Tim w wrote, on 30th May 2014 22:58 UTC + 2 :
This is strange. This site seems to have no scroll bars despite having
massive great long pages:
Surely it will never catch on. Why would you do such a thing?
Tim W
I do not observe that. Do you still have that problem ?
I noticed something similar with my webmail interface with Smartermail.
I accessed it from two machines with Firefox, one with Windows XP Home
SP3, the other one with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
On the machine with Windows I had never any problem, on the machine with
Ubuntu, the list of messages has no vertical scrollbar, so I can only
access the five first messages or so.
A second theme changed nothing, but installing a third theme solved the
None of those themes have any problem with the page you mention, this
being said.