I checked, there was no
fundamental law in physics or such that limited the allowed or sensible
number of timezones...



Uhm... -12 and +12 would be the same, wouldn't they?

No, they are seperated by the International Date Line,
so although zones -12 & +12 have the same clock time, they
are different dates.
There are only 24 divisions 15deg wide in longitude, 7.5deg to each
size of zone center, and Greenwich is center of 0...

And zones -12 & +12 are each nominally 7.5deg wide,
so 23*15 + 2*7.5 gives you 25 zones spanning 360deg.
However, consider that the former Soviet Union is reputed to have
used only ONE timezone for the entire width of the country (sunrise at
6AM say in Moscow would be near sunset on the east coast)

When was this, in the days before air travel when it took
3 weeks to cross Siberia by train?
So while there are only 24 hourly offsets, there can be many "zones"
to reflect variations in daylight time changes or non-standard

The point I was trying to make is that although there may
be 400 zones, there aren't 400 offsets. And aren't these
offsets part of the timezone record?


That's BS. If I'm supposed to be attending a video-conference that spans a
few continents which is scheduled using a web-app, it's VITAL that I get
the invitation and reminder rendered in MY local timezone, DST included.

And for the matter of

There are only 25 timezones: -12, -11, ... -1, 0 (GMT), +1, ... +11,

who says that timezones have to be separated by one hour each?

The Earth says. It takes 24 hours to revolve.
Why aren't they separated by 30minutes, or 20, or 10? Or 2 hours?

Why isn't an hour defined to be 30 minutes?
Or why don't we have a global time?

Like UTC?
Your 25 timezones are an abstraction the same way

Not the same way at all. The 25 timezones I speak of are
not merely an abstraction, but related to longitude.
as are the 400 apparently in use by people all over the world

Where the correlation to longitude is much looser.
Granted, it doesn't need to be for non-navigational
purposes. And although governments can legislate things
like DST, they can't legislate longitude.
- and last time I checked, there was no
fundamental law in physics or such that limited the allowed or sensible
number of timezones...

Isn't there some law somewhere that says the circumference
of a sphere is 360deg? Doesn't that same law mean that no two
points on a sphere can be seperated by more than 180deg
longitude? Doesn't that make GMT+13 non-sensible?

J. Clifford Dyer

The Earth says. It takes 24 hours to revolve.

Why isn't an hour defined to be 30 minutes?

Like UTC?

Not the same way at all. The 25 timezones I speak of are
not merely an abstraction, but related to longitude.

Where the correlation to longitude is much looser.
Granted, it doesn't need to be for non-navigational
purposes. And although governments can legislate things
like DST, they can't legislate longitude.

Isn't there some law somewhere that says the circumference
of a sphere is 360deg? Doesn't that same law mean that no two
points on a sphere can be seperated by more than 180deg
longitude? Doesn't that make GMT+13 non-sensible?

You seem to be talking about time zones as if they are a scientific abstraction based on the physical layout of the earth. They are not. They are an abstraction away from true scientific (solar) time to give us regular 24 hour days, and to simplify calculation to make sure that trains don't run into one another for having left their respective stations at times based on locally defined solar noon. Solar time is the only kind of time that doesn't have to take political considerations into account.

GMT+13 is not non-sensible at all, if the major trade partners of the island in question are at GMT+12. Imagine the confusion not being able to schedule meetings on monday or friday because your next door neighbor, one time zone away, is actually off-calendar from you by one day. The IDL was arbitrarily placed in the middle of the pacific to limit this problem to as few people as possible, but the people of Kiribati have no reason to accept the disadvantage under which this (European) abstraction places them. What would be non-sensible is for them to live 23 hours offset from their closest neighbors and family, while living a mere three hours offset from people that they have minimal contact with.


Chris Mellon

Why isn't an hour defined to be 30 minutes?

Like UTC?

Not the same way at all. The 25 timezones I speak of are
not merely an abstraction, but related to longitude.

See, here's what the problem is. You've invented your own definition
of "timezone", which has no relation to how anyone else uses the word,
and are now arguing loudly and rudely about how your pet definition is
right, and everyone else is wrong.

You should have just said at the beginning that you were just
redefining all the terms to match your preference, so I could have
killfilled you then instead of reading all your posts in hope that you
actually had something important and useful to say.

Bill Hamilton

The Earth says. It takes 24 hours to revolve.
It only takes 24 hours for the Earth to revolve once because we
defined an hour as 1/24 of the time it takes for the Earth to revolve
once. We could have said an hour was 1/10 that time, or 1/2, or
Like UTC?

What about GMT? I hear that much more than UTC.
Not the same way at all. The 25 timezones I speak of are
not merely an abstraction, but related to longitude.

Where the correlation to longitude is much looser.
Granted, it doesn't need to be for non-navigational
purposes. And although governments can legislate things
like DST, they can't legislate longitude.

But your 25 timezones are only useful to the people that use those 25
timezones. And the time zone I use is not one of those 25 timezones.
Isn't there some law somewhere that says the circumference
of a sphere is 360deg? Doesn't that same law mean that no two
points on a sphere can be seperated by more than 180deg
longitude? Doesn't that make GMT+13 non-sensible?

A timezone is an arbitrary geographical designation. It has nothing
to do with latitude or longitude. While some time zones may be
defined as a geographical region between two longitudes, others may be
defined by geographical borders or convienent terrain features. Take
a look at the international date line. It doesn't follow a
longitudinal line, but instead jogs east around Asia and then west
around the Aleutian Islands.

Diez B. Roggisch

who says that timezones have to be separated by one hour each?
The Earth says. It takes 24 hours to revolve.

Your kidding me, aren't you? Beside the fact that the earth does not
revolve in 24h (leap seconds, if you like to google), even the 24 hours
of a day are as arbitrary as you prefer. I'm writing this at 23:26, but
I bet quite a few people call that 11:26PM. So - who's right?

Why isn't an hour defined to be 30 minutes?

Like UTC?

Which I'm sure is the time you have on your wristwatch?

Not the same way at all. The 25 timezones I speak of are
not merely an abstraction, but related to longitude.

Again: BS. Deciding that the the actual noon (the time the sun is at
it's highest point) is the 12:00 on my clock was defined by someone.
It's sensible, but arbitrary. As is the decision about the width of such
a timezone.
Where the correlation to longitude is much looser.
Granted, it doesn't need to be for non-navigational
purposes. And although governments can legislate things
like DST, they can't legislate longitude.

They can. The greniwch meridian is nothing but a convention.

Isn't there some law somewhere that says the circumference
of a sphere is 360deg? Doesn't that same law mean that no two
points on a sphere can be seperated by more than 180deg
longitude? Doesn't that make GMT+13 non-sensible?

Others have given you reasons why it _is_ sensible to have GMT+13.



I apologize for being a dick. It won't happen again.

I was actually thinking that the 25 standard
timezones (which make a reasonable list or
can be easily generated by clicking a map)
could serve as a filter to make the detail
list reasonably sized.

Something like this:

import pytz
import datetime
import sqlite3
import random

utc = pytz.timezone('UTC')
utc_dt = datetime.datetime(2007,1,1,0,0,0,tzinfo=utc)
offset_zone = []

for i in pytz.all_timezones:
the_zone = pytz.timezone(i)
loc_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(the_zone)
loc_offset = loc_dt.strftime('%z')

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
cur = con.cursor()
create table tz(

INSERT INTO tz(offset,
VALUES (?,?)"""
, offset_zone)

WHERE offset LIKE '+%'
ORDER BY offset;

east = cur.fetchall()

WHERE offset LIKE '-%'

west = cur.fetchall()

distinct_offsets = east + west

print 'Choose your GMT offset:'
for i in distinct_offsets:
if i[0]=='+0000' or i[0]=='+0600' or i[0]=='+1200' or i[0]=='-1200'
or i[0]=='-0600':
print i[0],


the_choice = random.choice(distinct_offsets)

print 'Offset',the_choice[0],'chosen.'

SELECT offset,
WHERE offset=?
ORDER BY offset;

list_o_zones = cur.fetchall()

print 'Which timezone?'

for i in list_o_zones: print i[0],i[1]

## Choose your GMT offset:
## +0000 +0100 +0200 +0300 +0330 +0400 +0430 +0500 +0530 +0545
## +0600 +0630 +0700 +0800 +0900 +0930 +0945 +1000 +1030 +1100 +1130
## +1200 +1300 +1345 +1400
## -1200 -1100 -1000 -0930 -0900 -0800 -0700
## -0600 -0500 -0400 -0330 -0300 -0200 -0100
## Offset -0930 chosen.
## Which timezone?
## -0930 Pacific/Marquesas
## Choose your GMT offset:
## +0000 +0100 +0200 +0300 +0330 +0400 +0430 +0500 +0530 +0545
## +0600 +0630 +0700 +0800 +0900 +0930 +0945 +1000 +1030 +1100 +1130
## +1200 +1300 +1345 +1400
## -1200 -1100 -1000 -0930 -0900 -0800 -0700
## -0600 -0500 -0400 -0330 -0300 -0200 -0100
## Offset +0945 chosen.
## Which timezone?
## +0945 Australia/Eucla
## Choose your GMT offset:
## +0000 +0100 +0200 +0300 +0330 +0400 +0430 +0500 +0530 +0545
## +0600 +0630 +0700 +0800 +0900 +0930 +0945 +1000 +1030 +1100 +1130
## +1200 +1300 +1345 +1400
## -1200 -1100 -1000 -0930 -0900 -0800 -0700
## -0600 -0500 -0400 -0330 -0300 -0200 -0100
## Offset -0100 chosen.
## Which timezone?
## -0100 America/Scoresbysund
## -0100 Atlantic/Azores
## -0100 Atlantic/Cape_Verde
## -0100 Etc/GMT+1
## Choose your GMT offset:
## +0000 +0100 +0200 +0300 +0330 +0400 +0430 +0500 +0530 +0545
## +0600 +0630 +0700 +0800 +0900 +0930 +0945 +1000 +1030 +1100 +1130
## +1200 +1300 +1345 +1400
## -1200 -1100 -1000 -0930 -0900 -0800 -0700
## -0600 -0500 -0400 -0330 -0300 -0200 -0100
## Offset +1000 chosen.
## Which timezone?
## +1000 Antarctica/DumontDUrville
## +1000 Asia/Sakhalin
## +1000 Asia/Vladivostok
## +1000 Australia/Brisbane
## +1000 Australia/Lindeman
## +1000 Australia/Queensland
## +1000 Etc/GMT-10
## +1000 Pacific/Guam
## +1000 Pacific/Port_Moresby
## +1000 Pacific/Saipan
## +1000 Pacific/Truk
## +1000 Pacific/Yap
## Choose your GMT offset:
## +0000 +0100 +0200 +0300 +0330 +0400 +0430 +0500 +0530 +0545
## +0600 +0630 +0700 +0800 +0900 +0930 +0945 +1000 +1030 +1100 +1130
## +1200 +1300 +1345 +1400
## -1200 -1100 -1000 -0930 -0900 -0800 -0700
## -0600 -0500 -0400 -0330 -0300 -0200 -0100
## Offset +0300 chosen.
## Which timezone?
## +0300 Africa/Addis_Ababa
## +0300 Africa/Asmara
## +0300 Africa/Asmera
## +0300 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam
## +0300 Africa/Djibouti
## +0300 Africa/Kampala
## +0300 Africa/Khartoum
## +0300 Africa/Mogadishu
## +0300 Africa/Nairobi
## +0300 Antarctica/Syowa
## +0300 Asia/Aden
## +0300 Asia/Baghdad
## +0300 Asia/Bahrain
## +0300 Asia/Kuwait
## +0300 Asia/Qatar
## +0300 Asia/Riyadh
## +0300 Etc/GMT-3
## +0300 Europe/Moscow
## +0300 Europe/Volgograd
## +0300 Indian/Antananarivo
## +0300 Indian/Comoro
## +0300 Indian/Mayotte
## +0300 W-SU

## Choose your GMT offset:
## +0000 +0100 +0200 +0300 +0330 +0400 +0430 +0500 +0530 +0545
## +0600 +0630 +0700 +0800 +0900 +0930 +0945 +1000 +1030 +1100 +1130
## +1200 +1300 +1345 +1400
## -1200 -1100 -1000 -0930 -0900 -0800 -0700
## -0600 -0500 -0400 -0330 -0300 -0200 -0100
## Offset -0600 chosen.
## Which timezone?
## -0600 America/Belize
## -0600 America/Cancun
## -0600 America/Chicago
## -0600 America/Costa_Rica
## -0600 America/El_Salvador
## -0600 America/Guatemala
## -0600 America/Indiana/Knox
## -0600 America/Indiana/Petersburg
## -0600 America/Indiana/Tell_City
## -0600 America/Indiana/Vincennes
## -0600 America/Indiana/Winamac
## -0600 America/Knox_IN
## -0600 America/Managua
## -0600 America/Menominee
## -0600 America/Merida
## -0600 America/Mexico_City
## -0600 America/Monterrey
## -0600 America/North_Dakota/Center
## -0600 America/North_Dakota/New_Salem
## -0600 America/Rainy_River
## -0600 America/Rankin_Inlet
## -0600 America/Regina
## -0600 America/Swift_Current
## -0600 America/Tegucigalpa
## -0600 America/Winnipeg
## -0600 CST6CDT
## -0600 Canada/Central
## -0600 Canada/East-Saskatchewan
## -0600 Canada/Saskatchewan
## -0600 Etc/GMT+6
## -0600 Mexico/General
## -0600 Pacific/Galapagos
## -0600 US/Central
## -0600 US/Indiana-Starke

Why do all the Etc/GMTxxx zones appear to have
the sign of their offset reversed? Such as
-0600 for Etc/GMT+6?


Thanks a lot, Guys. The immediate step I think to take is having two
combo boxes (dividing the data by '/'). Thanks for enormous response
and the valuable suggestions!


Jerry Hill

Thanks a lot, Guys. The immediate step I think to take is having two
combo boxes (dividing the data by '/'). Thanks for enormous response
and the valuable suggestions!

The most elegant way I've seen to handle this in a graphical interface
(either a web app, or a full GUI), is to present the user with some
sort of map where they can click on their approximate location, and
then select the appropriate timezone from there. I don't think that
the pytz module is set up to support that interface very well though.

Dennis Lee Bieber

Your kidding me, aren't you? Beside the fact that the earth does not
revolve in 24h (leap seconds, if you like to google), even the 24 hours
of a day are as arbitrary as you prefer. I'm writing this at 23:26, but
I bet quite a few people call that 11:26PM. So - who's right?
Solar or Sidereal day?
Which I'm sure is the time you have on your wristwatch?

Actually, /my/ watch DOES have a 24hour dial labeled "UTC" (Citizen
eco-drive Skyhawk model). I think it also has the ability to define a
custom time-zone offset but I'd have to find the manual to be sure;
regular offsets are set by selecting major cities... Found a PDF... Has
30 defined zones, mainly to account for hourly offsets that do and don't
support daylight savings time (even though one has to manually turn on
DST for each desired zone)

{UK site, so what is labeled UTC on the watch was called "greenwich
time" -- I believe the various timekeeping organizations, when they
defined UTC, also decreed that GMT was now just a UK civil timezone
notation, a la EST/CST/PST/etc.}
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
(Bestiaria Support Staff: (e-mail address removed))

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