Strange Form Problem


J P Singh

Hi All

I have been trying to resolve this all morning but have given up.

Please help.

I have the simple form as below. When I click it is not getting the form
action from the line inside the loop but from somewhere else in the page.
The page has multiple forms but depending on what the status is various
elements are dsiplayed or hidden. For examples even If I change the
viewpo.asp to nopage.asp it still is displaying the page and going to
viewpo.asp page with the PONumber query string set.

does anyone know what is going wrong.

<%if strStatus = "Awaiting Authorisation" then
response.write " your are now in the awaiting authorisation"
<form action="viewpo.asp?action=auth&PONumber=<%=strPONumber%>"
<p><input type="radio" value="218313" checked name="authorisor">
Ian Carter</p>
<input type="submit" class="button1" value="Submit" name="Submit">
<%end if%>

William Morris

Try rewriting your form as such:

<form action="viewpo.asp" ethod="post">
<input type=hidden name="action" value="auth">
<input type=hidden name="PONumber" value="<%=strPONumber%>">

Bob Lehmann

Are you using Request.QueryString to retrieve action & strPONumber?

Request.QueryString("action"), Request.QueryString("strPONumber")

Bob Lehmann

Roland Hall

J P Singh said:
I have the simple form as below. When I click it is not getting the form
action from the line inside the loop but from somewhere else in the page.
The page has multiple forms but depending on what the status is various
elements are dsiplayed or hidden. For examples even If I change the
viewpo.asp to nopage.asp it still is displaying the page and going to
viewpo.asp page with the PONumber query string set.

does anyone know what is going wrong.

<%if strStatus = "Awaiting Authorisation" then
response.write " your are now in the awaiting authorisation"
<form action="viewpo.asp?action=auth&PONumber=<%=strPONumber%>"
<p><input type="radio" value="218313" checked name="authorisor">
Ian Carter</p>
<input type="submit" class="button1" value="Submit" name="Submit">
<%end if%>

Not enough info.
What is the value you are expecting for strPONumber?
What do you get for the form line?
Is your browser set to check for new versions of stored pages every visit to
the page?


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