swift MT940 files



Hi there,

I am trying to read a bank file with a format called MT940 swift into a
data structure. The format is as follows:


I am still learning unpack (I always used s/regex/ and then $1, $2, etc ..)
and am wondering if someone can help me decode one of these lines e.g. the
:60F: record. Is it even possible? The format =

ps. Does anyone know of a swift/mt940 module or have a script you can share?
I searched everywhere but didnt find usefull information.

Kind regards, Seansan

Dave Weaver

Seansan said:
I am trying to read a bank file with a format called MT940 swift
into a data structure. The format is as follows:

That isn't a format specification, it's just a sample of the data. We
can only guess (probably incorrectly) what the format is from a sample
data set. Especially one so brief.
I am still learning unpack (I always used s/regex/ and then $1, $2,
etc ..)
ITYM m/regex/
The regex approach seem best suited to this data, from what I can see
of it.
and am wondering if someone can help me decode one of these lines
e.g. the :60F: record. Is it even possible? The format =

No it isn't. Let's take another look at that line:

What's that 'C'? Doesn't look like it's part of the date.
And the amount after "GBP" is not in the range 0-32.
Ignoring that:

use strict;
use warnings;

while( <DATA> ) {
if ( /:([^:]+):C(\d{6})(...)(\d+)/ ) {
print qq(record: "$1" date: "$2" str: "$3" amount: "$4"\n);


this prints:
record: "60F" date: "041019" str: "GBP" amount: "607"

As you can see, your suggested format matches only one of those 3
records ( and then, only if ignoring that 'C' ).

I suggest you determine your data format first. Then it's simply a
case of composing one or more regexs to extract the information you


I am trying to read a bank file with a format called MT940 swift into a
data structure. The format is as follows:


OT: Swift MT940... Oh boy that brings back memories. None of it any good :)

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