Romanian "Latin" and "Slavonic" words in the Sanskrit scripts, byMarin Barbulescu-Dacu, in 1936



In accordance with Augustin Deac (I,p.378), the Bulgarian B.Simeonov,
says that in the Balcano-Carpato-Danube area existed a unitary
linguistic group of the Indo-European, among which the Gets' language
has the most caracteristics of the Iranian (meaning Sanskrit and
meaning the Scythes' Sanskrit language too).
The Romanian seaside Dobrogea was Scythia Minor in the times of Roman
Scythes language is known to be Iranian Sanskrit, the same with Indian
Marin Bãrbulescu-Dacu (cited by A.Deac I, p. 378), wrote in 1936 The
Daco-Thracian origine of the Romanian (Originea daco-tracã a limbii
române) based on the famous Sanscrit dictionaries as those belonging
to Burnouf Emil, Dictionnaire classique sanscrit, Paris, 1926, Carnoy
Albert, Grammaire elementaire de la langue sanscrite, 1925, Mansion
Ioseph, Esq.d'une histoire de la langue sanscrite, 1931.
According to him the Romanian colloquial speech is identical to the
primordial Daco-Indian, the language of Veda Daci who penetrate in
India, milleniums before Christ.
Marin Bãrbulesu-Dacu presents more than 1200 SANSKRIT words of this
primordial Daco-Indian IDENTICAL with the ROMANIAN, which from we are
selectig an illustrator substance like: 1-10,unu,
dvi,tri,ciatru,penci, ºaº, ºaptan,astan, novan, dzaccan,
100=satan,aCASA-acaºa,aci-ake,acu-acu, ADAPA-padapa, adesea-
adesa,adicã-adica,adâncit-udancita,aer-ajira, afarã-apara, albinã-
alini,alerga-lergam, anapoda-anupada, anume=anumâ, APÃ=AP,APA, APOS,
apãsat-apasabda, apus-apasc,arde-ardami, ARIN-arana,a asemãna-samana,
aºa-aºa,astupa-stâpiâmi,aþa-atca, AZI-adia, balamuc-balimuca, BALAUR-
balavat,baltã-balâha,bandã-banda, baniþã-banica, bardã-bardhaca,basm-
basma,bãiat-avibâiatamâmi,bãnie-BAN, pan, bãlaie-balacsa,bãtrânã-
vatarama,CAI-haia,camaºã-camamaºa, camerã-camera,cana-cana,cap-capala,
car-carsu,casã-csha,caº-cºu,cazma-cazma, caznã-cazna, CÃRÃMIDÃ-
crmidza,CÃRUÞÃ-crunita,cânepã-cana, cârpã-carpsah, cârcã-carca,CEAS-
cias,ceatã-CITA,ceaþã-ciata, cerc-cerde, chiag-cag,cimitir-
câmitra,crãpa-crapaiami, custurã-castra,CURVAR-carvara,CUÞIT-
cuþ,dãdãci-dadâca, dãrâma - darâmi,degeaba-duciaba,dinte -denta,douã
sãptãmâni-dwesaptâha,dor-dwar,drac-racjas,DRUM-dru,dubã-dabba,,a se
duce-dutiami, DUH-druh,duios-duvas,DUª-duº,duºman-duºman, dur-dur,a
dura -dura,eapã-eciva,este-asti,falã-fala,frate-vrate, GARD-cardis,
GAURÃ-gaura,a se gãsi-samugassâmi,gãteje-gatejas,gâscã-
hansica,genunchi-ganaca, gingie-gingina,greu-guru,GURÃ-gora,HAN-han
(ospãtãrie), hotar-hotu,HOÞ-cioþa,hranã-cirana,a HULI-holâmi,iacãtã-
ecata, IAD-jadu,iama-yama,IATAGAN-ciatagni,ieºi-iº, INIMA-ianma,a IUBI-
iub,a îmbrânci-brasyâmi,îndãrãt-aderat,ÎNGER-angiras,înserat-
avesara,învârti-vârtati,întãri-antarita,a ÎNVÃÞA-invati,a înveli-
vallami,jale-jwala,JAR-ghar,jigodie-jagdi,jilav-jala, JUG-yuga,a JURA-
juryâ,labã-lab,laþe-laþua,a lãia-layami,LIMBÃ-lamba,a lipi-
alimpâmi,loc-loca,a luci-a biruci,LUP-lup,luptã-LUPTA, maimuþã-
maiamuca,mal-mrl,mardealã-mardala, MARHÃ-mrga (animal),mazãre-mazara,
mãduvã-meduva,mãgar-magarc,mãi-mâjâ, mãreþ-mreþ,mândru-mandra,mânz-
mândza,MELODIE-mela,a MIªCA-masc, mlãdiþã-mlãdihta,mosor-mosur, mugur-
mucala,MUIERE-muherea,a muia-amivahana,MUST-musti, mustaþã-mustaca,mut-
mutu,MUTRA-murta,a înãdi-nadami,naiba-naiba,nas-nas,nãmete-namata,a
nãpãdi-upapadia, nãrav-narabu,nãrod-niroda,nãscãtoare-anujitra,
NECITIT-nacit, nepot-napat, nevastã-navasti,NOAPTEA-nacta,NOR-nâra,nou-
nava, nume-nama,oaie-avi,OALÃ-vala,OBADÃ-abadda,a obosi-obositi, ocarã-
OCARA,ODAIE-odaia,odor-odor,OM-om, omletã-omlet,a OPÃRI-opariti,opincã-
upanâha,ORAª-VARA,ortac-ortac, os-asti,a ostoi-ostaviti,a otrãvi-
aºtravi, pace-pâca, paloº-pala,palã-pãla,pandur-pandur,paparudã-
paperuda,papricã-paprica,par-para, PARADIS-svanadisna,paradit -
paradina, parte-partac,PÃCAT-pacata,pãcalã-pacala,pãduche-
padavica ,patru-cattru,pãlit-palita,pãsat-paci,pãsãricã-ciâricâ,a pãºi-
caºi,pãtaº (sat) PUTNA-PATNA,a pãþi-paþâmi,pâclã-palca,pelasgi-
balaacºi (oacheºi,ochi frumoºi),pingea-ipangea,a pisa-pisa,PITÃ-PITÃ,a
piti-pete,PLEAVÃ-plava,ploaie-samplave,PLUTÃ-plutã,a pluti-plu,a pocni-
apahomi,poamã-pama, POD-PAD,poianã-puvana,pomanã-povamâna,POPA-
gppa,potecã-patica,a potopi-pratapâmi, povaþã-povacia,praf-praga,prag-
prage,praz-pras,a prãda-pradaþi,a prãpãdi-prapâde,a prãºi-prasuia,a
prãvãli-prabula,a PRÃZNUI-prasnâmi,a presãra-prasara,PRIETEN-
priatama,prisacã-precina,prânz-prâns,prost-prasten, pungã-puga,a pupa-
pupâmi,purece-pulaca,a puþi-piþi,RAI-RAI,ram-ram,ranã-vrana,raþã-
rasca,ravãn (umed)-ravana,a rãci-racita,RÃBOJ-rabos,rãu-rã,a râde-
rida,a râºni-racijirnas,râuºor-arivi,a revãrsa-ciaravarsa,a risipi-
risipati,ROATÃ-rat,a robi-rabi,roºu-aruºâ,rudenie-rud,rugã-rage,RUMÂN-
ramana,a rupe-rupa, ruºine-ruº,sac-sac,salã-sâlâ,salbã-salbâ,SARE-
sara,sat-avasata, sã te VÃD-satiavâdâmi,a sãgeta-sajiaka,SÃLAª-
salajiya,a semãna-samana, sãnãtate-sarvatati,sãptãmânã-SAPTANAHAN,
sãrac -sanaca,a SÃRI-sar,scârnã-chirna,a se scrinti-cirantnâmi,a scula-
swalâmi,secãturã-sacâtura,secure-sacura,se îmbucã-sambuca,a se sfãdi-
vadâmi,SFÂNT-ASFANT,smântânã-santânica ,SLAVÃ-SRAVAS,slugã-
sruºu,SMERENIE-SMARANA,smintit-amantu,SOARE-swar,sura, soartã-swârta,
spumã-spuz,a sta-îsta,stânã-stâna,stãvar-stavara,STÃPÂN-stâpana,a
strãluci-swaruci,a striga-strig,strop-trapsa,struguri-struguhuri,STUP-
stupa,sudoare-sreda,a sudui-udiâmi, SULIÞÃ-sulica,suman-sumanas,sunet-
suânta,sunt-sant,sunt gata-sangata,SUPA-supa,SURATÃ-suratã,surâs-
sanharasa,a surpa-surpa, SUS-ussa,ºuºanea-suºana,sutã-sata,sutaº-
satasas, SUVEICÃ-suvasc,a svânta-suvaha,ºag-sag,ºanþ-sankata,sã ºedem-
sansâdâmi,ªEAUA-sâeua,ªINDRILÃ-sandrila,a ºchiopãta-kºipati,ºir-
sir,ºirã-ºira,a ºopti-suapateia,ºoaptã-ºabda,ªOIMAN-ºcamân, ºoimãniþã-
suamunita,ºubã-ºuba,talaz-tala,tare-tar, tarla-antarâla,a TÃIA-
tai,tãrâþe-trice,TÂNJALÃ-anjãli,TAUR-tavur, tarapana-tarapania,TÃU-
taua,teacã-tuaca,temei-temei, teºitã-tejita,TINDÃ-alindã,târfã-trba,a
TÂRGUI-trgovanie,a târâ-atâtorâmi,târtiþã-târta,tobã-tobã,tigvã-
ticva,a topi-tapâmi, topor-tabar,toporaº-paraciu,tovarã(povarã)-towar,
trãznit-trasnai,a tresãri-trãsati,a trece-tr,treaz-trda,tu eºti-tu
hesti,tulpinã-tulpinia,þap-sapu ,ÞARÃ-ÞARÃþarc-þarca,þãruº-þaru,þintaº-
þinta,a þipa-tip,a uda-udacauger-udhar,ulcicã-valâcica,ULIÞÃ-
ulaoa,uluci-uloca,a umbla-ambâmi,umbra-dumbra,a se uni-samiaunajmi,a
urca-hurceâmi,urdã-urda,urã-ura,urgie-urdu,urmã-purvam,pe urmã-
purma,URIAª-urias,urs-urs,a usca-usc,uºã-asia,uter-udara,vadrã-
padra,VALE-vale,vamã-vama,în van,gol-vansa,vatrã-varta,vãdanã-
vadana,vãpaie-vepas,a vãrsa-varaiâmi,vãrsaþi-varasati,vârtej-vartena,a
vãtãma-viataiâmi,vânat-vanada,VÂRCOLAC-VRCALANCA,vârf-virbu,a vârâ-
varâmi,vârtos-vârta,a vedea-VEDAyâmi,VEªMÂNT-vastva,vreascuri-
vruºa,VOCE-vacia, viezure-vizvara,vrajbã-vurajba,vraiºte-variiste,zarã-
sâra,zeu-diaus,a zbura-visspulâmi,a ZÂMBI-dzambaiâmi, zeamã-soma,zer-
sares,ZIUA-dziua,ziua ºi NOAPTE-divanactam, ziua se îmbucã cu noaptea-
divasmbuca,zdravãn-dhrava, zurbagiu-dzurba,zãpãcit-svapisita, zvon-
svanas; in accordance with Augustin Deac (I, p.378-390).
It is obvious that Sanskrit is an idiom of the Romanian language easy
understood by Romanians.
In spite of the belief that Indo-European is the oldest European
language, in which are originating all the contemporary speeches, you
have the proof that notions are constituted in the Romanian and
expressed as deffect copies in the Indo-European Sanscrit.
In spite of the fact that APA in Romanian is APA in Sanscrit (S), SAR-
e salt in R = SAR-a in S, a SÃR-i to jump in R = SAR in S, DRUM road
in R = DRU in S, MUIERE woman in R = MUHEREA in S, a ÎNVÃÞA learn in R
= INVATI in S, you recognize easy the words but you are not more
recognizing easy the morphemes.
CÃR-ÃMI-DÃ brick in R = CR-MI-DZA brick in S and NOA-PTE night in R =
NACT-a in S.
The notion brick as something to be brought "CÃR-a" in R is missing,
having instead only CR, without sense in both languages.
The notion night as a NEW "NOUA" ruPTUre "-PTE" of the day is missing
in the Sanskrit NACT-a where you recognize easy the German NACT, the
Russian NOCI and the Latin NOCT-is, transforming NOAPTE in NOACT-e,but
losing the Romanian metaphor=the definition of the notion "night".

In Latin phonetics we may remark the Romanian language written in
Sanskrit with some perverted words in the Sanskrit variants.

We can remark some times the change between R and L like SOARE (sun
in R, SURIA in S) and SOLE (sun in Latin), LUCI (to shine in R) =
abiRUCI (to shine in S) and also the distancing from the Romanian
onomatopoeic speech, like for example a POCNI (to burst, to hit in R) -
aPAHomi (to burst, to hit in S), POCnet (crack in R) = POKet (crack in
S), aspect suggesting for the Sanscrit an intermediary stage between
Romanian and Greek or Latin where the direct onomatopoeic derivation
is missing.

It is clear that RAMANI Veda were speaking the same Romanian as today
and that RAMANI were ROMANIANS, even with the same name as today.

Nobody is making a difference between Ramani Veda language and

Who is speaking Romanian as a mother tongue is a Romanian.

The Dacian ,,urn filds civilization" reached India too and even today
Indians are having the habit to burn the dead.
Word SUTA (100) exists only in Romanian and in the Indian Veda.
LA HORE means ,,at (la) the dance HORA",only in Romanian.
Hora is a specific Romanian dance having always a round shape, most
probably as a symbol of the sun and it is performed only in redletter
days, as a sign that it was religious implicate once.
Only Romanians from the north and south of Danube are calling this
dance by the name HORA.
A big city in the north India has the name LA HORE exactly as
Romanians are calling people to dance, but not by simple coincidence,
because we are talking about the same people, about the antique
Latin 100 is CENTUM not SUTA, meaning that we are not originated in
Rome and Romans but Romans are originated in Romania and Romanians
because they are counting from 1 to 10 like Romanians.
Town SORIA has the Romanian name of the sun SOARE word what does not
exist in Spain, where sun is SOL.
SORIA means nothing in Spanish, but in Romanian it means sunny (în-
SORIT) and the Romanian Apii and Romanian Iler-Gets' presence in the
antique Spain is the proof of the truth.
The morphemes' speech makes more transparent the relation among the
European languages.
It is very difficult but not impossible to recognize Romanian words in
BRÂU (belt only in Romanian and Albanian = Daco- Ilir) is connecting
something as BRÜ-k (BRI-dge in German) and BRU-der (BROther in German,
Hittite and Raman Veda) are connecting something.
You may call somebody familiar BRE in Romanian.
BROther (FRA-te in R) is a euphonic slide.
ARbeiter and MüllER are people like morAR (millER in R).
In Romanian, Germany is called NEM-þia = NEAM (relation, member of the
family, member of the trib, in R), ÞIE = to you in R.
Scientists are discussing about a German-Slav language as one language
in the antique times.



=Confuzia între geþi ºi goþi==

De-a lungul timpului, unii cronicari, voit sau întâmplãtor, i-au
"confundat" pe geþi cu [[goþi]]i. Primul care a utilizat etnonimul
"got" ca sinonim pentru "get" a fost împãratul filosof [[Iulian
Apostatul]] (361-363 e.n.). În secolul al IV-lea, echivalenþa a fost
adoptatã ºi de alþi autori, iar prin scrierile istoricului latin
[[Claudianus]] (începutul secolului V) ºi mai ales ale lui [[Orosius]]
(autor iberic de origine gotã), apoi prin ale istoricilor
[[Cassiodor]] ºi [[Iordanes]], confuzia a cunoscut o rãspândire largã.
Lucrarea lui Iordanes întitulatã ''[[Getica]]'' era consacratã
istoriei goþilor.

O altã lucrare importantã este a lui [[Heinrich Pantaleonis]], cu
titlul ''[[Cartea eroilor naþiunii germane]]'', în care regii [[daci]]
sunt prezentaþi ca fiind [[goþi]].


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