Simulate Datagrid LinkButton Click?

  • Thread starter leanne lis via .NET 247
  • Start date

leanne lis via .NET 247

How can I simulate a click on a linkbutton in a datagrid?

I've got a linkbutton with text 'edit'. The user clicks on it, does some editing, and submits. I then change the linkbutton text to 'view', and need to re-display the transaction they just edited as though they had clicked the 'view' linkbutton.

If I manually click the linkbutton, I get the results I want; so how can I do this programmatically, so the user won't have to click the linkbutton after submitting the transaction???

I thought I could do it like this:
// get datagrid item (row)
DataGridItem dgRow = dgTxnHistory.Items[ dgRowIndex ];

// change linkbutton in this datagrid row to show 'view'
LinkButton linkButton =
( ( LinkButton ) dgRow.Cells[ 9 ].Controls[ 0 ] );
linkButton.Text = "View";

// call ItemCommand event where transaction will be redrawn -
// dgTxnHistory_ItemCommand( object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e )
dgTxnHistory_ItemCommand( source, e );

but, if that would work, what do I need in the 'source' and 'e' params? Or, is there an easier way? (I'm using C#)

thanks for any help you can offer!

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