Real-time Java without RTSJ


Martin Schoeberl

The Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is a large and complex
specification and perhaps too difficult to implement on small enbedded
systems. I'm interested if there exist different specifications (besides the
Core specification of the J Consortium) that are allready implemented and in

And, by the way, how many implementation are actual on the way. I'm only
aware of the Reference Implementation (RI) from time-sys, jRate on top of
GCJ and aJile is working on it for their processors.


Martin Schoeberl

The Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is a large and complex
specification and perhaps too difficult to implement on small enbedded
systems. I'm interested if there exist different specifications (besides the
Core specification of the J Consortium) that are allready implemented and in

And, by the way, how many implementation are actual on the way. I'm only
aware of the Reference Implementation (RI) from time-sys, jRate on top of
GCJ and aJile is working on it for their processors.

I would like to present a small specification for discussion:

This specification is for embedded hard real-time Java systems. It is NOT
compatible with RTSJ. However, with an emulation layer it should be possible
to run progams written against this specification on RTSJ (e.g. the RI under

Application Structure

Following restrictions apply to the application:
· Initialization and mission phase.
· Fixed number of threads.
· Threads are created at initialization phase.
· All shared objects are allocated at initialization.


Three schedulable objects are defined:

RtThread represents a periodic task. As usual task work is coded in run()
which gets called on missionStart(). A scoped memory object can be attached
to a RtThread at creation.

HwEvent represents an interrupt with a minimum interarrivel time. If the
hardware generates more interrupts, they get lost (or delayed?).

SwEvent represents a software-generated event. It is triggered with fire()
and has to override handle().

The definition of the basic classes:

public abstract class RtTask {
public void enterMemory()
public void exitMemory()

public class RelativeTime {

private RelativeTime()
public RelativeTime(int millis)
public RelativeTime(int millis, int micro)

public class RtThread extends RtTask {

private RtThread()
public RtThread(int priority,
RelativeTime period)
public RtThread(int priority,
RelativeTime period,
Memory mem)
public void run()
public boolean waitForNextPeriod()

public class HwEvent extends RtTask {

private HwEvent()
public HwEvent(int priority,
RelativeTime minTime,
int number)
public void handle()

public class SwEvent extends RtTask {

private SwEvent()
public SwEvent(int priority,
RelativeTime minTime)
public final void fire()
public void handle()


The class Scheduler defines a fixed priority scheduler (with FIFO within
priorities). Priorities are divided in three ranges:

Thread: Usual range (1-10) for standard Java threads.
SoftRtThread: A range above the former for soft real-time tasks.
RtThread: This is the range for the main hard real-time application.

Synchronized blocks are executed with priority ceiling protocol. These
blocks are not allowed to be shared between the three thread classes (How
can this be enforced ?).
The scheduler does not dispatch any RtThread or SoftRtThread until
startMission() is called. Standard Java threads are scheduled during
initialization phase, however usage is discouraged. Scheduling in the
mission phase can be preemptive or non preemptive.

The class for the scheduler:

public final class Scheduler {

private Scheduler()
public static void enable()
public static void disable()
public static void startMission(
boolean preempt)
public static void setCeilingPriority(
Object o,
int priority)


public class SoftRtThread extends RtThread {

public SoftRtThread(int priority)
public SoftRtThread(int priority,
Memory mem)

public void sleep(RelativeTime time)

To implement non real-time (or soft real-time) tasks a Thread or
SoftRtThread is allowed to use combinations of sleep() and yield(). The
scheduler assigns priorities according to the thread type.
disable() stops scheduling (i.e. disables interrupts) and can be used for
top priority blocking. This method is provided for device drivers and should
be used with care and only where absolute necessary.
The scheduler will be extended with methods for worst-case time measurement
for the periodic work and the longest block between yields. These measured
execution times can be used during development when no WCET analysis tool is


The profile does not support a garbage collector. All memory allocation
should be done at initialization phase. For new objects during mission phase
a scoped memory is provided. Every scoped memory area can be assigned to one
RtThread or SoftRtThread. It is not allowed to share a scoped memory between
threads. No references from the heap to scoped memory are allowed. Scoped
memory is explicit entered and left with calls from the application logic.
Memory areas are cleared on creation and when leaving the scope (call of
exitMemory()) leading to a memory area with constant allocation time.

public class Memory {

private Memory()
public Memory(int size)
public Memory(int size,
int physAddress)

Restriction of Java

A list of some language features that should (or must) be avoided for WCET
analyzable real-time threads and bound memory usage:
WCET: Only analyzable language constructs are al-lowed.
Static class initialization: Move this code to a static method (e.g. init())
and call it in the initialization phase.
Inheritance: Reduce usage of interfaces and overridden methods.
String concatenation: In immortal memory scope only String concatenation
with string literals is allowed.

A program analysis tool can greatly help to enforce these restrictions.

An Example shows the principle coding of a worker thread and creation of two
real-time threads and an event handler.

public class Worker extends RtThread {

private SwEvent event;

public Worker(int p, RelativeTime t,
SwEvent ev) {

super(p, t,
// create a scoped memory area
new Memory(10000)
event = ev;

private void init() {
// all initialzation stuff
// has to be placed here

public void run() {

for (;;) {
work(); // do some work; // and fire an event

// some work in scoped memory

// wait for next period
if (!waitForNextPeriod()) {
// should never reach this point

// create an Event
Handler h = new Handler(
new RelativeTime(1, 0)

// create two worker threads with
// priorities according to their periods
FastWorker fw = new FastWorker(
new RelativeTime(2, 0)
Worker w = new Worker(
new RelativeTime(10, 0), h

// change to mission phase for all
// periodic threads and event handler

// do some non real-time work
// and call sleep() or yield()
for (;;) {

Open issues (questions)
· Can we allow non/soft real-time threads and still meet all requirements
for a high-integrity system?
· Shall threads with equal priority get time sliced? Without time slicing
priority ceiling protocol is simpler to implement.
· What happens if an object is used as monitor for which no ceiling priority
is set?
· If queuing of wait() is WCET analyzable (maximum number of threads is
bound) and the semantics of notify changed to wake up the thread with the
highest priority, can we allow wait/notify and don't need the additional
class SwEvent?
· How are timeouts programmed in such a high-integrity profile?

Basic real-time tasks:
· Cyclic
· Sporadic
· Spontaneous
· Ongoing
Spontaneous tasks have to be avoided. Is this also true for ongoing tasks?



Michael Paus

Martin said:
And, by the way, how many implementation are actual on the way. I'm only
aware of the Reference Implementation (RI) from time-sys, jRate on top of
GCJ and aJile is working on it for their processors.

You might want to have a look at


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