Ruby origins


Mik Houghton

Hi I'm at university doing an Internet Computing degree and my group has
been given the task of presenting a short perentation on Ruby on Rails.
One of the subjects I've been given to research is of the origins of
Ruby. Does anyone know of any good sites I can visit. I've had a look
around and been on a couple of sites, but stuff on the origins and
history of the language seem to be a bit thin on the ground, such as the
all to breif history section on wikipedia (2 sentaces).

Any help wouold be appreciated, we were only given a few days for this,
so I'm hunting around like mad.


Wilson Bilkovich

Hi I'm at university doing an Internet Computing degree and my group has
been given the task of presenting a short perentation on Ruby on Rails.
One of the subjects I've been given to research is of the origins of
Ruby. Does anyone know of any good sites I can visit. I've had a look
around and been on a couple of sites, but stuff on the origins and
history of the language seem to be a bit thin on the ground, such as the
all to breif history section on wikipedia (2 sentaces).

Any help wouold be appreciated, we were only given a few days for this,
so I'm hunting around like mad.

Takahasi-san presented on this topic at RubyConf this year.
Here's a writeup of the talk. His slides might be online somewhere as well.

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