reading from "unknown" number and names of files using fstream



I've got to read info from multiple files that will be given to me. I
know the format and what the data is. The thing is each time we run
the program we may be using a differnt number of files, with different
file names each time. So i'm writing into the code to ask the user how
many files, and what their names are. From each we'll read in 2 lines,
then do some math using all of those lines. Then do it again on another
set of lines. I'm having some trouble creating different objects with
different names when I don't know before hand how many there will be or
what the file names will be. I know the following code won't work but
it might give an idea of what I'm thinking.

int num;
std::cout << "enter number of files: ";
std::cin >> num;
char* infile[num+1];

for(int n=1; n<=num; n++)
std::cout << "\nenter name of file " << n << " : ";
std::cin >> infile[n];
std::ifstream infile[n];

Anyone got any idea how to create variables whose names are themselves
variable by the program? It's something an old macro language I used
to know could do, but I don't yet see a way to manipulate c++ into it.
how could I force the creation of the ifstream object to take its name
from such a variable, or from an element of an array?
should I be using pointers in a different way?
would I have to somehow overload the fstream::eek:pen() function?
any other methods are also welcome, doesn't have to be fstream if there
is something else. though this is some kind of process that I'd like
to make more general and applicable for other uses.

thanks all


Anyone got any idea how to create variables whose names are themselves
variable by the program?

You can't do that. What you can do is create one variable, with one
name, that contains a number of objects. A std::vector is one choice to
use here, although putting ifstream objects in a vector is a little
tricky. Do you actually need to have all the files open at the same time,
though? If you don't, you could open each file in turn:

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

int main()
int n_files;

std::cout << "How many files to open: ";
std::cin >> n_files;
std::cin.ignore(); // Ignore the carriage-return

for( int i = 0; i < n_files; ++i ) {
std::string filename;

std::cout << "File " << i << ": ";
std::getline(std::cin, filename);
std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
// Read in the lines and do the calculations here


Ok I do not know what a vector class is in c++. I'm familiar with the
math/physics concept fo a vector.
The reason for the 2 lines from each file is I have to do a linear
interpolation to arrive at a predetermined "average", that will also be
the same "average" that I'll be seeking for my linear interpolation of
the pairs of lines from all the files. This is so I can make a
standardized data for my calculations. From this I would then be do a
mathematical calculation that uses all those "averages". I can't do the
calc until i get the data from all files. It is very important to keep
straight which is which, becuase of where they go in the equation. I
dont' really need to know the names of the files, I just thought of
that as a scheme for keeping the data straight. The data files are not
large, no more than 1000 records usually, so i could bring them in
I see no reason why I couldn't use a control file containing the names
of the files, or also make it command line, instead of actually asking,
but any way it will be unknown until run-time how many there are and
what their names would be, and that is the real problem I'm having.
I don't know any longer, but concerning memory space and running time,
what is more efficient, opening and closing files repeatedly when they
are needed, or opening them and simply reading each time through then
closing at the end, or bringing a few thousand records in?
i don't see how I could keep the data striaght with what you're
suggetsing.. though maybe i could make a 2d array...and in the end let
you know what I wind up doing.

Jonathan Mcdougall

I've got to read info from multiple files that will be given to me. I
know the format and what the data is. The thing is each time we run
the program we may be using a differnt number of files, with different
file names each time. So i'm writing into the code to ask the user how
many files, and what their names are. From each we'll read in 2 lines,
then do some math using all of those lines. Then do it again on another
set of lines. I'm having some trouble creating different objects with
different names when I don't know before hand how many there will be or
what the file names will be. I know the following code won't work but
it might give an idea of what I'm thinking.

int num;
std::cout << "enter number of files: ";
std::cin >> num;
char* infile[num+1];

for(int n=1; n<=num; n++)
std::cout << "\nenter name of file " << n << " : ";
std::cin >> infile[n];

This will input a single character, probably not what you want.
std::ifstream infile[n];

# include <iostream>
# include <fstream>
# include <string>

class parse_exception {};

void parse(const std::string& fn)
std::ifstream ifs(fn.c_str());
if (!ifs)
throw parse_exception();

std::string line1, line2;
getline(ifs, line1);
getline(ifs, line2);

// use line1 and line2

int main()
while (true)
std::string fn;
getline(std::cin, fn);

if (fn == "")


If you want to ask the file names first and then parse them, you could
use a vector (or any container):

# include <vector>
# include <iostream>
# include <string>

void parse(const std::string& fn);

int main()
typedef std::vector<std::string> fn_container;
fn_container c;

while (true)
std::string fn;
getline(std::cin, fn);

if (fn == "")


std::for_each(c.begin(), c.end(), parse);


Jonathan Mcdougall

Jonathan said:
I've got to read info from multiple files that will be given to me. I
know the format and what the data is. The thing is each time we run
the program we may be using a differnt number of files, with different
file names each time. So i'm writing into the code to ask the user how
many files, and what their names are. From each we'll read in 2 lines,
then do some math using all of those lines. Then do it again on another
set of lines. I'm having some trouble creating different objects with
different names when I don't know before hand how many there will be or
what the file names will be. I know the following code won't work but
it might give an idea of what I'm thinking.

int num;
std::cout << "enter number of files: ";
std::cin >> num;
char* infile[num+1];

Illegal, the size of an array must be a compile-time constant.

Undefined behavior, because infile[num] does not exist (arrays are
0-based in C++).
std::cout << "\nenter name of file " << n << " : ";
std::cin >> infile[n];

This will input a single character, probably not what you want.

Well that's plain wrong, but it still won't work because you are using
a pointer to a char which points to garbage.


Lyell Haynes

Anyone got any idea how to create variables whose names are themselves
variable by the program? It's something an old macro language I used
to know could do, but I don't yet see a way to manipulate c++ into it.
how could I force the creation of the ifstream object to take its name
from such a variable, or from an element of an array?

You can't create variables whose names are themselves variables, but
you can create a std::map that stores key->value pairs. Why not put a
pointer to each open file into the map with the name of the file as a

If the number of files you need to have open at one time is too large,
then you could just read in all the file data into internal data
structures and store those in the map. If you want to avoid copying the
data when putting it in the map, store pointers.

Jonathan Mcdougall

Lyell said:
You can't create variables whose names are themselves variables, but
you can create a std::map that stores key->value pairs. Why not put a
pointer to each open file into the map with the name of the file as a

That would be a mess. Since streams are not copyable, you would need to
allocate them on the heap. IMO, it makes no sense having a map of
heap-allocated streams just for the sake of reading them after.
If the number of files you need to have open at one time is too large,
then you could just read in all the file data into internal data
structures and store those in the map. If you want to avoid copying the
data when putting it in the map, store pointers.

That would be a lot better.


Lyell Haynes

That would be a mess. Since streams are not copyable, you would need to
allocate them on the heap. IMO, it makes no sense having a map of
heap-allocated streams just for the sake of reading them after.

I'm not sure how it would be a mess. It makes perfect sense if the file
data is too large to read in all at once and store in memory. If I have
100 files that I need to iterate through, reading a few lines from each
at a time and each file is a few hundred megabytes in size, keeping
pointers to the open files sounds good to me. The other option is to
constantly open and close each file before and after each read. If that
works for the situation, hey, that's cool too.

Since the original poster is only dealing with small files, reading in
all the data from all the files first is probably the easiest solution
to manage.


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