Sharing Users, but not roles between Applications


Francis Reed


I'm currently developping a University portal that uses single sign on
between multiple applications, and I would like to store my users in one
application and share them with other applications while keeping the roles
unique per application. For our portal, all our users would go in an
application called "UniversityPortal", and roles would be created in each
course application. Here's an example illustrating our proposed structure.

Applications Roles

UniversityPortal Application (Administrators, Editors, ...)
Chemistry Application (Students, Teachers, ...)
Religion Application (Students, Teachers, ...)
Math Application (Students, Teachers, ...)

I've noticed that when I call SqlRoleProvider.AddUsersToRoles("francis",
Students") from within the Chemistry Application, and then from the Religion
Application new records get added to the Users table each with a unique user
ID. Why is this, and is there a way to prevent this duplication of user data?
Also does this mean if a user wants to change his password, does he have to
do it for every application? I would really appreciate any feedback or advice
that could help me out.


Dominick Baier [DevelopMentor]


the application name is used to scope roles and users - just a cheap workaround
for not having to force a db per application...

the default role provider enforces this scoping - i think you will have to
write your own role provider if you want cross application roles.

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