textbox postback



Hey Guys,
Here is my problem:
1. I have a site with a page that allows users to create trial accounts.
2. I have 2 textbox controls set to 'password' for trial users to type and
then retype thier passwords.
3. I have a check box for "i have read the agreement and...." etc.
4. When the checkbox is checked, a 'create account' button is enabled; this,
of course, causes a postback.
5. After the postback, all of the textboxes keep thier values except for the
2 password fields.
I would like the 2 password fields to keep thier value. Has anyone found a
way around this?

Visar Gashi, MCP

When you use a TextBox in Password mode, it disables its ViewState. You could
create your own PasswordBox control that inherits from the TextBox control
and override the OnRender method to show this information.

Not knowing what your application is, I must say that I wouldn't recommend
doing so. While retyping passwords is annoying at times, it is a better
solution than sending the passwords round-trip multiple times.

Alternatively, why don't you allow inputting the password after you make
sure everything is ok on the page?


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