Reading JPEG image width & height only


jan V


I'm trying to find an elegant and short(ish) method to find the image width
& height of a JPEG data stream without having to read any image pixel data.

I am not interested in porting any JPEG/JFIF file parsing code from C or
Pascal or Delphi.. ;-)

I think there has to be a short solution either through some ImageIO
classes, or maybe even ImageObserver?

Anyone has any ready-cooked code for this?


Andrew Thompson

Thanks Andrew, ImageInfo does precisely what I need ..

No worries. Whenever a Java image question comes up,
I reach for Marco's excellent site at Geocities.


jan V said:

I'm trying to find an elegant and short(ish) method to find the image width
& height of a JPEG data stream without having to read any image pixel data.

I am not interested in porting any JPEG/JFIF file parsing code from C or
Pascal or Delphi.. ;-)

I think there has to be a short solution either through some ImageIO
classes, or maybe even ImageObserver?

Anyone has any ready-cooked code for this?


This works for me

myimage = new ImageIcon(name);
int height = myimage.getIconHeight();
int width = myimage.getIconWidth();

Roedy Green

I think there has to be a short solution either through some ImageIO
classes, or maybe even ImageObserver?

int imageWidth = image.getWidth(this);
int imageHeight = image.getHeight(this);

will appear to be 0x0 until late in its career, which is what usually
screws you up.

If you want to find out before reading the *.gif, you need some code
something like this:

Here is a simple one I wrote:



import com.mindprod.ledatastream.LEDataInputStream;

* Rapidly get width and height information about
* a gif or jpg or png.
* @author Roedy Green
* @version 1.0
* @since 2003 May 15
public class ImageInfo

* get the height and width of a gif or jpg image
* without having to read the entire Image into RAM.
* @see com.mindprod.ledatastream.LEDataStream
* for how little endian reads are done.
* Available from
* @param imageFilename filename. Must end in .jpg or .gif
* @return length-2 array of two numbers, width and height
* of the image, or 0,0 if it could not be found.
* We don't return a Dimension object because it
* provides doubles, not ints.
public static int[] getImageDimensions( String imageFilename )
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
LEDataInputStream inle = null;
DataInputStream inbe = null;
if ( imageFilename.endsWith( ".gif" ) )
// signature GIF89a i.e. 0x474946383961
// or GIF87a
// just check first 4 chars
// width at offset 0x06 and height at 0x08 16-bit
little endian
inle = new LEDataInputStream ( new FileInputStream (
imageFilename ) );
int signature4 = inle.readInt( );
if ( signature4 != 0x38464947 /* reversed */ )
throw new IOException( "not a valid gif" );
width = inle.readShort();
height = inle.readShort();
else if ( imageFilename.endsWith( ".jpg" ) )
// ffd8
// in variable location: height, then width, big
inbe = new DataInputStream ( new FileInputStream (
imageFilename ) );

if ( inbe.readUnsignedByte() != 0xff )
throw new IOException( "not a valid jpg" );
if ( inbe.readUnsignedByte() != 0xd8 )
throw new IOException( "not a valid jpg" );
while ( true )
int p1 = inbe.readUnsignedByte();
int p2 = inbe.readUnsignedByte();
if ( p1 == 0xff && 0xc0 <= p2 && p2 <= 0xc3 )
height = inbe.readShort();
width = inbe.readShort();
// bypass this marker
int length = inbe.readShort();
inbe.skipBytes ( length-2 );
} // end while
} // end else
if ( imageFilename.endsWith( ".png" ) )
// see
// The PNG file header looks like this:
// signature \211PNG\r\n\032\n 8-bytes
// ie. in hex 89504e470d0a1a0a
// chunksize 4 bytes 0x0000000D
// chunkid 4 bytes "IHDR" 0x49484452
// width 4 bytes big-endian binary
// height 4 bytes big-endian binary
inbe = new DataInputStream ( new FileInputStream (
imageFilename ) );
long signature = inbe.readLong();
if ( signature != 0x89504e470d0a1a0aL )
throw new IOException( "not a valid png file" );
inbe.skipBytes( 4+4 );

width = inbe.readInt();
height = inbe.readInt();
// other file types will default to 0,0
} // end try
catch ( IOException e )

if ( inle != null )
if ( inbe != null )
width = 0;
height = 0;
catch ( Exception e )
width = 0;
height = 0;
return new int[] { width, height };
} // end getImageDimensions

* Test driver.
* @param args name of a *.gif or *.jpg or *.png image file to
* Should print out its width and height.
public static void main( String[] args )
if ( args.length != 1 )
System.out.println( "Need exactly one image filename on the
command line." );
String imageFilename = args[0];
int[] d = getImageDimensions( imageFilename );
System.out.println( imageFilename + " width:" + d[0] + "
height:" + d[1] );
} // end class ImageInfo

here is a fancy one.

package com.mindprod.htmlmacros;
import java.util.ArrayList;

* Version 1..
* A Java class to determine image width, height and color depth for
* a number of image file formats.
* Written by Marco Schmidt <[email protected]>
* Contributed to the Public Domain.
* Last modification 2002-06-17
* verlsion 1.4 2005-07-02 flipped to Java 1.5 checking.

import java.util.Vector;

* Get file format, image resolution, number of bits per pixel and
* number of images, comments and physical resolution from
* (or input streams).
* <p>
* Use the class like this:
* <pre>
* ImageInfo ii = new ImageInfo();
* ii.setInput(in); // in can be InputStream or RandomAccessFile
* ii.setDetermineImageNumber(true); // default is false
* ii.setCollectComments(true); // default is false
* if (!ii.check()) {
* System.err.println("Not a supported image file format.");
* return;
* }
* System.out.println(ii.getFormatName() + ", " + ii.getMimeType() +
* ", " + ii.getWidth() + " x " + ii.getHeight() + " pixels, " +
* ii.getBitsPerPixel() + " bits per pixel, " +
ii.getNumberOfImages() +
* " image(s), " + ii.getNumberOfComments() + " comment(s).");
* </pre>
* You can also use this class as a command line program.
* Call it with a number of image file names as parameters:
* <pre>
* java ImageInfo *.jpg *.png *.gif
* </pre>
* or call it without parameters and pipe data to it:
* <pre>
* cat image.jpg | java ImageInfo
* </pre>
* <p>
* Known limitations:
* <ul>
* <li>When the determination of the number of images is turned off,
GIF bits
* per pixel are only read from the global header.
* For some GIFs, local palettes change this to a typically larger
* value. To be certain to get the correct color depth, call
* setDetermineImageNumber(true) before calling check().
* The complete scan over the GIF file will take additional
* <li>Transparency information is not included in the bits per pixel
* Actually, it was my decision not to include those bits, so it's a
feature! ;-)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Requirements:
* <ul>
* <li>Java 1.1 or higher</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The latest version can be found at <a
* <p>
* Written by <a
href="mailto:[email protected]">Marco Schmidt</a>.
* <p>
* This class is contributed to the Public Domain.
* Use it at your own risk.
* <p>
* Last modification 2002-06-17.
* <p>
* History:
* <ul>
* <li><strong>2001-08-24</strong> Initial version.</li>
* <li><strong>2001-10-13</strong> Added support for the file formats
BMP and PCX.</li>
* <li><strong>2001-10-16</strong> Fixed bug in read(int[], int, int)
that returned
* <li><strong>2002-01-22</strong> Added support for file formats
Amiga IFF and Sun Raster (RAS).</li>
* <li><strong>2002-01-24</strong> Added support for file formats
Portable Bitmap / Graymap / Pixmap (PBM, PGM, PPM) and Adobe Photoshop
* Added new method getMimeType() to return the MIME type associated
with a particular file format.</li>
* <li><strong>2002-03-15</strong> Added support to recognize number
of images in file. Only works with GIF.
* Use {@link #setDetermineImageNumber} with <code>true</code> as
argument to identify animated GIFs
* ({@link #getNumberOfImages()} will return a value larger than
* <li><strong>2002-04-10</strong> Fixed a bug in the feature
'determine number of images in animated GIF' introduced with version
* Thanks to Marcelo P. Lima for sending in the bug report.
* Released as 1.1.1.</li>
* <li><strong>2002-04-18</strong> Added {@link
* That new method lets the user specify whether textual comments are
to be
* stored in an internal list when encountered in an input image file
/ stream.
* Added two methods to return the physical width and height of the
image in dpi:
* {@link #getPhysicalWidthDpi()} and {@link
* If the physical resolution could not be retrieved, these methods
return <code>-1</code>.
* </li>
* <li><strong>2002-04-23</strong> Added support for the new
properties physical resolution and
* comments for some formats. Released as 1.2.</li>
* <li><strong>2002-06-17</strong> Added support for SWF, sent in by
Michael Aird.
* Changed checkJpeg() so that other APP markers than APP0 will not
lead to a failure anymore.
* Released as 1.3.</li>
* </ul>
public class ImageInfo
* Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for JPEG streams.
* ImageInfo can extract physical resolution and comments
* from JPEGs (only from APP0 headers).
* Only one image can be stored in a file.
public static final int FORMAT_JPEG = 0;

* Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for GIF streams.
* ImageInfo can extract comments from GIFs and count the number
* of images (GIFs with more than one image are animations).
* If you know of a place where GIFs store the physical resolution
* of an image, please
* <a
href="">send me
a mail</a>!
public static final int FORMAT_GIF = 1;

* Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for PNG streams.
* PNG only supports one image per file.
* Both physical resolution and comments can be stored with PNG,
* but ImageInfo is currently not able to extract those.
public static final int FORMAT_PNG = 2;

* Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for BMP streams.
* BMP only supports one image per file.
* BMP does not allow for comments.
* The physical resolution can be stored.
* <em>The specification that I have says that the values must be
* interpreted as dots per meter. However, given that I only
* encounter typical dpi values like 72 or 300, I currently
* consider those values dpi. Maybe someone can shed some light
* on this, please send me a mail in that case.</em>
public static final int FORMAT_BMP = 3;

* Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for PCX streams.
* PCX does not allow for comments or more than one image per file.
* However, the physical resolution can be stored.
public static final int FORMAT_PCX = 4;

* Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for IFF streams.
public static final int FORMAT_IFF = 5;

* Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for RAS streams.
* Sun Raster allows for one image per file only and is not able to
* store physical resolution or comments.
public static final int FORMAT_RAS = 6;

/** Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for PBM streams. */
public static final int FORMAT_PBM = 7;

/** Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for PGM streams. */
public static final int FORMAT_PGM = 8;

/** Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for PPM streams. */
public static final int FORMAT_PPM = 9;

/** Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for PSD streams. */
public static final int FORMAT_PSD = 10;

/** Return value of {@link #getFormat()} for SWF (Shockwave)
streams. */
public static final int FORMAT_SWF = 11;

* The names of all supported file formats.
* The FORMAT_xyz int constants can be used as index values for
* this array.
private static final String[] FORMAT_NAMES =
{"JPEG", "GIF", "PNG", "BMP", "PCX",
"IFF", "RAS", "PBM", "PGM", "PPM",
"PSD", "SWF"};

* The names of the MIME types for all supported file formats.
* The FORMAT_xyz int constants can be used as index values for
* this array.
private static final String[] MIME_TYPE_STRINGS =
{"image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png", "image/bmp", "image/pcx",
"image/iff", "image/ras", "image/x-portable-bitmap",
"image/x-portable-graymap", "image/x-portable-pixmap",
"image/psd", "application/x-shockwave-flash"};

private int width;
private int height;
private int bitsPerPixel;
private int format;
private InputStream in;
private DataInput din;
private boolean collectComments = true;
private ArrayList<String> comments;
private boolean determineNumberOfImages;
private int numberOfImages;
private int physicalHeightDpi;
private int physicalWidthDpi;
private int bitBuf;
private int bitPos;

private void addComment(String s)
if ( comments == null )
comments = new ArrayList<String>();

* Call this method after you have provided an input stream or file
* using {@link #setInput(InputStream)} or {@link
* If true is returned, the file format was known and you
* about its content can be retrieved using the various getXyz
* @return if information could be retrieved from input
public boolean check()
format = -1;
width = -1;
height = -1;
bitsPerPixel = -1;
numberOfImages = 1;
physicalHeightDpi = -1;
physicalWidthDpi = -1;
comments = null;
int b1 = read() & 0xff;
int b2 = read() & 0xff;
if ( b1 == 0x47 && b2 == 0x49 )
return checkGif();
if ( b1 == 0x89 && b2 == 0x50 )
return checkPng();
if ( b1 == 0xff && b2 == 0xd8 )
return checkJpeg();
if ( b1 == 0x42 && b2 == 0x4d )
return checkBmp();
if ( b1 == 0x0a && b2 < 0x06 )
return checkPcx();
if ( b1 == 0x46 && b2 == 0x4f )
return checkIff();
if ( b1 == 0x59 && b2 == 0xa6 )
return checkRas();
if ( b1 == 0x50 && b2 >= 0x31 && b2 <= 0x36 )
return checkPnm(b2 - '0');
if ( b1 == 0x38 && b2 == 0x42 )
return checkPsd();
if ( b1 == 0x46 && b2 == 0x57 )
return checkSwf();
return false;
catch ( IOException ioe )
return false;

private boolean checkBmp() throws IOException {
byte[] a = new byte[44];
if ( read(a) != a.length )
return false;
width = getIntLittleEndian(a, 16);
height = getIntLittleEndian(a, 20);
if ( width < 1 || height < 1 )
return false;
bitsPerPixel = getShortLittleEndian(a, 26);
if ( bitsPerPixel != 1 && bitsPerPixel != 4 &&
bitsPerPixel != 8 && bitsPerPixel != 16 &&
bitsPerPixel != 24 && bitsPerPixel != 32 )
return false;
int x = getIntLittleEndian(a, 36);
if ( x > 0 )
int y = getIntLittleEndian(a, 40);
if ( y > 0 )
format = FORMAT_BMP;
return true;

private boolean checkGif() throws IOException {
final byte[] GIF_MAGIC_87A = {0x46, 0x38, 0x37, 0x61};
final byte[] GIF_MAGIC_89A = {0x46, 0x38, 0x39, 0x61};
byte[] a = new byte[11]; // 4 from the GIF signature + 7 from
the global header
if ( read(a) != 11 )
return false;
if ( (!equals(a, 0, GIF_MAGIC_89A, 0, 4)) &&
(!equals(a, 0, GIF_MAGIC_87A, 0, 4)) )
return false;
format = FORMAT_GIF;
width = getShortLittleEndian(a, 4);
height = getShortLittleEndian(a, 6);
int flags = a[8] & 0xff;
bitsPerPixel = ((flags >> 4) & 0x07) + 1;
if ( !determineNumberOfImages )
return true;
// skip global color palette
if ( (flags & 0x80) != 0 )
int tableSize = (1 << ((flags & 7) + 1)) * 3;
numberOfImages = 0;
int blockType;
blockType = read();
switch ( blockType )
case(0x2c): // image separator
if ( read(a, 0, 9) != 9 )
return false;
flags = a[8] & 0xff;
int localBitsPerPixel = (flags & 0x07) + 1;
if ( localBitsPerPixel > bitsPerPixel )
bitsPerPixel = localBitsPerPixel;
if ( (flags & 0x80) != 0 )
skip((1 << localBitsPerPixel) * 3);
skip(1); // initial code length
int n;
n = read();
if ( n > 0 )
if ( n == -1 )
return false;
while ( n > 0 );
case(0x21): // extension
int extensionType = read();
if ( collectComments && extensionType == 0xfe )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int n;
n = read();
if ( n == -1 )
return false;
if ( n > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
int ch = read();
if ( ch == -1 )
return false;
while ( n > 0 );
int n;
n = read();
if ( n > 0 )
if ( n == -1 )
return false;
while ( n > 0 );
case(0x3b): // end of file
return false;
while ( blockType != 0x3b );
return true;

private boolean checkIff() throws IOException {
byte[] a = new byte[10];
// read remaining 2 bytes of file id, 4 bytes file size
// and 4 bytes IFF subformat
if ( read(a, 0, 10) != 10 )
return false;
final byte[] IFF_RM = {0x52, 0x4d};
if ( !equals(a, 0, IFF_RM, 0, 2) )
return false;
int type = getIntBigEndian(a, 6);
if ( type != 0x494c424d && // type must be ILBM...
type != 0x50424d20 )
{ // ...or PBM
return false;
// loop chunks to find BMHD chunk
if ( read(a, 0, 8) != 8 )
return false;
int chunkId = getIntBigEndian(a, 0);
int size = getIntBigEndian(a, 4);
if ( (size & 1) == 1 )
if ( chunkId == 0x424d4844 )
{ // BMHD chunk
if ( read(a, 0, 9) != 9 )
return false;
format = FORMAT_IFF;
width = getShortBigEndian(a, 0);
height = getShortBigEndian(a, 2);
bitsPerPixel = a[8] & 0xff;
return(width > 0 && height > 0 && bitsPerPixel > 0 &&
bitsPerPixel < 33);
} while ( true );

private boolean checkJpeg() throws IOException {
byte[] data = new byte[12];
while ( true )
if ( read(data, 0, 4) != 4 )
return false;
int marker = getShortBigEndian(data, 0);
int size = getShortBigEndian(data, 2);
if ( (marker & 0xff00) != 0xff00 )
return false; // not a valid marker
if ( marker == 0xffe0 )
{ // APPx
if ( size < 14 )
return false; // APPx header must be larger than 14
if ( read(data, 0, 12) != 12 )
return false;
final byte[] APP0_ID = {0x4a, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x00};
if ( equals(APP0_ID, 0, data, 0, 5) )
if ( data[7] == 1 )
setPhysicalWidthDpi(getShortBigEndian(data, 8));
setPhysicalHeightDpi(getShortBigEndian(data, 10));
if ( data[7] == 2 )
int x = getShortBigEndian(data, 8);
int y = getShortBigEndian(data, 10);
setPhysicalWidthDpi((int)(x * 2.54f));
setPhysicalHeightDpi((int)(y * 2.54f));
skip(size - 14);
if ( collectComments && size > 2 && marker == 0xfffe )
{ // comment
size -= 2;
byte[] chars = new byte[size];
if ( read(chars, 0, size) != size )
return false;
String comment = new String(chars, "iso-8859-1");
comment = comment.trim();
if ( marker >= 0xffc0 && marker <= 0xffcf && marker !=
0xffc4 && marker != 0xffc8 )
if ( read(data, 0, 6) != 6 )
return false;
format = FORMAT_JPEG;
bitsPerPixel = (data[0] & 0xff) * (data[5] & 0xff);
width = getShortBigEndian(data, 3);
height = getShortBigEndian(data, 1);
return true;
skip(size - 2);

private boolean checkPcx() throws IOException {
byte[] a = new byte[64];
if ( read(a) != a.length )
return false;
if ( a[0] != 1 )
{ // encoding, 1=RLE is only valid value
return false;
// width / height
int x1 = getShortLittleEndian(a, 2);
int y1 = getShortLittleEndian(a, 4);
int x2 = getShortLittleEndian(a, 6);
int y2 = getShortLittleEndian(a, 8);
if ( x1 < 0 || x2 < x1 || y1 < 0 || y2 < y1 )
return false;
width = x2 - x1 + 1;
height = y2 - y1 + 1;
// color depth
int bits = a[1];
int planes = a[63];
if ( planes == 1 &&
(bits == 1 || bits == 2 || bits == 4 || bits == 8) )
// paletted
bitsPerPixel = bits;
if ( planes == 3 && bits == 8 )
// RGB truecolor
bitsPerPixel = 24;
return false;
setPhysicalWidthDpi(getShortLittleEndian(a, 10));
setPhysicalHeightDpi(getShortLittleEndian(a, 10));
format = FORMAT_PCX;
return true;

private boolean checkPng() throws IOException {
final byte[] PNG_MAGIC = {0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a};
byte[] a = new byte[24];
if ( read(a) != 24 )
return false;
if ( !equals(a, 0, PNG_MAGIC, 0, 6) )
return false;
format = FORMAT_PNG;
width = getIntBigEndian(a, 14);
height = getIntBigEndian(a, 18);
bitsPerPixel = a[22] & 0xff;
int colorType = a[23] & 0xff;
if ( colorType == 2 || colorType == 6 )
bitsPerPixel *= 3;
return true;

private boolean checkPnm(int id) throws IOException {
if ( id < 1 || id > 6 )
return false;
format = PNM_FORMATS[(id - 1) % 3];
boolean hasPixelResolution = false;
String s;
while ( true )
s = readLine();
if ( s != null )
s = s.trim();
if ( s == null || s.length() < 1 )
if ( s.charAt(0) == '#' )
{ // comment
if ( collectComments && s.length() > 1 )
if ( !hasPixelResolution )
{ // split "343 966" into width=343, height=966
int spaceIndex = s.indexOf(' ');
if ( spaceIndex == -1 )
return false;
String widthString = s.substring(0, spaceIndex);
spaceIndex = s.lastIndexOf(' ');
if ( spaceIndex == -1 )
return false;
String heightString = s.substring(spaceIndex + 1);
width = Integer.parseInt(widthString);
height = Integer.parseInt(heightString);
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
return false;
if ( width < 1 || height < 1 )
return false;
if ( format == FORMAT_PBM )
bitsPerPixel = 1;
return true;
hasPixelResolution = true;
int maxSample;
maxSample = Integer.parseInt(s);
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
return false;
if ( maxSample < 0 )
return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 25; i++ )
if ( maxSample < (1 << (i + 1)) )
bitsPerPixel = i + 1;
if ( format == FORMAT_PPM )
bitsPerPixel *= 3;
return true;
return false;

private boolean checkPsd() throws IOException {
byte[] a = new byte[24];
if ( read(a) != a.length )
return false;
final byte[] PSD_MAGIC = {0x50, 0x53};
if ( !equals(a, 0, PSD_MAGIC, 0, 2) )
return false;
format = FORMAT_PSD;
width = getIntBigEndian(a, 16);
height = getIntBigEndian(a, 12);
int channels = getShortBigEndian(a, 10);
int depth = getShortBigEndian(a, 20);
bitsPerPixel = channels * depth;
return(width > 0 && height > 0 && bitsPerPixel > 0 &&
bitsPerPixel <= 64);

private boolean checkRas() throws IOException {
byte[] a = new byte[14];
if ( read(a) != a.length )
return false;
final byte[] RAS_MAGIC = {0x6a, (byte)0x95};
if ( !equals(a, 0, RAS_MAGIC, 0, 2) )
return false;
format = FORMAT_RAS;
width = getIntBigEndian(a, 2);
height = getIntBigEndian(a, 6);
bitsPerPixel = getIntBigEndian(a, 10);
return(width > 0 && height > 0 && bitsPerPixel > 0 &&
bitsPerPixel <= 24);

// Written by Michael Aird.
private boolean checkSwf() throws IOException {
//get rid of the last byte of the signature, the byte of the
version and 4 bytes of the size
byte[] a = new byte[6];
if ( read(a) != a.length )
return false;
format = FORMAT_SWF;
int bitSize = (int)readUBits( 5 );
int minX = (int)readSBits( bitSize );
int maxX = (int)readSBits( bitSize );
int minY = (int)readSBits( bitSize );
int maxY = (int)readSBits( bitSize );
width = maxX/20; //cause we're in twips
height = maxY/20; //cause we're in twips
return(width > 0 && height > 0);

* Run over String list, return false iff at least one of the
* equals <code>-c</code>.
private static boolean determineVerbosity(String[] args)
if ( args != null && args.length > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < args.length; i++ )
if ( "-c".equals(args) )
return false;
return true;

private boolean equals(byte[] a1, int offs1, byte[] a2, int offs2,
int num)
while ( num-- > 0 )
if ( a1[offs1++] != a2[offs2++] )
return false;
return true;

* If {@link #check()} was successful, returns the image's number
of bits per pixel.
* Does not include transparency information like the alpha
* @return number of bits per image pixel
public int getBitsPerPixel()
return bitsPerPixel;

* Returns the index'th comment retrieved from the image.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if index is smaller than 0 or
larger than or equal
* to the number of comments retrieved
* @see #getNumberOfComments
public String getComment(int index)
if ( comments == null || index < 0 || index >= comments.size() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid comment
index: " + index);

* If {@link #check()} was successful, returns the image format as
* of the FORMAT_xyz constants from this class.
* Use {@link #getFormatName()} to get a textual description of the
file format.
* @return file format as a FORMAT_xyz constant
public int getFormat()
return format;

* If {@link #check()} was successful, returns the image format's
* Use {@link #getFormat()} to get a unique number.
* @return file format name
public String getFormatName()
if ( format >= 0 && format < FORMAT_NAMES.length )
return FORMAT_NAMES[format];
return "?";

* If {@link #check()} was successful, returns one the image's
* resolution in pixels.
* @return image height in pixels
public int getHeight()
return height;

private int getIntBigEndian(byte[] a, int offs)
(a[offs] & 0xff) << 24 |
(a[offs + 1] & 0xff) << 16 |
(a[offs + 2] & 0xff) << 8 |
a[offs + 3] & 0xff;

private int getIntLittleEndian(byte[] a, int offs)
(a[offs + 3] & 0xff) << 24 |
(a[offs + 2] & 0xff) << 16 |
(a[offs + 1] & 0xff) << 8 |
a[offs] & 0xff;

* If {@link #check()} was successful, returns a String with the
* MIME type of the format.
* @return MIME type, e.g. <code>image/jpeg</code>
public String getMimeType()
if ( format >= 0 && format < MIME_TYPE_STRINGS.length )
return MIME_TYPE_STRINGS[format];
return null;

* If {@link #check()} was successful and {@link
#setCollectComments(boolean)} was called with
* <code>true</code> as argument, returns the number of comments
* from the input image stream / file.
* Any number &gt;= 0 and smaller than this number of comments is
then a
* valid argument for the {@link #getComment(int)} method.
* @return number of comments retrieved from input image
public int getNumberOfComments()
if ( comments == null )
return 0;
return comments.size();

* Returns the number of images in the examined file.
* Assumes that <code>setDetermineImageNumber(true);</code> was
called before
* a successful call to {@link #check()}.
* This value can currently be only different from <code>1</code>
for GIF images.
* @return number of images in file
public int getNumberOfImages()
return numberOfImages;

* Returns the physical height of this image in dots per inch
* Assumes that {@link #check()} was successful.
* Returns <code>-1</code> on failure.
* @return physical height (in dpi)
* @see #getPhysicalWidthDpi()
* @see #getPhysicalHeightInch()
public int getPhysicalHeightDpi()
return physicalHeightDpi;

* If {@link #check()} was successful, returns the physical width
of this image in dpi (dots per inch)
* or -1 if no value could be found.
* @return physical height (in dpi)
* @see #getPhysicalHeightDpi()
* @see #getPhysicalWidthDpi()
* @see #getPhysicalWidthInch()
public float getPhysicalHeightInch()
int h = getHeight();
int ph = getPhysicalHeightDpi();
if ( h > 0 && ph > 0 )
return((float)h) / ((float)ph);
return -1.0f;

* If {@link #check()} was successful, returns the physical width
of this image in dpi (dots per inch)
* or -1 if no value could be found.
* @return physical width (in dpi)
* @see #getPhysicalHeightDpi()
* @see #getPhysicalWidthInch()
* @see #getPhysicalHeightInch()
public int getPhysicalWidthDpi()
return physicalWidthDpi;

* Returns the physical width of an image in inches, or
* <code>-1.0f</code> if width information is not available.
* Assumes that {@link #check} has been called successfully.
* @return physical width in inches or <code>-1.0f</code> on
* @see #getPhysicalWidthDpi
* @see #getPhysicalHeightInch
public float getPhysicalWidthInch()
int w = getWidth();
int pw = getPhysicalWidthDpi();
if ( w > 0 && pw > 0 )
return((float)w) / ((float)pw);
return -1.0f;

private int getShortBigEndian(byte[] a, int offs)
(a[offs] & 0xff) << 8 |
(a[offs + 1] & 0xff);

private int getShortLittleEndian(byte[] a, int offs)
return(a[offs] & 0xff) | (a[offs + 1] & 0xff) << 8;

* If {@link #check()} was successful, returns one the image's
* resolution in pixels.
* @return image width in pixels
public int getWidth()
return width;

* To use this class as a command line application, give it either
* some file names as parameters (information on them will be
* printed to standard output, one line per file) or call
* it with no parameters. It will then check data given to it
* via standard input.
* @param args the program arguments which must be file names
public static void main(String[] args)
ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo();
boolean verbose = determineVerbosity(args);
if ( args.length == 0 )
run(null,, imageInfo, verbose);
int index = 0;
while ( index < args.length )
FileInputStream instream = null;
String filename = args[index++];
System.out.print(filename + ";");
instream = new FileInputStream(filename);
run(filename, instream, imageInfo, verbose);
catch ( Exception e )
catch ( Exception ee )

private static void print(String sourceName, ImageInfo ii, boolean
if ( verbose )
printVerbose(sourceName, ii);
printCompact(sourceName, ii);

private static void printCompact(String sourceName, ImageInfo
imageInfo.getFormatName() + ";" +
imageInfo.getMimeType() + ";" +
imageInfo.getWidth() + ";" +
imageInfo.getHeight() + ";" +
imageInfo.getBitsPerPixel() + ";" +
imageInfo.getNumberOfImages() + ";" +
imageInfo.getPhysicalWidthDpi() + ";" +
imageInfo.getPhysicalHeightDpi() + ";" +
imageInfo.getPhysicalWidthInch() + ";" +

private static void printLine(int indentLevels, String text, float
value, float minValidValue)
if ( value < minValidValue )
printLine(indentLevels, text, Float.toString(value));

private static void printLine(int indentLevels, String text, int
value, int minValidValue)
if ( value >= minValidValue )
printLine(indentLevels, text, Integer.toString(value));

private static void printLine(int indentLevels, String text, String
if ( value == null || value.length() == 0 )
while ( indentLevels-- > 0 )
if ( text != null && text.length() > 0 )
System.out.print(" ");

private static void printVerbose(String sourceName, ImageInfo ii)
printLine(0, null, sourceName);
printLine(1, "File format: ", ii.getFormatName());
printLine(1, "MIME type: ", ii.getMimeType());
printLine(1, "Width (pixels): ", ii.getWidth(), 1);
printLine(1, "Height (pixels): ", ii.getHeight(), 1);
printLine(1, "Bits per pixel: ", ii.getBitsPerPixel(), 1);
printLine(1, "Number of images: ", ii.getNumberOfImages(), 1);
printLine(1, "Physical width (dpi): ", ii.getPhysicalWidthDpi(),
printLine(1, "Physical height (dpi): ",
ii.getPhysicalHeightDpi(), 1);
printLine(1, "Physical width (inches): ",
ii.getPhysicalWidthInch(), 1.0f);
printLine(1, "Physical height (inches): ",
ii.getPhysicalHeightInch(), 1.0f);
int numComments = ii.getNumberOfComments();
printLine(1, "Number of textual comments: ", numComments, 1);
if ( numComments > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < numComments; i++ )
printLine(2, null, ii.getComment(i));

private int read() throws IOException {
if ( in != null )
return din.readByte();

private int read(byte[] a) throws IOException {
if ( in != null )
return a.length;

private int read(byte[] a, int offset, int num) throws IOException
if ( in != null )
return, offset, num);
din.readFully(a, offset, num);
return num;

private String readLine() throws IOException {
return readLine(new StringBuilder());

private String readLine(StringBuilder sb) throws IOException {
boolean finished;
int value = read();
finished = (value == -1 || value == 10);
if ( !finished )
} while ( !finished );
return sb.toString();

* Read an unsigned value from the given number of bits
public long readUBits( int numBits ) throws IOException
if ( numBits == 0 )
return 0;
int bitsLeft = numBits;
long result = 0;
if ( bitPos == 0 )
{ //no value in the buffer - read a byte
if ( in != null )
bitBuf =;
bitBuf = din.readByte();
bitPos = 8;

while ( true )
int shift = bitsLeft - bitPos;
if ( shift > 0 )
// Consume the entire buffer
result |= bitBuf << shift;
bitsLeft -= bitPos;

// Get the next byte from the input stream
if ( in != null )
bitBuf =;
bitBuf = din.readByte();
bitPos = 8;
// Consume a portion of the buffer
result |= bitBuf >> -shift;
bitPos -= bitsLeft;
bitBuf &= 0xff >> (8 - bitPos); // mask off the consumed

return result;

* Read a signed value from the given number of bits
private int readSBits( int numBits ) throws IOException
// Get the number as an unsigned value.
long uBits = readUBits( numBits );

// Is the number negative?
if ( ( uBits & (1L << (numBits - 1))) != 0 )
// Yes. Extend the sign.
uBits |= -1L << numBits;


* Reset the bit buffer
public void synchBits()
bitBuf = 0;
bitPos = 0;

private String readLine(int firstChar) throws IOException {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
return readLine(result);

private static void run(String sourceName, InputStream in,
ImageInfo imageInfo, boolean verbose)
if ( imageInfo.check() )
print(sourceName, imageInfo, verbose);

* Specify whether textual comments are supposed to be extracted
from input.
* Default is <code>false</code>.
* If enabled, comments will be added to an internal list.
* @param newValue if <code>true</code>, this class will read
* @see #getNumberOfComments
* @see #getComment
public void setCollectComments(boolean newValue)
collectComments = newValue;

* Specify whether the number of images in a file is to be
* determined - default is <code>false</code>.
* This is a special option because some file formats require
running over
* the entire file to find out the number of images, a rather
* task.
* Not all file formats support more than one image.
* If this method is called with <code>true</code> as argument,
* the actual number of images can be queried via
* {@link #getNumberOfImages()} after a successful call to
* {@link #check()}.
* @param newValue will the number of images be determined?
* @see #getNumberOfImages
public void setDetermineImageNumber(boolean newValue)
determineNumberOfImages = newValue;

* Set the input stream to the argument stream (or file).
* Note that {@link} implements
* {@link}.
* @param dataInput the input stream to read from
public void setInput(DataInput dataInput)
din = dataInput;
in = null;

* Set the input stream to the argument stream (or file).
* @param inputStream the input stream to read from
public void setInput(InputStream inputStream)
in = inputStream;
din = null;

private void setPhysicalHeightDpi(int newValue)
physicalWidthDpi = newValue;

private void setPhysicalWidthDpi(int newValue)
physicalHeightDpi = newValue;

private void skip(int num) throws IOException {
if ( in != null )

Bush crime family lost/embezzled $3 trillion from Pentagon.
Complicit Bush-friendly media keeps mum. Rumsfeld confesses on video.

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
See photos of Bush's war crimes

jan V

Joan said:
This works for me

myimage = new ImageIcon(name);
int height = myimage.getIconHeight();
int width = myimage.getIconWidth();

OK, but does ImageIcon load the entire image into memory for this? If yes,
then it's no good for me. My application needs to scan an entire directory
full of JPEGs, and it needs to do this VERY quickly. Decompressing each JPEG
is not an option.

Andrew Thompson

OK, but does ImageIcon load the entire image into memory for this? ..

I found the hard way. Not only are the ImageIcons*
loaded entirely**, they are cached by the JVM.
You simply cannot dispose of them.

* Many ways of gaining image in Java result in the
same caching to occur.

** Though you may get acces to the width/height info.
prior to the entire load - I am not sure since I despise
them and do not use them.

Worse, this causes OutOfMemoryErrors if the user
attempts to trawl around through 'a few' directories
of images.

For an image slideshow, I had to resort to pulling the
bytes from URL and stamping them directly to images
(of which the app. only ever possessed two instances)
using the Toolkit. That is safer and more controllable
should you need to actually *display* a series of images.

Roedy Green

OK, but does ImageIcon load the entire image into memory for this? If yes,
then it's no good for me. My application needs to scan an entire directory
full of JPEGs, and it needs to do this VERY quickly. Decompressing each JPEG
is not an option.

Using Image or ImageIcon methods load the entire image before the
dimensions are available. Yo uneed code like I posted earlier to find
out just reading the first few bytes.

If you want it even faster, read the first X byte into a byte array in
one IO, and poke around plucking out little endian numbers.
You could write such a beast picking out the same bytes my
LEDataStream does. I did not have the same speed needs.
It still should be pretty quick, especially if you buffer the stream.

Bush crime family lost/embezzled $3 trillion from Pentagon.
Complicit Bush-friendly media keeps mum. Rumsfeld confesses on video.

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
See photos of Bush's war crimes

Roedy Green

I found the hard way. Not only are the ImageIcons*
loaded entirely**, they are cached by the JVM.
You simply cannot dispose of them.

This is real nuisance in program where people are trying to load the
correct image and getting it wrong then try again. The old one sticks
like a tar baby.

Bush crime family lost/embezzled $3 trillion from Pentagon.
Complicit Bush-friendly media keeps mum. Rumsfeld confesses on video.

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
See photos of Bush's war crimes

Kurt M Peters

You probably should check out the ability to use ImageIO and, particularly,
the sourceRenderSize method of the javax.imageio.ImageReadParam

I believe your problem is extremely easy if your image is one of the
subclasses like javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReadParam.

That way you're staying with ImageIO.


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