


Why does this program run in the ddd debugger but when i try to run the
program in a konsole i get a segmentation fault. I just can't work it out
the OS i use is suse 8.2 pro program below:

#define MAX_LEN 40
int main(void)

int pos;
char *line, *aster, *blank;

line = (char*)malloc(MAX_LEN);
aster = (char*)malloc(1);
blank = (char*)malloc(1);

line = " ";
aster = "*";
blank = "";

printf("Enter position of star(1 - 41): ");

if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));
printf("out of range %d\n",pos);

return 0;

Nick Austin

Why does this program run in the ddd debugger but when i try to run the
program in a konsole i get a segmentation fault. I just can't work it out
the OS i use is suse 8.2 pro program below:


Non-standard header. Should be:
#include said:
#define MAX_LEN 40
int main(void)

int pos;
char *line, *aster, *blank;

line = (char*)malloc(MAX_LEN);

You don't need the cast. Also strings need to be one byte
longer for the termination character:

line = malloc( MAX_LEN + 1 );
aster = (char*)malloc(1);
blank = (char*)malloc(1);

line = " ";
aster = "*";
blank = "";

These assign new values to the pointers. Since the new
value is a string literal this means that you cannot
subsequently write to the string.

You want to copy the string literals into the newly allocated
memory using the functions from <string.h>:

strcpy( line, " " );
strcpy( aster, "*" );
strcpy( blank, "" );
printf("Enter position of star(1 - 41): "); fflush( stdout );

if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));

puts() does not append a trailing newline, You'd be better
using printf instead,

And a style point. It's easier to read if each statemtent
is on it's own line:
strncat( blank, line, pos-1 );
strcat( blank, aster );
printf( "%s\n", blank );
printf("out of range %d\n",pos);

return 0;

BTW, if you just want to print the asterix in the correct place
you can use the following:

printf( "%*s\n", pos, "*" );


Irrwahn Grausewitz

amanayin said:
Why does this program run in the ddd debugger but when i try to run the
program in a konsole i get a segmentation fault. I just can't work it out
the OS i use is suse 8.2 pro program below:


Non-standard header, use:
#include said:
#define MAX_LEN 40
int main(void)

int pos;
char *line, *aster, *blank;
Drop the casts to malloc()'s return value - they're unnecessary and
may hide the fact that no suitable prototype for malloc is in scope.

You allocate memory to hold 40 characters here ...
line = (char*)malloc(MAX_LEN);

.... and for one character here...
aster = (char*)malloc(1); .... and here ...
blank = (char*)malloc(1);

.... then forget your references to that memory by letting 'line',
'aster' and 'blank' point to string literals here:
line = " ";
aster = "*";
blank = "";

Remember: you cannot assign strings directly in C, you have to use
strcpy() for this. But if you did, you would have invoked undefined
behaviour because you failed to allocate memory to hold the terminating
null character for 'line' and 'aster'.
You ask the user to enter a number up to 41 ...
printf("Enter position of star(1 - 41): ");

.... but this will print an "out of range" message if the user enters 41:
if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");

Uh-oh, now you attempt to write to those non-modifiable string
literals, invoking undefined behaviour. Luckily this resulted in
a segfault only - which indicates you are not running your programs
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));
printf("out of range %d\n",pos);

return 0;

The following program performs no string manipulation at all, yet still
produces the result (I assume) you expected:

#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
int pos;

printf( "Enter position of star(1 - 40): " );
scanf( "%d", &pos );

if ( pos > 0 && pos < 41 )
printf( " 1 2 3 4\n" );
printf( "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890\n" );
printf( "%*s\n", pos, "*" );
printf( "out of range %d\n", pos );

return 0;



do not write: void main(...)
do not use gets()
do not cast the return value of malloc()
do not fflush( stdin )
read the c.l.c-faq:

Al Bowers

amanayin said:
Why does this program run in the ddd debugger but when i try to run the
program in a konsole i get a segmentation fault. I just can't work it out
the OS i use is suse 8.2 pro program below:

You were fortunate that the code worked on anything. There are
numerous flaws. I will point out a few but I am sure I will
miss some of the errors.

replace malloc.h with stdlib.h
#define MAX_LEN 40
int main(void)

int pos;
char *line, *aster, *blank;

line = (char*)malloc(MAX_LEN);
aster = (char*)malloc(1);
blank = (char*)malloc(1);
Your allocations are not big enough storage for the strings
that you will put in them. Also, you should check to
make sure all the allocations were successful.
line = " ";
Here you would want to use strcpy or memset.
aster = "*";
blank = "";

Use strcpy.
printf("Enter position of star(1 - 41): ");
1 - 40


if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));
printf("out of range %d\n",pos);

return 0;

Are you intentionally making a convoluted code for this
simple task? There are many ways to do this without the
complexity that you have chosen.

Here is your code with the recommended corrections.


#define MAX_LEN 41

int main(void)

int pos;
char *line, *aster, *blank;

line = malloc(MAX_LEN);
aster = malloc(2);
blank = malloc(MAX_LEN);

if(line == NULL || aster == NULL || blank == NULL)
puts("Memory allocation error");
memset(line,' ',MAX_LEN);
line[MAX_LEN] = '\0';
*blank = '\0';

printf("Enter position of star(1 - 40): ");
if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));
printf("out of range %d\n",pos);
return 0;

Barry Schwarz

Why does this program run in the ddd debugger but when i try to run the
program in a konsole i get a segmentation fault. I just can't work it out
the OS i use is suse 8.2 pro program below:

Your program produces different results during different executions
because it invokes undefined behavior (UB). UB need not be consistent
between systems. It need not even be repeatable on the same system.

As you have just discovered, when you are UNlucky, UB has the
appearance of working as designed. This leads to a false sense of
success and later a bit of shock when the UB has the good graces to
abort your program in a way that says something is really wrong.

In your case, the particular undefined behavior is attempting to
modify a string literal constant as described below.

There is no malloc.h in the standard. You probably want stdlib.h
where malloc is prototyped.
#define MAX_LEN 40
int main(void)

int pos;
char *line, *aster, *blank;

line = (char*)malloc(MAX_LEN);

Don't cast the return from malloc if it is being assigned to a
pointer. Since malloc returns a pointer to void which is, by
definition, compatible with any other object pointer, it can never
help. On the other hand, it can cause the compiler to suppress a
warning message regarding your failure to include stdlib.h which would
cause your program to invoke UB. For the same reason discussed in
aster, you need MAX_LEN+1.
aster = (char*)malloc(1);

Due to the mistake noted below, you don't use the three addresses you
receive from malloc. When you correct that mistake, aster will need
to point to an area at least two bytes long. This is because every
string must terminate with a '\0' and the compiler does this
automatically for quoted string literals. Thus, the string "*"
consists of the two characters '*' and '\0'.
blank = (char*)malloc(1);

You apparently intend blank to point to the area in memory where the
result of your string manipulation will reside. You must allocate
enough space to hold the worst case result, which is 42 bytes (40
possible characters from line plus two from aster).
line = " ";

This statement says "Ignore the value currently in line and replace it
with the address of the string literal." The value currently in line
points to an allocated area. line is the only variable which contains
this value. Once the value is replaced, you have no way to recover
it. This means you can never free the area you allocated. This is a
memory leak. Since you never attempt to modify the data pointed to by
line, you could delete the malloc above to eliminate this problem.

If you really want line to point to a modifiable string, then instead
of an assignment statement you should use strcpy:
strcpy(line, " ");
aster = "*";

Ditto for aster
blank = "";

Ditto for blank but it is worse because you do modify the data it
points to.

blank points to the string literal "". The literal is, by
definition, a non-modifiable array of char (in this case, an array of
one char whose value is '\0'). For historical reasons, the literal is
not treated as const. Nonetheless, you are not allowed to modify it.
Attempting to do so invokes UB.

Even if you were allowed to modify it, the area reserved for the
array is only one byte long. As soon as you try to concatenate
anything on to it, you invoke UB by overflowing the array.

While the strcpy approach described above will work, it is overkill.
The empty string consists of only one char and you could achieve the
same effect with a simple
*blank = '\0';
printf("Enter position of star(1 - 41): ");

stdout may be buffered. Your output may not yet be visible when the
scanf executes. You can force it to be visible by adding the

if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)

To allow a value of 41, use <= or < 42.
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));
printf("out of range %d\n",pos);

return 0;

<<Remove the del for email>>

Serve La

Al Bowers said:
line = malloc(MAX_LEN);
aster = malloc(2);
blank = malloc(MAX_LEN);

if(line == NULL || aster == NULL || blank == NULL)
puts("Memory allocation error");
memset(line,' ',MAX_LEN);

maybe it's me, but I really prefer
sprintf(line, "%*c", MAX_LEN, ' ');

Martin Ambuhl

amanayin said:
Why does this program run in the ddd debugger

Why it runs with your debugger, we can't say, that being a function of that
particular program and not of C, but ...
but when i try to run the
program in a konsole i get a segmentation fault.

line = (char*)malloc(MAX_LEN);
aster = (char*)malloc(1);
blank = (char*)malloc(1);

line = " ";
aster = "*";
blank = "";

Here you just lost the results of the malloc() calls, have assigned the
addresses of the literal strings to the pointers line, aster, and blank.
If you just want to point to the literal strings, don't allocate any extra
space. If you want to allocate that space and fill it:
if (!(line = malloc(MAX_LEN))) { /* handle error */ }
if (!(aster = malloc(2))) { /* handle error */ }
/* note that "*" is 2 chars, '*' and '\0'. Since your use
of blank is as a string to which you will append some number
of characters, let's assume you have a constant MAX_OUTPUT_LEN.
This is the space we want for blank. */
if (!(blank = malloc(MAX_OUTPUT_LEN))) { /* handle error */ }

memset(line, ' ' , MAX_LEN-1); /* make line all spaces except */
line[MAXLEN-1] = 0; /* for the required terminating '\0' */
strcpy(aster,"*"); /* or aster[0] = '*'; aster[1] = 0; */
/* I doubt that you really want aster to be a string. From here on,
let's assume you had a defining declaration at the top of the block
char star = '*';
*blank = 0; /* or blank[0]=0; Just make blank a
zero-length string */
printf("Enter position of star(1 - 41): ");

if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)

This does not agree with your instructions, where you allow 41 as an entry.
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));

When you set blank to point to "*", you have made it point to a string
literal, which you should not be modifying.
On the other hand, when you allocated it to have a length of one, the only
string possible for it was "", that is, the terminating '\0', so any
attempt to append to it overflows the array.
Here's an easy way to place the star in the original line (remember the
declaration of star which I suggested in the comment above):
line[pos-1] = star;
Or we could make blank have pos-1 spaces,
memset(blank, ' ', pos-1);
/* now we can follow your path with: */
blank[pos-1] = 0;
/* or the better */
blank[pos-1] = star;
blank[pos] = 0;

So, in sum:
1) always allocate the space your string will need, including the final
'\0', at least until you learn to use realloc()
2) <ptr> = "<string literal>" always makes <ptr> point to tha (anonymous)
string literal. This destroys any value already in <ptr>, making
earlier calls to malloc pointless and making freeing that allocated
space impossible unless you saved a copy of the earlier value of <ptr>.
Do not try to modify string literals. The right way to copy a string
literal into space allocated is with strcpy(<ptr>,"<string literal>");
3) Almost all your calls to string functions above are pointless. When
you can accomplish what you need by assigning a char, strcpy, strncpy,
strcat are wasteful.
4) What I did not show before, and what is still missing, is freeing the
space allocated. Always free allocated space. Since the suggestions I
made before allow you to not both with aster and at least one on line
or blank, you will want to do whichever ones of the following still

Al Bowers

Serve said:
maybe it's me, but I really prefer
sprintf(line, "%*c", MAX_LEN, ' ');

It is just a matter of preference, but if are going to use
function sprintf to pad spaces you will not need to assign
line[MAX_LEN] = '\0'
if you do this.

Thomas Stegen

Irrwahn Grausewitz said:
a segfault only - which indicates you are not running your programs
on a DeathStar 9000:

Does the deathstar run on a deathstation 9000? That
might explain how the rebels managed to overcome
such overwhelming odds.

Not to mention all those disturbances in the force.
Who would have thought jedis really are C programmers.


Irrwahn Grausewitz

Thomas Stegen said:
Does the deathstar run on a deathstation 9000? That
might explain how the rebels managed to overcome
such overwhelming odds.

Not to mention all those disturbances in the force.
Who would have thought jedis really are C programmers.


And may the CHAR_BIT generator be with you.




amanayin said:
Why does this program run in the ddd debugger but when i try to
run the program in a konsole i get a segmentation fault. I just
can't work it out the OS i use is suse 8.2 pro program below:

suse etc. is immaterial.

No such standard include.
#define MAX_LEN 40
int main(void)

int pos;
char *line, *aster, *blank;

line = (char*)malloc(MAX_LEN);
aster = (char*)malloc(1);
blank = (char*)malloc(1);

Above three lines - useless cast hides the failure to #include
line = " ";
aster = "*";
blank = "";

Destroying the pointers (possibly) assigned by malloc and
creating memory leaks. Maybe you wanted to use strcpy here?
printf("Enter position of star(1 - 41): ");

Failure to check the return value of scanf.
if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));

Due to the destruction of pointers above, these things are now
pointing to string constants, which are not modifiable.
printf("out of range %d\n",pos);

return 0;

And the answer is: Because it is full of errors. Turn up your
warning level, and ensure you are using a standards compliant
compiler, i.e. eliminate use of any extensions.


LibraryUser wrote:

No such standard include.

My not be standard but it's in my OS /usr/include/malloc.h
And some times it does benifit to know the OS For some programs
that run on windows will not run on linux without modification

With Nick Austins help, problem solved
The only one who gave me a simple & straight forward answer

Ben Pfaff

amanayin said:
LibraryUser wrote:

My not be standard but it's in my OS /usr/include/malloc.h

You might as well use <stdlib.h>, though. It's portable and
declares malloc() too.

Darrell Grainger

Why does this program run in the ddd debugger but when i try to run the
program in a konsole i get a segmentation fault. I just can't work it out
the OS i use is suse 8.2 pro program below:

#define MAX_LEN 40
int main(void)

int pos;
char *line, *aster, *blank;

line = (char*)malloc(MAX_LEN);
aster = (char*)malloc(1);
blank = (char*)malloc(1);

I hope that you check the return values of malloc to see if there was a
failure and handle it appropriately. I'll assume you trimmed out your
error checking.

Just to understand what the code had done up to this point, you have asked
the system, via malloc, for three blocks of memory. The variables line,
aster and blank are holding the memory locations for those blocks of
line = " ";
aster = "*";
blank = "";

Here you have re-assigned line, aster and blank. At this point the results
of the three malloc calls are lost. You now have a memory leak. If you
want to copy the data into the blocks of memory you need to do something
different. Namely:

strncpy(line, " ", MAXLEN);
*aster = '*';
*blank = '\0';

Note that aster cannot be the string "*" as this string has two
characters. Namely, { '*', '\0' };
printf("Enter position of star(1 - 41): ");

fflush(stdout); /* if you are not sure why read the FAQ */

if(pos > 0 && pos < 41)
printf(" 1 2 3 4\n");
puts(strcat (strncat(blank,line,pos-1),aster));

This is just so ugly. Shouldn't you be using MAXLEN rather than the magic
number 41 in the IF statement? I also suspect you want blank to be " " and
not "" as you have originally put.
printf("out of range %d\n",pos);

If you hadn't messed up the malloc calls, you'd want to free the three
blocks of memory here.
return 0;

The memory leaks are probably not crashing your code. The
puts/strcat/strncat is probably what is messing things up.

darrell at cs dot toronto dot edu
main(){int j=1234;char t[]=":mad:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.\n",*i=
"iqgbgxmdbjlgdv.lksrqek.n";char *strchr(const char *,int);while(
*i){j+=strchr(t,*i++)-t;j%=sizeof t-1;putchar(t[j]);} return 0;}

Micah Cowan

amanayin said:
LibraryUser wrote:

My not be standard but it's in my OS /usr/include/malloc.h
And some times it does benifit to know the OS For some programs
that run on windows will not run on linux without modification

His point was, you shouldn't be #including that at all. It is *too*
stystem-dependant, and on some systems (IIRC) won't do what you
think. If you want malloc(), always #include <stdlib.h>. This is 100%
compatibile with every ISO C implementation in existence. No need to
know the system to use malloc().


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