
<object id="RVOCX" classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA"
width="320" height="240">

<param name="src"

<param name="autostart" value="true">

<param name="controls" value="ImageWindow">

<param name="console" value="video">

<param name="maintainaspect" value="true">


I am a new user to using streaming audio....and have tried to perform
the following snippet of code to stream a real audio file (*.ra).

What I do is call a *.rpm file which then calls a *.ra file.

I heard you need to call a *.rpm file if you embed a real file and call
a *.ram file if you want an application to run the file...

Something is wrong with the following code below and I cant spot the

Any input would be appreciated!!!


type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" controls="ImageWindow" width="320"
height="240" nojava="true" console="video" autostart="true"
maintainaspect="true" />


<!-- This object/embed pair contains the playback information -->
<object id="RVOCX" classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA"
width="320" height="36">

<param name="controls" value="ControlPanel">

<param name="console" value="video">

type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" controls="ControlPanel" width="320"
height="36" nojava="true" console="video" />



<object id="RVOCX" classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA"
width="320" height="240">

<param name="src"

<param name="autostart" value="true">

<param name="controls" value="ImageWindow">

<param name="console" value="video">

<param name="maintainaspect" value="true">


I am a new user to using streaming audio....and have tried to perform
the following snippet of code to stream a real audio file (*.ra).

What I do is call a *.rpm file which then calls a *.ra file.

I heard you need to call a *.rpm file if you embed a real file and call
a *.ram file if you want an application to run the file...

Something is wrong with the following code below and I cant spot the

Any input would be appreciated!!!

I took a look at the site that is offering the free download of the
audio file. However, after finding that Firefox blocked a popup on the
page and that the source code had a reference to in
it, I decided I did not want to download anything from that site. It
seems that the site wants to give you a small amount of web space, and
the audio download is a freebe. Very little in this world is fully
free, and I suspect that the cost of using this site could be to load
you up with adware and hopefully nothing worse. I may be completely
wrong, but I find it much better to be safe than sorry.

What you are attempting to do is a fairly common method for using an
embedded audio or video. It uses an ActiveX object that works mainly on
IE browsers. The embed path within the AX object is taken by most
browsers that do not support AX. The use of the embed tag is invalid
W3C html, but works on most non AX browsers. There are other object
codes that will work on most browsers that do not require embed and
often not AX either. There are 2 basic ways of streaming. The first is
progressive download and it used by most who do not own a special
streaming media server. Done right, audio starts shortly after the
download begins. For example, you store the large audio or video file
which might be a .rm on an ordinary html server. Then you call it with
a .ram, rpm, or one or two other formats. These are sometimes called
redirector files, but they are also Real play list files that may
contain URLs of from one to many media files that the Real player can
use. For instance you could include Real audio and video files, Windows
media audio files, wav, midi, etc files on the playlist. A streaming
server is called by code somewhat different from that used for
progressive download.

In case you wish to play with this subject more, I have some .rm files
on my site and some examples of how they are played. These have no
uninvited guests attached to them. Let me know here if you want the
URLs of some of these.

Of course if you want to put Real media on your site, you need to
create a .rm first and store it on your server. Such files are very
long, and it is not very nice to link to them on sites of others unless
they know about it and allow you to do so. Real has a free encoder that
you can download to convert wav and a few other formats to .rm format
at a sample rate suited for broadband, or dialup. If you use a very
high broadband sample rate, on progressive download there will be a
very long delay for buffering before the audio starts on a slow dialup
connections. Some offer more than one download rate if they expect both
broadband and dialup users.

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