Reading a Bitstream


Dietrich Epp

Are there any good modules for reading a bitstream? Specifically, I
have a string and I want to be able to get the next N bits as an
integer. Right now I'm using struct.unpack and bit operations, it's a
bit kludgy but it gets the right results.

Thanks in advance.

Miki Tebeka

Hello Dietrich,
Are there any good modules for reading a bitstream? Specifically, I
have a string and I want to be able to get the next N bits as an
integer. Right now I'm using struct.unpack and bit operations, it's a
bit kludgy but it gets the right results.
Have you looked at 'array' and 'xdrlib.Upnacker'?


Dietrich Epp

Hello Dietrich,

Have you looked at 'array' and 'xdrlib.Upnacker'?

Both of those look like they're aligned to byte boundaries. Am I

The file I'm reading has fields ranging from 1 to 32 bits wide, and
they are packed bit-to-bit.

I guess I'll write my own module.

Patrick Maupin

Dietrich said:
Are there any good modules for reading a bitstream? Specifically, I
have a string and I want to be able to get the next N bits as an
integer. Right now I'm using struct.unpack and bit operations, it's a
bit kludgy but it gets the right results.

As Miki wrote, the array module will probably give you what
you want more easily than struct.unpack. If you need more
help, just post a few more details and I will post a code
snippet. (As to the rest of Miki's post, I'm not sure that
I really want to know what an "Upnacker" is :)


Dietrich Epp

As Miki wrote, the array module will probably give you what
you want more easily than struct.unpack. If you need more
help, just post a few more details and I will post a code
snippet. (As to the rest of Miki's post, I'm not sure that
I really want to know what an "Upnacker" is :)

Maybe I should clarify: I need to read bit fields. Neither are they
aligned to bytes or do they have fixed offsets. In fact, in one part
of the file there is a list of objects which starts with a 9 bit object
type followed by fields whose length and number depend on that object
type, ranging from a dummy 1-bit field to a tuple of four fields of
length 9, 5, 8, and 8 bits.

I looked at the array module and can't find what I'm looking for.
Here's a bit of typical usage.

def readStuff(bytes):
bits = BitStream(bytes[2:])
isSimple = bits.Get(1)
objType = chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
count = bits.Get(3)
if not isSimple:
objId = bits.Get(32)
bytes = bytes[2+bits.PartialBytesRead():]
return bytes, objType

This is basically the gamut of what I want to do. I have a string, and
create a bit stream object. I read fields from the bit stream, some
may not be present, then return an object and the string that comes
after it. The objects are aligned to bytes in this case even though
their fields aren't.

I can't figure out how to get array to do this. Array does not look at
all suited to reading a bit stream. struct.unpack *does* work right
now, with a lot of help, I was wondering if there was an easier way.

Bengt Richter

As Miki wrote, the array module will probably give you what
you want more easily than struct.unpack. If you need more
help, just post a few more details and I will post a code
snippet. (As to the rest of Miki's post, I'm not sure that
I really want to know what an "Upnacker" is :)

Maybe I should clarify: I need to read bit fields. Neither are they
aligned to bytes or do they have fixed offsets. In fact, in one part
of the file there is a list of objects which starts with a 9 bit object
type followed by fields whose length and number depend on that object
type, ranging from a dummy 1-bit field to a tuple of four fields of
length 9, 5, 8, and 8 bits.

I looked at the array module and can't find what I'm looking for.
Here's a bit of typical usage.

def readStuff(bytes):
bits = BitStream(bytes[2:])
isSimple = bits.Get(1)
objType = chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
count = bits.Get(3)
if not isSimple:
objId = bits.Get(32)
bytes = bytes[2+bits.PartialBytesRead():]
return bytes, objType

This is basically the gamut of what I want to do. I have a string, and
create a bit stream object. I read fields from the bit stream, some
may not be present, then return an object and the string that comes
after it. The objects are aligned to bytes in this case even though
their fields aren't.

I can't figure out how to get array to do this. Array does not look at
all suited to reading a bit stream. struct.unpack *does* work right
now, with a lot of help, I was wondering if there was an easier way.
Maybe this will do something for you?
Note that this is a response to your post, and not something previously tested,
(in fact not tested beyond what you see ;-) and it will be slow if you have
huge amounts of data to process.

You pass a string to the constructor, specifying big-endian if not little-endian,
and then you use the read method to read bit fields, which may optionally have
their most significant bits interpreted as sign bits.

E.g., reading 4-bit chunks or bits, little-endian and big-endian:
0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 ...
3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 ...
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Sorry for the lack of doc strings ;-/
Please let me know if/when you find a bug.

====< >=========================================
import itertools
class SBits(object):
def __init__(self, s='', little_endian=True):
self.le = little_endian
self.buf = 0L
self.getbyte = itertools.imap(ord, s).next
def read(self, nb=0, signed=False):
while self.bufbits<nb:
if self.le:
self.buf |= (long(self.getbyte())<<self.bufbits) # put at top
self.buf = (self.buf<<8) | self.getbyte()
except StopIteration: # no more getbyte data
raise EOFError, 'Failed to read %s bits from available %s.'%(nb, self.bufbits)
self.bufbits -= nb
if self.le:
ret = self.buf & ((1L<<nb)-1)
self.buf >>= nb
ret = self.buf>>self.bufbits
self.buf &= ((1L<<self.bufbits)-1)
if signed:
signbit = 1L<<(nb-1)
if signbit & ret:
ret = ret - signbit -signbit
if -2**31 <= ret < 2**31: return int(ret)
return ret #, nb

def test():
sb = SBits('\x03'*(sum(xrange(37))+7))
bits = [, wid&1>0) for wid in xrange(37)]
hexis = map(hex,bits)
shouldbe = [
'0x0', '0xffffffff', '0x1', '0x0', '0xc', '0x0', '0x6', '0x18',
'0x30', '0x30', '0x18', '0xfffffe06', '0xc0', '0xc0c', '0x2060', '0x181',
'0x303', '0xffff0303', '0x18181', '0x6060', '0xc0c0c', '0xc0c0', '0x60606', '0x181818',
'0x303030', '0x303030', '0x181818', '0xfe060606', '0xc0c0c0', '0xc0c0c0c', '0x20606060', '0x1818181',
'0x3030303', '-0xFCFCFCFDL', '0x181818181L', '0x60606060', '0xC0C0C0C0CL']
for i,h in enumerate(hexis): print '%12s%s'%(h,'\n'[:i%4==3]),
print '\n-----\nThat was%s what was expected.\n-----'%((' not','')[hexis==shouldbe],)

sb = SBits('\xc0'*(sum(xrange(37))+7), False)
bits = [, wid&1>0) for wid in xrange(37)]
hexis = map(hex,bits)
shouldbe = [
'0x0', '0xffffffff', '0x2', '0x0', '0x3', '0x0', '0x18', '0xc',
'0xc', '0x18', '0x60', '0x303', '0x30', '0x606', '0x181', '0xffffc0c0',
'0xc0c0', '0xffff8181', '0x20606', '0x3030', '0x30303', '0x6060', '0x181818', '0xc0c0c',
'0xc0c0c', '0x181818', '0x606060', '0x3030303', '0x303030', '0x6060606', '0x1818181', '0xc0c0c0c0',
'0xC0C0C0C0L', '0x81818181', '0x206060606L', '0x30303030', '0x303030303L']
for i,h in enumerate(hexis): print '%12s%s'%(h,'\n'[:i%4==3]),
print '\n-----\nThat was%s what was expected.\n-----'%((' not','')[hexis==shouldbe],)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Bengt Richter

Dietrich Epp

On Nov 19, 2003, at 7:02 PM, Bengt Richter wrote:

Maybe this will do something for you?
Note that this is a response to your post, and not something
previously tested,
(in fact not tested beyond what you see ;-) and it will be slow if you
huge amounts of data to process.

You pass a string to the constructor, specifying big-endian if not
and then you use the read method to read bit fields, which may
optionally have
their most significant bits interpreted as sign bits.

E.g., reading 4-bit chunks or bits, little-endian and big-endian:


It looks like what I did before I started using struct.unpack. I think
I'll stick with my current code, which, although it looks like ugly C
code, works. Someday I'll probably get the itch again and make a
decent module out of it.

Patrick Maupin

Dietrich said:
Maybe I should clarify: I need to read bit fields. Neither are they
aligned to bytes or do they have fixed offsets. In fact, in one part
of the file there is a list of objects which starts with a 9 bit object
type followed by fields whose length and number depend on that object
type, ranging from a dummy 1-bit field to a tuple of four fields of
length 9, 5, 8, and 8 bits.

I looked at the array module and can't find what I'm looking for.
Here's a bit of typical usage.

def readStuff(bytes):
bits = BitStream(bytes[2:])
isSimple = bits.Get(1)
objType = chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
objType += chr(bits.Get(8))
count = bits.Get(3)
if not isSimple:
objId = bits.Get(32)
bytes = bytes[2+bits.PartialBytesRead():]
return bytes, objType

The fact that you want to read bitfields was perfectly clear.
What was not clear to me was that you were apparently asking
if there was a module which does _exactly_ what you want, and
I thought you might be merely asking if there was a more suitable
module to build your bitstream code on than the struct module.

For this task, IMO struct is unwieldy, and array is much more
suitable, because the indexing works very nicely, and it is
quick and painless to convert a string into an array.

If you need gobs of performance, you may end up writing a C
module, but if you need moderate performance, you can probably
do better with an array implementation than with a struct
implementation, especially if you go ahead and dump an
entire file into an array.

Here is a module (completely untested, because it's bedtime)
which uses array to provide this sort of functionality.

I call the primary function "read" instead of "Get" because
it's kinda-sorta modelled on a file object. Also, I didn't
provide an "Ignore", because all you have to do is call
"read" without assigning the results to anything.

Hope this helps.


bitarray class allows reading from a bitstream.

The number of requested bits on a read are returned
as a positive long integer.

Limitations of this implementation:
- bitstream is not writable after initialization
- Must be initialized with a string (not a list or tuple)

Any limitation could be fixed with a six pack :)

import array

class bitarray(object):

# Support the new Athlon 64's by dynamically
# calculating number of bytes per long,
# and optimistically assume we'll have 256-bit
# processors soon :)

_bytesperlong = 32/len(array.array('L',32*' '))
_bitsperlong = _bytesperlong*8

def __init__(self,source_str):
self._totalbits = len(source_str) * 8
self._position = 0

# Pad to longword boundary, then make an array

source_str += -len(source_str) % self._bytessperlong * chr(0)
self._bitstream = array.array('L',source_str)

def seek(self,offset,whence=0):
self._position = offset + (0,self._position,self._totalbits)[whence]

def tell(self):
return self._position

def read(self,numbits):
bitsperlong,position = self._bitsperlong,self._position

if position < 0 or position + numbits > self._totalbits:
raise IndexError, "Invalid bitarray._position/numbits"

longaddress,bitoffset = divmod(position,bitsperlong)

# We may read bits in the final word after ones we care
# about, so create a mask to remove them later.

finalmask = (1L << numbits) - 1

# We may read bits in the first word before the ones we
# care about, so bump the total bits to read by this
# amount, so we read enough higher-order bits.

numbits += bitoffset

# Read and concatenate every long which contains a bit we need

outval,outshift = 0L,0
while numbits > 0:
outval += self._bitstream[longaddress] << outshift
longaddress += 1
outshift += bitsperlong
numbits -= bitsperlong

# numbits is now basically a negative number which tells us
# how many bits to back up from our current position.

self._position = longaddress*bitsperlong + numbits

# Shift right to strip off the low-order bits we
# don't want, then 'and' with the mask to strip
# off the high-order bits we don't want.

return (outval >> bitoffset) & finalmask

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