Strange Problem with FormView Control



We have a FormView control to show customer information with paging enabled
in an .aspx page named Customer.aspx. We can navigate page by page to show
customer information per page. FormView datasource has been a SqlDataSource
control which is calling a stored Procedure. And FormView dataKey has been
set to be customerID.

Now in this page FormView nevigation is working well showing customer page
by page order by their names.

We have another page named Sales.aspx, from which we can get back to our
previous page named Customer.aspx by clicking a button. At this time we are
taking a particular customerID in Session and calculation the rowid/position
of this customer [with an order by query which is the same with the stored
procedure of FormView Datasource]. Now we are doing
FormView1.PageIndex = CustomerPosition;

So that we can directly go to the FormView page where this customer is and
as FormView datakey is the customerID we can view this particular customer
data in that FormView page.

Instead of this we are having a wrong customer data in that page of
FormView. What is more interesting here that not every time this is
happening……sometimes it is working fine showing correct customer information
in FormView pages and ‘Next’,’Previous’ working fine with correct results.
Here by correct customer I mean that particular customer which belongs to
that FormView page. We have checked our log file. There we have found out
that after FormView pageindex has been changed, sometimes (randomly)
FormView.selectedvalue is wrongly referring to a different CustomerID which
was not the correct one.

The whole behavior is completely random and does not have a recognizable
pattern. Sometimes (randomly) FormView.selectedvalue is choosing a wrong
value and it’s a read only field. While running it at our local boxes, the
frequency of error is less whereas frequency of error is more when we are
running it at our server. We are using windows server 2003, Sql server 2005
and IIS6 and ASP.NET 3.0

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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