Suggestions for my mallocator



Hi all,

This is my first posting on this forum! I hope it will be the first of
many as I work my way up to be a C guru :)

We had an assigment to write our own storage allocator, and mine was
graded very poorly with comment "Hopelessly naive". Now I can see the
main problem, which is that some calls to myfree() won't actually
release the memory, but that would be pretty difficult to achieve, and
the rest of it seems to work fine to me.

If anyone here can make any constructive comments, that would be great

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#define SYSTEM_RAM ( 1<<30 )
#define MAX_TO_USE ( ((SYSTEM_RAM) / 3) * 2 )

static char heap[MAX_TO_USE];
static char *p=heap;
static char *oblivion=heap+MAX_TO_USE;
static char *last;

void *mymalloc(long bytes)
if(p+bytes<oblivion) {
return (void *) last;
return NULL;

void myfree(void *q)
if(q==last) {
/* need something more sophisticated - we don't have it, so
* let's just leak the memory :) */

int main()
char *t=mymalloc(14);
strcpy(t,"Hello, world!");
printf("%s\n", t);
return 0;

Richard Heathfield

(e-mail address removed) said:
Hi all,

This is my first posting on this forum! I hope it will be the first of
many as I work my way up to be a C guru :)

We had an assigment to write our own storage allocator, and mine was
graded very poorly with comment "Hopelessly naive". Now I can see the
main problem, which is that some calls to myfree() won't actually
release the memory, but that would be pretty difficult to achieve, and
the rest of it seems to work fine to me.

The job of the deallocator is to make the storage available for re-use by
the program. See pp185ff of K&R2 for an example.


Mine does do that, but admittedly not in certain cases :~

The only problem occurs if mymalloc and myfree calls are intertwined
rather than nested like parentheses. And after all this was just an
exercise - it's not like any production code will use my functions -
and I'd guess that ultimately you need kernel calls for a serious
implementation of malloc (keeping large arrays around the place can't
really be ideal :?)

Anyway, back to my code, it seems that the trouble is that to keep
track of an arbitrary number of calls to mymalloc(), my allocator would
itself need arbitrarily large storage, and it could only get this from
malloc(), which sort of defeats the object. :???:


Mine does do that, but admittedly not in certain cases :~

The only problem occurs if mymalloc and myfree calls are intertwined
rather than nested like parentheses. And after all this was just an
exercise - it's not like any production code will use my functions -
and I'd guess that ultimately you need kernel calls for a serious
implementation of malloc (keeping large arrays around the place can't
really be ideal :?)

Anyway, back to my code, it seems that the trouble is that to keep
track of an arbitrary number of calls to mymalloc(), my allocator would
itself need arbitrarily large storage, and it could only get this from
malloc(), which sort of defeats the object. :???:
No. It is quite legitimate to allow only a finite, though large number of
allocations. If you have a megabyte of memory available, and allow only 1024
allocations, then unless the average allocation is under 1K the user will
never notice. plenty of commercial allocators will pad small allocations up
to 1K.

The important thing is that calls to malloc() and free() can be interleaved
in any order, as long as the free() follows its matching malloc(), when
memory is freed it is avialable for reallocation, and the blocks you
allocate do not overlap. This is not trivial to achieve.

For bonus points you want to use your storage area efficiently - avoid
fragmentation - and you want the malloc() and the free() to execute in a
short time.

I've hand-code mallocs for production systems. These were embedded programs.
The allocator didn't have to run in special kernel mode. It was simply a
normal C function that accessed a global array.

Richard Heathfield

(e-mail address removed) said:
Mine does do that, but admittedly not in certain cases :~

The only problem occurs if mymalloc and myfree calls are intertwined
rather than nested like parentheses.

And yet that is the typical usage, which is why you need to do more work
than just a simple "start here" indicator. I refer you again to K&R2's
example, which gives you a solid introduction to the issues and how to set
about resolving them.
And after all this was just an exercise

....which won't do you much good if you don't do it properly. Sorry, but
there it is.
- it's not like any production code will use my functions -
and I'd guess that ultimately you need kernel calls for a serious
implementation of malloc (keeping large arrays around the place can't
really be ideal :?)

Ultimately, yes, a production-quality memory manager in a protected-mode OS
is going to need to ask the OS for its memory.
Anyway, back to my code, it seems that the trouble is that to keep
track of an arbitrary number of calls to mymalloc(), my allocator would
itself need arbitrarily large storage, and it could only get this from
malloc(), which sort of defeats the object. :???:

No, you need to keep track of memory that's *returned* to you, so that you
can give it out *again*. And that means keeping track of each block you
allocate, rather than just saying "well, everything below offset X has been

As I said before, see pp185ff of K&R2 for an example.

Jens Thoms Toerring

Mine does do that, but admittedly not in certain cases :~

You can only free the chunk of memory you have allocated last.
The only problem occurs if mymalloc and myfree calls are intertwined
rather than nested like parentheses.

Well, that's like building a car that has no steering wheel, no
accelerator and no brake padel and just a single button labeled
"Go" which, when you hold it down, makes the car go straight for-
ward. You could also argue that "the only problem" is that it
works only on a straight street with no other traffic...
Anyway, back to my code, it seems that the trouble is that to keep
track of an arbitrary number of calls to mymalloc(), my allocator would
itself need arbitrarily large storage, and it could only get this from
malloc(), which sort of defeats the object. :???:

If you look up the pages in K&R2 Richard told you about you will
find one way how to deal with that "unsurmountable" problem by
just putting a structure at the start of each newly "allocated"
block of memory that contains a field with the size and a pointer
to the next block's address. By iterating through the linked list
of pointers you can find the next fitting free block or the block
you're asked to free. When you free a block you also joins it with
a free block before or after it (if that exists) to avoid fragmen-
tation. All that takes not much more than 50 lines of code (if you
modify it to use memory only from a fixed area like in your case
instead of asking the OS for more memory when running out of space)
and at a "cost" of about the size of a pointer plus an integer size
field for each block. The example code in K&R2 also deals with the
alignment of the memory returned by malloc(), a problem your program
does not even take into consideration.

Regards, Jens


Thanks to all on the forum for your thoughts :)

I guess it's a question of trade-offs here between flexibility (how
many allocations do you allow?), speed vs. memory usage (how much
fragmentation is tolerable?), etc. I've come up with what seems like a
pretty good way of doing this, which ensures absolutely no
fragmentation occurs - once a block is freed, the deallocator
immediately tidies things up. An array of pointers keeps references to
all the currently allocated blocks.

The only slight disadvantage of this approach is that it necessitates a
slightly different API for malloc and free, with an extra level of

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#define SYSTEM_RAM ( 1<<30 )
#define MAX_TO_USE ( ((SYSTEM_RAM) / 3) * 2 )
#define MAX_ALLOCS ( (MAX_TO_USE) >> 10 )

/* set up heap to allocate from */
static char heap[MAX_TO_USE], *top=heap, *oblivion=heap+MAX_TO_USE;

/* pointers to allocated blocks */
static char *blocks[MAX_ALLOCS];

void **mymalloc(long bytes)
char **q;
if(top+bytes<oblivion) {
/* find first free pointer in array */
for(q=blocks; *q; q++)
return NULL;
return (void **) q;
return NULL;

void myfree(void **q)
char **next, **r;
long size;
if(q==NULL || *q==NULL)
/* OK... let's find the start of the block after the one to be freed
for(r=blocks; r<blocks+MAX_ALLOCS; r++)
if((char *) *q<*r && *r<*next)
size=next-(char **) q; /* size of the block */
/* shift down to fill in block to be freed */
memmove(*q, *next, MAX_TO_USE-(next-blocks));
/* move down all pointers above next */
for(r=blocks; r<blocks+MAX_ALLOCS; r++)

int main()
char **s=(char **) mymalloc(8);
char **t=(char **) mymalloc(7);
strcpy(*s,"Hello, ");
printf("%s%s\n", *s, *t);
myfree((void **) s);
myfree((void **) t);
return 0;

PS. Thanks for the heads-up on the K&R2 discussion - I've got a pdf of
it coming down as a torrent as we speak, so I'll read it as soon as I
get it :)


This is my first posting on this forum! I hope it will be the first of
many as I work my way up to be a C guru :)

We had an assigment to write our own storage allocator, and mine was
graded very poorly with comment "Hopelessly naive". Now I can see the
main problem, which is that some calls to myfree() won't actually
release the memory, but that would be pretty difficult to achieve, and
the rest of it seems to work fine to me.

Well, the comment is fair. But the problem is that writing a good
allocation system is actually quite difficult.

Writing one that satisfies all possible useful criteria and runs in
O(1) (both malloc and free) is basically impossible. You can do one
that is O(ln(#allocations)) however it is horrendously complicated.
Usually, however, its straight forward to write an allocation system
that is O(1) *most* of the time, or which is O(1) all the time, but
does not always successfully allocate or recover all of memory

The classic "buddy allocator" system has each allocation point to the
two allocations (or edges of a large block) that it is adjacent to.
Each allocated unit would also have header data like a flag indicating
whether it is allocated or free, and how large the allocation is. Thus
freeing each block is easy to see -- you just switch the state to
"free" and immediately merge with the any adjacent block that is free
(this is always at most two steps.)

The real problem is how do you do allocations. If you maintain a list
of free entries (with internal references, like a linked list or
something) then you can look through the list for entries that are
large enough to fit your allocation. But then the operation is
O(#allocations) which can be very slow. So the simplest thing to do is
to partition these into lists of particular size groupings, powers of
two are usually good, and just picking the first entry from each list
after you've guaranteed that its in a size range that will sufficiently
satisfy the allocation request. However, you are still stuck with the
problem that unless you look through your entire lists in each category
(thus bringing you back to O(#allocations)) you cannot guarantee "best
fit" allocations. So you will commonly end up allocation too much

Then there are other strage strategies like fibonacci allocators. The
idea is that you start with a block the size of a fibonacci number, and
you can always subdivide the block into two sub-blocks also with
fibonacci number sizes. In this way you can avoid the overhead of
storing the size of the block, since that in a sense is determined by
your offset from the big block. Personally, I don't quite see the
whole logic of this scheme, but people have done such things.

Of course the other thing about allocations strategies is that they
often entail system-level details. For example, the addresses for new
space from the system may always be adjacent to your previous
allocations. The way this is possible is if you have a dynamic memory
mapping system where physical memory is fetched in distinct pieces, but
which can be mapped into logical memory at a prescribed address. This
is the way the UNIX-style "sbrk()" function works (Windows NT does not
support a similar mechanism; you simply allocate in distinct blocks
that may or may not be adjacent.)

Another system detail has to do with multi-threading. To support
multithreading environments you have to make sure that at most one
thread is calling your memory allocation functions at a time. Without
this kind of mechanism, multi-threading would not even work. This can
often have a profound impact on allocator design -- using distinct
regions with different threads can dramatically raise performance, if
you design things right.

So, in short, writing a good memory allocation system is not something
can be undertaken lightly, unless you are satisfied with getting
unimpressive answers.

Richard Heathfield

(e-mail address removed) said:
PS. Thanks for the heads-up on the K&R2 discussion - I've got a pdf of
it coming down as a torrent as we speak, so I'll read it as soon as I
get it :)

I suggest you buy a copy instead. Keeping yourself on the right side of the
law is always a good idea.

Barry Schwarz

Thanks to all on the forum for your thoughts :)

I guess it's a question of trade-offs here between flexibility (how
many allocations do you allow?), speed vs. memory usage (how much
fragmentation is tolerable?), etc. I've come up with what seems like a
pretty good way of doing this, which ensures absolutely no
fragmentation occurs - once a block is freed, the deallocator
immediately tidies things up. An array of pointers keeps references to
all the currently allocated blocks.

The only slight disadvantage of this approach is that it necessitates a
slightly different API for malloc and free, with an extra level of

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#define SYSTEM_RAM ( 1<<30 )
#define MAX_TO_USE ( ((SYSTEM_RAM) / 3) * 2 )
#define MAX_ALLOCS ( (MAX_TO_USE) >> 10 )

/* set up heap to allocate from */
static char heap[MAX_TO_USE], *top=heap, *oblivion=heap+MAX_TO_USE;

For ease of discussion below, let's assume top contains 0x10000 and
oblivion contains 0x20000.
/* pointers to allocated blocks */
static char *blocks[MAX_ALLOCS];

void **mymalloc(long bytes)

Let's also assume bytes is 0x1000 for each of two calls.

Why not use size_t for consistency

A void** is not guaranteed to be able to hold the address of anything
other than a void*.

Since a void* can hold the address of anything, there is no reason not
to use it.
char **q;
if(top+bytes<oblivion) {
/* find first free pointer in array */
for(q=blocks; *q; q++)

On first call, blocks[0] is NULL, *q is false, and loop exits before
first iteration.

On second call, loop exits when q points to block[1].
return NULL;

On first call, blocks[0] now contains 0x10000.

On second call, blocks[1] now contains 0x11000.

On first call, top now contains 0x11000.

On second call, top now contains 0x12000.
return (void **) q;

Why are you returning the address of an element in blocks when you
could just as easily return an address in heap.

On first call, you return &blocks[0].

On second call, your return &blocks[1].
return NULL;

void myfree(void **q)

Let's assume we return block[1] first.

Let's return block[0] second but pretend the first call never
char **next, **r;
long size;
if(q==NULL || *q==NULL)
/* OK... let's find the start of the block after the one to be freed

On first call, top contains 0x12000.

On second call also.
for(r=blocks; r<blocks+MAX_ALLOCS; r++)
if((char *) *q<*r && *r<*next)

The second relation will not be evaluated until the first one is true.
On first call, *q is 0x11000.
On first iteration, *r is 0x10000; if is false.
On second iteration *r is 0x11000; if is false.
On all subsequent iterations, *r is NULL; if is false.

On second call, *q is 0x10000.
On first iteration, *r is ox10000; if is false
On second call, *r is 0x11000 and *next is 0x12000; if is true.
On subsequent calls, *r is NULL; if is false.

You seem to be missing an exit from the for loop once you find the
block you are interested in.

On first call, you fall out of for loop never changing next and r
pointing one byte beyond end of blocks.

On second call, next is set to &blocks[1].
size=next-(char **) q; /* size of the block */

This arithmetic does not yield the number of bytes in the block.

On first call, next contains &top and q contains &block[1]. The
difference has no meaning since it is simply a measure (but not in
bytes) of the space between to unrelated objects defined at file

On second call, next contains &blocks[1] and q contains block[0]. The
difference is guaranteed to always be exactly 1.
/* shift down to fill in block to be freed */
memmove(*q, *next, MAX_TO_USE-(next-blocks));

Your third argument computes the wrong number of bytes. next-blocks
is the number of elements in blocks, not the number of bytes in heap.

Furthermore, by moving data in heap, you have broken the interface
with your users. Once you have returned the address of blocks[N] to a
user and he has dereferenced it to get the address of heap[M] as the
start of his allocated area, you may not move heap[M] to some other
area in heap.
/* move down all pointers above next */
for(r=blocks; r<blocks+MAX_ALLOCS; r++)

Once you move any of the entries in blocks, you have broken the
interface with your users. Once you have returned the address of
blocks[N] to a user, you may not alter the value contained in
blocks[N] until the user frees it. Your user is entitled to use the
value in blocks[N] as often as he wants to get to the start of his
allocated area.

int main()
char **s=(char **) mymalloc(8);
char **t=(char **) mymalloc(7);
strcpy(*s,"Hello, ");
printf("%s%s\n", *s, *t);
myfree((void **) s);
myfree((void **) t);
return 0;

PS. Thanks for the heads-up on the K&R2 discussion - I've got a pdf of
it coming down as a torrent as we speak, so I'll read it as soon as I
get it :)

K&R2 is not legally available as a pdf.

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Thanks for the reply... I think you've misunderstood my approach, which
is understandable as I didn't give any information apart from a signal
that it breaks the usual malloc/free API...
return (void **) q;

Why are you returning the address of an element in blocks when you
could just as easily return an address in heap.


You seem to be missing an exit from the for loop once you find the
block you are interested in.


Furthermore, by moving data in heap, you have broken the interface
with your users. Once you have returned the address of blocks[N] to a
user and he has dereferenced it to get the address of heap[M] as the
start of his allocated area, you may not move heap[M] to some other
area in heap.


Once you move any of the entries in blocks, you have broken the
interface with your users. Once you have returned the address of
blocks[N] to a user, you may not alter the value contained in
blocks[N] until the user frees it. Your user is entitled to use the
value in blocks[N] as often as he wants to get to the start of his
allocated area.

That's the point of the pointers-to-pointers... in my scheme, the
allocation black-box maintains an array of pointers, each of which
points to a block of memory in the big array. However, the contract
with the caller is as follows. Let's say he calls malloc(N) and is
given p, which is a char **. Then *p is secretly an element of the
array of pointers, so **p points to a block in the big array of size N.
However, the caller isn't promised that *p is a constant pointer, only
that p is a constant pointer and *p always points to the right thing -
in other words, he always has to dereference twice as **p and mustn't
store *p=q, fiddle around, then hope that *q will still be valid.

The pay-off for this is that the allocator is guaranteed to be most
efficient possible in storage terms, in the sense that fragementation
is never allowed to occur.

I agree that this is a slight disadvantage, but once again this is only
an exercise, not a proposal for a genuine library function.
This arithmetic does not yield the number of bytes in the block.

I'll have to check the calculations in the rest of the code and debug
K&R2 is not legally available as a pdf.

Maybe that's strictly speaking true, but some considerations:
1. I could wait a week and borrow it from the library - same result,
i.e. I read their bit on allocators, but I've wasted a week.
2. If Kernighan & Ritchie were around today they'd probably be in the
spheres of Open Content, Free Documentation, etc., which is a more
ethical approach to "IP".
3. It's unlikely either of them will go hungry because I don't buy a
copy of their book.

Richard Heathfield

(e-mail address removed) said:

Maybe that's strictly speaking true, but some considerations:
1. I could wait a week and borrow it from the library - same result,

No, that's a legal source.
i.e. I read their bit on allocators, but I've wasted a week.

You'd spend that whole week sitting on your hands?
2. If Kernighan & Ritchie were around today they'd probably be in the
spheres of Open Content, Free Documentation, etc., which is a more
ethical approach to "IP".

K&R *are* around today, and so is their publisher. And they don't take
kindly to copyright violations.
3. It's unlikely either of them will go hungry because I don't buy a
copy of their book.

So go steal a Ferrari, why don't you? What kind of morality is that?


Well, the comment is fair. But the problem is that writing a good
allocation system is actually quite difficult.

Writing one that satisfies all possible useful criteria and runs
in O(1) (both malloc and free) is basically impossible. You can
do one that is O(ln(#allocations)) however it is horrendously
complicated. Usually, however, its straight forward to write an
allocation system that is O(1) *most* of the time, or which is
O(1) all the time, but does not always successfully allocate or
recover all of memory correctly.

It is inherently impossible to make a fragmentation proof allocator
for C, because of the presence of arbitrary pointers. Any such
would require indirect memory access for everything, which would be
a monstrous performance hit when enforced, together with
specialized compilers (or interpreters). However it is definitely
possible to have O(1) performance for all operations and to always
recover memory. It doesn't even require buddy systems (which have
their own penalties). I have published such a system, which only
requires care in writing.

See <>


It's the morality of common sense and practicality.

Scenario 1. I go to a library and find K&R. Under UK fair-use law I'm
allowed to photocopy 5% for personal use. In this case I copy the pages
on allocators. I end up with several sheets of paper containing the
relevent bits from the book.

Scenario 2. Someone shares a PDF of K&R with me over the internet. No
one has stolen anything: he still has the file himself. I print out the
pages on allocators and delete the file (for argument's sake). I end up
with several sheets of paper containing the relevent bits from the

If you're so anal that you worry about these different means to obtain
an identical result, then I pity you.

Copyright law is completely screwed up. I have a dual-boot
Windows/Linux machine. I take my favourite DVD, and if I boot into
Windows then I can legally play it, whereas if I boot into Linux then
there is no legal way I can obtain the same result (reading the disc,
displaying the movie on the screen). That may tell you that I should
submit myself to this idiocy and never watch DVDs in Linux. It tells
*me* however that the law is an ass and life is too short.

Barry Schwarz

On 27 Dec 2006 13:20:51 -0800, (e-mail address removed) wrote:

Maybe that's strictly speaking true, but some considerations:
1. I could wait a week and borrow it from the library - same result,
i.e. I read their bit on allocators, but I've wasted a week.
2. If Kernighan & Ritchie were around today they'd probably be in the
spheres of Open Content, Free Documentation, etc., which is a more
ethical approach to "IP".
3. It's unlikely either of them will go hungry because I don't buy a
copy of their book.

I make my living writing software. I have no interest in helping you
steal from someone else who does the same.

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CBFalconer said:
It is inherently impossible to make a fragmentation proof allocator
for C, because of the presence of arbitrary pointers.

Well more importantly, you can choose the ordering in which a sequence
of allocations is freed, and therefore can always create whatever kind
of fragmentation you like. So this clearly is not one of the criteria
a C-style allocator can have.
[...] Any such
would require indirect memory access for everything, which would be
a monstrous performance hit when enforced, together with
specialized compilers (or interpreters). However it is definitely
possible to have O(1) performance for all operations and to always
recover memory.

Ok, but what about also always being able to successfully allocate?
[...] It doesn't even require buddy systems (which have
their own penalties). I have published such a system, which only
requires care in writing.

See <>

I noticed you don't supply any seperate documentation for it. Can I
assume the comments in the code are accurate? From what I can peruse:

1) You seem to be neglecting at least one merge scenario. When you
split off the excess from an allocation, you are not merging it with
any possible adjacent free entries. In a sense this causes unnecessary
fragmentation of the remaining free entries. Remember with your
strategy, you want your free entries to be as large as possible. Try
writing a benchmark with a lot of reallocs in it, and you will see the
difference this makes.

2) Your function size2bucket() is a linear search (though, of course,
its count is bounded above by sizeof(ulong)*CHAR_BITS). Think about it
as bits but seperated from the mathematical properties for a second.
You can re-implement it using a binary search, which means on real
system you would have an effective loop count of 5 or 6.

3) You are also giving up as soon as your algorithm is unable to find
memory using its "fast method". If you run out of memory, you are in
typically in "screwedzville" anyways. You can simply go back to your
free list and check the bucket one lower, and start scanning linearly
for some fixed amount before truly bailing. This is important for
certain scenarios where you are allocating near the system limit in
terms of amount of memory, but nearly all your allocations are the
exact same size (this scenario is very typical). With your strategy as
coded, you can "run out of memory" even though you actually have plenty
of memory available -- you just aren't willing to scan for it. Its
very difficult to implement something which works robustly and all the
time here, but you can capture typical cases without too much effort.

In any event, it is as I said. You can implement something with O(1),
but it ends up not always being able to allocate all available memory

Charlton Wilbur

n> If Kernighan & Ritchie were around today they'd probably be in
n> the spheres of Open Content, Free Documentation, etc., which is
n> a more ethical approach to "IP".

Kernighan & Ritchie *are* around today, and if they wanted their book
released under a permissive license they could do so.

N> It's unlikely either of them will go hungry because I don't buy
n> a copy of their book.

It's unlikely you'll get any help from people who make a living with
intellectual property, now that you've demonstrated your cavalier
attitude towards it.



It's the morality of common sense and practicality.

Yes, common sense, you're right.
Scenario 1. I go to a library and find K&R. Under UK fair-use law I'm
allowed to photocopy 5% for personal use. In this case I copy the pages
on allocators. I end up with several sheets of paper containing the
relevent bits from the book.

Or you can buy the whole book and reward the authors' effort.
Scenario 2. Someone shares a PDF of K&R with me over the internet. No
one has stolen anything: he still has the file himself. I print out the
pages on allocators and delete the file (for argument's sake). I end up
with several sheets of paper containing the relevent bits from the

Are you sure there's a legal pdf copy of K&R2 on the Internet?
Also, personal use doesn't authorize you or others to share it
over the Internet - personal means you not half the world. The
copyright system is not broken... you probably talk about the
patent system being broken which is something different. Broken
or not the law is the way it is. Until it gets changed you are
breaking the law.
If you're so anal that you worry about these different means to obtain
an identical result, then I pity you.

So if I shoot you I should be safe because you would die anyway
eventually and I would still get my goal accomplished (identical
result). Screw the law, it's broken... The point is: we live by
the law, broken or not. You can fight it (FSF vs. patents), fight
to change it, but you don't break it until it's changed.
Copyright law is completely screwed up. I have a dual-boot
Windows/Linux machine. I take my favourite DVD, and if I boot into
Windows then I can legally play it, whereas if I boot into Linux then
there is no legal way I can obtain the same result (reading the disc,
displaying the movie on the screen). That may tell you that I should
submit myself to this idiocy and never watch DVDs in Linux. It tells
*me* however that the law is an ass and life is too short.

Patents, again, not copyright. You're getting it wrong. It
doesn't play on Linux because there is no program under Linux to
run it, because the guys distributing software respect the law by
not using stuff they don't agree with. You don't seem to get that.

Keith Thompson

Maybe that's strictly speaking true,

Another word for "strictly speaking true" is "true", and you can drop
the "maybe".
but some considerations:
1. I could wait a week and borrow it from the library - same result,
i.e. I read their bit on allocators, but I've wasted a week.
2. If Kernighan & Ritchie were around today they'd probably be in the
spheres of Open Content, Free Documentation, etc., which is a more
ethical approach to "IP".
3. It's unlikely either of them will go hungry because I don't buy a
copy of their book.

If they were around today? Not very bright, are you?

If you're going to commit a crime, you probably shouldn't announce it
to the world in a manner that allows you to be traced.

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