SELECT statement pulls field names - how to avoid?



I do a SELECT * from table command in an ASP page to build a text file
out on our server, but the export is not to allow a field name rows of
records. The first thing I get is a row with all the field names. Why
do these come in if they are not part of the table records? How do I
eliminate this from being produced? Here's the ASP code....


<title>Package Tracking Results - Client Feed</title>


' define variables
dim oConn ' ADO Connection
dim oRSc ' ADO Recordset - Courier table
dim cSQLstr ' SQL string - Courier table
dim oRSn ' ADO Recordset - NAN table
dim nSQLstr ' SQL string - NAN table
dim objFSO ' FSO Connection
dim objTextFile ' Text File

' set and define FSO connection and text file object location
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set objTextFile =
'Response.Write (Server.MapPath("textfile.txt") & "<br />")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\textfile.txt",2)

' write text to text file
'objTextFile.WriteLine "This text is in the file ""textfile.txt""!"

' SQL strings for Courier and NAN tables
cSQLstr = "SELECT * FROM Courier"

' set and open ADO connection & oRSc recordsets
set oConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
oConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &
"c:/Database/QaTracking/QaTracking.mdb" & ";"
set oRSc=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRSc.Open cSQLstr, oConn

Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Dim i, j, tmp
If Not oRSc.EOF Then
For i = 1 To oRSc.Fields.Count
objTextFile.Write oRSc.Fields(i-1).Name
If i < oRSc.Fields.Count Then
objTextFile.Write " "
End If
While Not oRSc.EOF
For i = 1 To oRSc.Fields.Count
If oRSc.Fields(i-1) <> "" Then
tmp = oRSc.Fields(i-1)
' If TypeName(tmp) = "String" Then
' objTextFile.Write "" &_
'Replace(oRSc.Fields(i-1),vbCrLf,"") & ""
' Else
objTextFile.Write oRSc.Fields(i-1)
' End If
End If
If i < oRSc.Fields.Count Then
objTextFile.Write " "
End If
End If
Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set oRSc = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing


Mike Brind

Billy said:
I do a SELECT * from table command in an ASP page to build a text file
out on our server, but the export is not to allow a field name rows of
records. The first thing I get is a row with all the field names. Why
do these come in if they are not part of the table records? How do I
eliminate this from being produced? Here's the ASP code....


<title>Package Tracking Results - Client Feed</title>


' define variables
dim oConn ' ADO Connection
dim oRSc ' ADO Recordset - Courier table
dim cSQLstr ' SQL string - Courier table
dim oRSn ' ADO Recordset - NAN table
dim nSQLstr ' SQL string - NAN table
dim objFSO ' FSO Connection
dim objTextFile ' Text File

' set and define FSO connection and text file object location
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set objTextFile =
'Response.Write (Server.MapPath("textfile.txt") & "<br />")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\textfile.txt",2)

' write text to text file
'objTextFile.WriteLine "This text is in the file ""textfile.txt""!"

' SQL strings for Courier and NAN tables
cSQLstr = "SELECT * FROM Courier"

' set and open ADO connection & oRSc recordsets
set oConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
oConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &
"c:/Database/QaTracking/QaTracking.mdb" & ";"
set oRSc=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRSc.Open cSQLstr, oConn

Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Dim i, j, tmp
If Not oRSc.EOF Then

Remove the lines below. They are the ones that write out the name of the
For i = 1 To oRSc.Fields.Count
objTextFile.Write oRSc.Fields(i-1).Name
If i < oRSc.Fields.Count Then
objTextFile.Write " "
End If

Have a look at the ADO Field Object's properties. It might help you see
what you are doing:

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Billy said:
I do a SELECT *

Well, nothing to do with your problem, but that's mistake #1
from table command in an ASP page to build a text file
out on our server, but the export is not to allow a field name rows of
records. The first thing I get is a row with all the field names.

Don't write them if you don't want them. You control what gets written.
do these come in if they are not part of the table records? How do I
eliminate this from being produced? Here's the ASP code....

' set and open ADO connection & oRSc recordsets
set oConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
oConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &
"c:/Database/QaTracking/QaTracking.mdb" & ";"

Again, nothing to do with your problem, but this is mistake #2
set oRSc=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRSc.Open cSQLstr, oConn

Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Dim i, j, tmp
If Not oRSc.EOF Then
For i = 1 To oRSc.Fields.Count
objTextFile.Write oRSc.Fields(i-1).Name
If i < oRSc.Fields.Count Then
objTextFile.Write " "
End If

As I said above, if you don't want the field names, don't write them. You
are in control of what is written. Just remove this loop.

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