[QUIZ] Housie (#114)


Brian Candler

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Since I posed the problem in the first place, here's my solution.

As a bit of background: after submitting the first draft of the quiz to
James, I made it an explicit requirement that numbers had to be placed in a
column in increasing order downwards, e.g.

+----+ +----+
| 85 | | 86 |
+----+ +----+
| | is OK, but | | is not.
+----+ +----+
| 86 | | 85 |
+----+ +----+

A little thought shows that it's always possible to transform a "bad"
solution like the RHS into a "good" solution like the LHS, just by swapping
the values around, keeping any blanks in the same position.

This in turn led me to realise that the only thing which matters is the
position of blanks and non-blanks, and this can be represented in a bitmap.

The attached solution enumerates all possible tickets grids up-front, which
is remarkably quick when using a Fixnum to represent each bitmap.

Then, assembling together 6 grids to form a book is a case of picking 6
grids which have a total of 9 non-blanks across the first column, 10
non-blanks across the second..eighth columns, and 11 non-blanks across the
last column. I couldn't think of a deterministic way of doing this, so it
just picks 5 grids at random and looks in an index to find if there is any
6th grid which could be used to complete the book.

After implementing the solution, I realised that the three rows in a ticket
can be shuffled around in any order without breaking the structure of either
the ticket or the book. This could be used to reduce the number of stored
grid patterns by a factor of 6; then when you generate a book, as a last
step you can randomly shuffle the rows in each ticket.



P.S. Note to James: I just discovered a silly bug in Bookpattern.make_random
which has been fixed in the attached version :)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="housie3.rb"

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

# We can represent a 3x9 grid as three 9-bit numbers (0=blank, 1=present)
# 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# The constraints are then:
# - each row must have exactly 5 bits set
# - each column must have at least one bit set
# If we enumerate all 9-bit patterns with 5 bits set, that is only
# 9C5 = 9!/(5!4!) = 126 patterns.
# So there are "only" 126 ^ 3 patterns to consider, and we can
# efficiently test that at least one bit is set in each column by
# OR'ing them together
# Then we can re-arrange into a single 27-bit word as:
# 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18
# 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
# 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# and therefore each grid pattern is just a Fixnum. The Gridpattern class
# is responsible for calculating and indexing valid grid patterns.
# Now, for the purposes of building a book, certain sets of grids are
# interchangeable: we only care about how many items are in each column,
# not their positions. So we make a 'key' which is a nine-digit number
# giving the total number of bits in each column; all grid patterns with the
# same key are interchangeable when assembling a book. e.g.
# X X X X X
# X X X X X => "211112322"
# X X X X X
# We then treat this string as a base32 number when storing the key.
# This has the convenient property that simply adding the keys together
# counts the number of bits used in each column; a valid book will add
# up to 9AAAAAAAB. (We could actually use base19 or higher; the worst case
# we could see is six tickets each with 3 bits in the same column)

class Gridpattern

attr_reader :all_patterns, :cats
def initialize
@all_patterns = [] # [patt, patt, ...]
@cats = {} # category => [patt, patt, ...]

# Enumerate all valid grid patterns
# This takes about 20 seconds on a P4 2.8GHz to generate 735,210 grids
# and put them into 1,554 categories. Not bad for a scripting language :)

def generate_grids
return if @all_patterns.size > 0

# all 9 bit patterns which have 5 bits set
patts = []
(0..4).each do |b1|
(b1+1..5).each do |b2|
(b2+1..6).each do |b3|
(b3+1..7).each do |b4|
(b4+1..8).each do |b5|
patts << ((1<<b1)|(1<<b2)|(1<<b3)|(1<<b4)|(1<<b5))
raise "Sanity error" if patts.size != 126

# try all combinations of three row patterns
patts.each do |p1|
patts.each do |p2|
pp = p1 | p2
patts.each do |p3|
next unless pp | p3 == 0x1ff
p = ((p1 << 18) | (p2 << 9) | p3)
@all_patterns << p

# Now index this pattern by category
cat = p1.to_s(2).to_i(32) +
p2.to_s(2).to_i(32) +
@cats[cat] ||= []
@cats[cat] << p

def pick_any
@all_patterns[ rand(@all_patterns.size) ]

# Convert a grid pattern into its individual rows: returns [int,int,int]
def self.gridsplit(p)
[(p >> 18) & 0x1ff, (p >> 9) & 0x1ff, p & 0x1ff]

# Convert a grid pattern into its category
def self.gridcat(p)
((p >> 18) & 0x1ff).to_s(2).to_i(32) +
((p >> 9) & 0x1ff).to_s(2).to_i(32) +
(p & 0x1ff).to_s(2).to_i(32)
end # class Gridpattern

# A Bookpattern is an array of of 6 compatible grid patterns. They are
# compatible if the there are 9 b8's set, 10 b7's set, 10 b6's set,
# ...10 b1's set, and 11 b0's set. We check this by adding together
# the keys.

class Bookpattern
attr_reader :gridpatterns
def initialize(pats = nil)
@gridpatterns = pats

TOTAL_BITS = "9AAAAAAAB".to_i(32) # what the columns add up to

def check
tot = 0
@gridpatterns.each { |gp| tot += Gridpattern.gridcat(gp) }
raise "Bad book pattern: #{pats.inspect}" unless tot == TOTAL_BITS

# Make a random Bookpattern. Pass in the Gridpattern object which contains
# all possible grid patterns, and it will return one random book pattern.
# We loop around trying to find a valid book. The "2.times" heuristic is
# to avoid us digging ourselves too deep into a hole if we make a
# bad choice.

def self.make_random(gp)
while true
p1 = gp.pick_any
tot1 = Gridpattern.gridcat(p1)
2.times do
p2 = gp.pick_any
tot2 = tot1 + Gridpattern.gridcat(p2)
2.times do
p3 = gp.pick_any
tot3 = tot2 + Gridpattern.gridcat(p3)
2.times do
p4 = gp.pick_any
tot4 = tot3 + Gridpattern.gridcat(p4)
2.times do
p5 = gp.pick_any
tot5 = tot4 + Gridpattern.gridcat(p5)
remainder = TOTAL_BITS - tot5
p6a = gp.cats[remainder] # compatible options for last grid
next unless p6a
p6 = p6a[ rand(p6a.size) ]
next unless tot5 + Gridpattern.gridcat(p6) == TOTAL_BITS # sanity check
return Bookpattern.new([p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6])
end # class Bookpattern

# A completed grid, represented as [ [val, val, val], [val, val, val], ... ]
# where val is nil for a blank square

class Grid
def initialize(g = [])
@g = g

# add a column of form [val, val, val]
def add_column(c)
@g << c

SEP = "+----" * 9 + "+\n"
def to_s
str = SEP.dup
3.times do |row|
9.times do |col|
str << sprintf("| %2s ", @g[col][row])
str << "|\n" << SEP

# Raise an exception if ticket violates structure rules
# (TODO: check values in each column are in correct numeric range)
def check
raise "Wrong number of columns (#{@g.size})" if @g.size != 9
nr = [0, 0, 0]
@g.each do |c|
raise "Wrong number of rows (#{c.size})" if c.size != 3
nc = (0..2).collect { |i| c.nil? ? 0 : 1 }
raise "Empty column" if nc[0]+nc[1]+nc[2] < 1
max = 0
(0..2).each do |i|
nr += nc
next if c.nil?
raise "Column out of sequence: #{c.inspect}" if c <= max
max = c
(0..2).each { |i| raise "Wrong no. items in row (#{nr})" if nr != 5 }
end # class Grid

# A bookset consists of each integer 1 to 90, arranged in groups for
# each column, in randomized order. These can then be consumed into
# grid patterns to make real grids.

class Bookset
def initialize
@set = [
(1..9).to_a, (10..19).to_a, (20..29).to_a, (30..39).to_a, (40..49).to_a,
(50..59).to_a, (60..69).to_a, (70..79).to_a, (80..90).to_a
@set.map! { |s| s.sort_by { rand } }

# Pick numbers out of this bookset to populate a grid of given pattern
# (pattern is a 27-bit Fixnum as described earlier)

def apply_gridpattern(pattern)
p = Gridpattern.gridsplit(pattern)
g = Grid.new
colbit = 0x100
9.times do |index|
# pick the right amount of numbers
pick = []
p.each do |bitpat|
next unless (bitpat & colbit) != 0
val = @set[index].shift
raise "Out of numbers applying pattern #{p}!" if val.nil?
pick << val
# put them into the column
col = p.collect do |bitpat|
if (bitpat & colbit) != 0
colbit >>= 1

def apply_bookpattern(p)
res = []
p.gridpatterns.each do |g|
res << apply_gridpattern(g)
raise "Not all numbers used!" unless empty?

def empty?
end # class Bookset

############ Main program #############

h = nil
File.open("housie.obj") { |f| puts "Loading grids..."; h = Marshal.load(f) }
rescue Errno::ENOENT, TypeError
h = Gridpattern.new
puts "Generating grids (please wait)"
puts "#{h.all_patterns.size} grids"
puts "#{h.cats.size} grid groups"
puts "Saving..."
File.open("housie.obj","w") { |f| Marshal.dump(h, f) }

# Problem 1: generate 10 random tickets

10.times do |i|
# Generate a single ticket from a random grid pattern
bs = Bookset.new
t = bs.apply_gridpattern(h.pick_any)
puts "==== Ticket #{i} ===="
puts t.to_s

# Problem 2: generate 100 books (takes roughly 6ms per book when
# printing is disabled)

t1 = Time.now
100.times do |i|
bs = Bookset.new
tickets = bs.apply_bookpattern(Bookpattern.make_random(h))
# next # disable printing
puts "==== Book #{i} ===="
tickets.each do |t|
puts t.to_s
t2 = Time.now
puts "Time taken to generate books: #{t2-t1}"


Christoffer Lernö

Since I posed the problem in the first place, here's my solution.

Since there was a benchmark in your solution, I did some checks on
the other solutions as well.

Of those who provide a complete book I find that on my computer Ruben
Medellin's solution is the fastest, followed by Andy Restrepo's
solution. Someone interested in doing a benchmark on all the
solutions and share? (I'd do it myself but I don't trust my computer
to produce consistent results when benchmarking)


James Edward Gray II

rretzbach's first proposal is exactly the same as mine. I don't
think the
probabilities are not evenly
distributed in the proposed. And my program generates the row
pattern is the

def make_rows
row1 = gen_rands_nodup(9, 0, 5, Array.new)
row2 = gen_rands_nodup(9, 0, 5, Array.new)
row3= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]-(row1+row2)
row3 = gen_rands_nodup(9, 0, 5, row3)

def gen_rand max,range
rand(max) + range * 10

def gen_rands_nodup max,range,num,arr
i = arr.length
while i < num do
rand_val = gen_rand(max,range)
while arr.include?(rand_val) do
rand_val = gen_rand(max,range)
arr = rand_val
i += 1

Is there any bug in this algorithm?

I don't think so, but it's a little hard to follow the logic. You
could definitely simplify gen_rands_nodup using upto(), times(), or
inject(). I would begin by trying to remove the index.

I'm not immediately sure how to prove it's not purely random, though
my hunch is that it is not.

James Edward Gray II

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