"Resolving" LocalHost ??



What is going on here...

I have my site running locally on my machine, and when I don't have an
internet connection (like when Im on the train) I get this error when
I try to open an asp.net project:

"The web server reported the following error when attempting to create
or open the web project located at the following URL:
'http://localhost'. The server name or address could not be

What the heck is this?
pinging localhost returns just like it should
browing to localhost brings up the site just fine!

Anyone have any ideas?

On a side note, why is working with ASP.NET projects such a giant
pain?!? I'm not even talking about this issue, but just the fact that
you can't just open a project and edit some files, it has to contact
the server. Half the time when setting up a project on someone elses
computer we get the error saying that you need to specify a path and
it offes http:/project_1 or whatever. Sometimes you get the error
that "a project already exists" or whatever... its so frustrating to
have the hardest thing about writing an site be getting the IDE to
load up the project.

Maybe there is a good reason for this, but if I have a site locally
and the vbproj file is at the root, why does it need to contact a
webserver before it lets me edit any files, or add new files to the

I could write a book on how much of a pain VSS is too. One of my
coworkers can not check out anything from the IDE, even though he
installed VSS along with VS.NET 2003 EA (both off the same set of
CDs). Checking out from VSS works just fine, but not within the VS
IDE. Argh...

Ok, rant over. Felt good. :)

Anyone have an idea bout the localhost issue, that is the one I am
focusing on.


When you are normally wired in, do you have any proxy settings in your
browser? If so - you need to disable that for offline access...

As far as the ASP stuff - there is no perfect solution... this method allows
no versioning problems, but you have to connect... with old-style, you can
do anything, but then you run into versioning problems.. there is no perfect

Jason \(MFT1\)

I use a work around as far as having to open the whole app and project is
concerned. It goes like this...I have about a half a dozen aspx pages that
require frequent updates. So rather than go through the whole iis bit i have
made 6 shortcuts to the files. These shortcuts remain on my desktop.
Whenever I need to make just a quick update I double click the shortcut,
VS.Net opens right up and only the file associated with the shortcut is
there ready for editing.....IIS is never started and the project is never
opened...just the aspx file. I then save it and use FTP to transfer the new
version to the Live Server. Hasn't failed me yet! Of course this may not be
effective in all instances but it works great for me in about 70% of my
editing situations.



No proxy here, I have a direct connection both at work and home.

I deleted and recreated the solution file (blank solution) and this
morning I was able to edit the local stuff on the train.. go figure.

I understand that no solution is perfect, but you have to admit, that
for someone like me that followed MSs suggested setup for VSS and
ASP.NET projects (isolated development mode) it's kinda stupid that I
can have all the project and source files on my local machine, but
can't build or edit the project unless it can connect to IIS. The
connection to IIS is totally necessary if it were running on another
computer, but seeing as how it is only on my local machine, it seems
kinda silly to have to go through IIS to get back to the same folder
as the vbproj file is already in.



This is true, and in fact I might try something like it.

However, if you change the codebehind page, then you need to rebuild
the project. Maybe there is a command line method for doing this
because if you can't open the project in the IDE you can't tell it to

Jason \(MFT1\)

Well as previously stated in here...you Don't as long as you edit the FILES
and not the project. You don't need to have the project open to edit the
pages....for that matter you don't need VS.Net to do your editing. However
if you are insistent on asking VS.Net to open the project from the start
page of the IDE only then does it require that IIS be started. As a matter
of fact the Project file is editable as well without having to open IIS.

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