Remote post to another server using Javascript




I want to populate my client's webpage (Remote Server) automatically
through my Server and Database by having him just paste a javascript
on his webpage.

I have read up about Microsoft Remote Scripting but the documentation
states the following : "The server which you make remote scripting
calls must be the same server from which you requested the client page
containing the requests."

In my case , the client and server pages are on two seperate servers
which means that I cannot use MS Remote Scripting.Is there an alternate
approach in any scripting language ???

Any suggestions, tutorials , websites , code snippets will be
appreciated while i continue to research on this...


Joshie Surber

Is there an alternate [foreign server remote scripting] approach in any scripting
language ???

What you are looking for is a proxy for your scripts to call. Do a
Google search for "AJAX proxy YOUR_SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE". If you are
using PHP or ASP I would reccomend the CPAINT toolkit < >, which contains such a proxy and
makes the rest of remote scripting almost as simple as standard web


Thanks for your reply Joshie.. I just implemented the CPAINT Proxy
Utility with a PHP backend and it works like a charm.

However , although the HTML is displayed in my browser , the View
Source command doesnt not display the code. I guess CPAINT / AJAX
can't accomplish that since Javascript can't dynamically populate a
HTML page...Am i correct ? ..Basically , all i need is the view source
displaying the same code as the HTML does so that it is Search Engine



Thanks for your reply Joshie.. I just implemented the CPAINT Proxy
Utility with a PHP backend and it works like a charm.

However , although the HTML is displayed in my browser , the View
Source command doesnt not display the code. I guess CPAINT / AJAX
can't accomplish that since Javascript can't dynamically populate a
HTML page...Am i correct ? ..Basically , all i need is the view source
displaying the same code as the HTML does so that it is Search Engine


Joshie Surber

Basically , all i need is the view source displaying the same code as the HTML does so that it
is Search Engine friendly.

You can do this in Firefox, though I believe you will need an extention
to do so. I don't have FF (I use Camino) so I'm not sure which one (you
may not need one at all), but if so I'm sure someone else here could
post a URL.

FF's DOM browser updates live so you may be able to use that, though it
wouldn't be as simple to read.

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