jacob navia
A new addition to the C Containers library: Value arrays (ValArrays)
Value arrays are a group of containers that store the basic types of the
language: short, int, long, long long, float, double, long double
and have some specialized operations that should be done in hardware
when the underlying CPU allows it. The objective here is to simplify the
vector interface replacing the void * with the concrete type that these
arrays hold.
This is a very rich interface with all operations necessary to
realize any general purpose computation fast and efficiently.
ValArrays implement also "Slices", patterned exactly like their
C++ counterparts but with a much easier interface:
You set a slice into the array with "SetSlice", and then all
operations will work ONLY in the selected slice obtaining the
same result as the C++
Masks are also supported (but not yet fully implemented).
The implemented interface is already quite developed:
* ValArrays *
typedef struct _ValArray ValArray;
typedef struct tagValArray {
size_t (*Size)(const ValArray *AL);
unsigned (*GetFlags)(const ValArray *AL);
unsigned (*SetFlags)(ValArray *AL,unsigned flags);
int (*Clear)(ValArray *AL);
int (*Contains)(ValArray *AL,ElementType data);
int (*Erase)(ValArray *AL,ElementType elem);
int (*Finalize)(ValArray *AL);
int (*Apply)(ValArray *AL,int (*Applyfn)(ElementType element,void *
arg),void *arg);
int (*Equal)(const ValArray *first, const ValArray *second);
ValArray *(*Copy)(ValArray *AL);
ErrorFunction (*SetErrorFunction)(ValArray *AL,ErrorFunction);
size_t (*Sizeof)(ValArray *AL);
Iterator *(*newIterator)(ValArray *AL);
int (*deleteIterator)(Iterator *);
int (*Save)(ValArray *AL,FILE *stream);
ValArray *(*Load)(FILE *stream);
size_t (*GetElementSize)(const ValArray *AL);
/* Sequential container specific fields */
int (*Add)(ValArray *AL,ElementType newval);
ElementType (*GetElement)(const ValArray *AL,size_t idx);
int (*PushBack)(ValArray *AL,ElementType data);
int (*PopBack)(ValArray *AL,ElementType *result);
int (*InsertAt)(ValArray *AL,size_t idx,ElementType newval);
int (*EraseAt)(ValArray *AL,size_t idx);
int (*ReplaceAt)(ValArray *AL,size_t idx,ElementType newval);
/* NO extra args */
int (*IndexOf)(ValArray *AL,ElementType data,size_t *result);
/* ValArray container specific fields */
int (*Insert)(ValArray *AL,ElementType);
int (*InsertIn)(ValArray *AL, size_t idx, ValArray *newData);
ValArray *(*IndexIn)(const ValArray *SC,const ValArraySize_t *AL);
size_t (*GetCapacity)(const ValArray *AL);
int (*SetCapacity)(ValArray *AL,size_t newCapacity);
CompareFunction (*SetCompareFunction)(ValArray *l,CompareFunction fn);
int (*Sort)(ValArray *AL);
ValArray *(*Create)(size_t startsize);
ValArray *(*CreateWithAllocator)(size_t startsize,
ContainerMemoryManager *allocator);
ValArray *(*Init)(ValArray *AL,size_t startsize);
int (*AddRange)(ValArray *AL,size_t n, const ElementType *newvalues);
ValArray *(*GetRange)(const ValArray *AL, size_t start, size_t end);
int (*CopyElement)(ValArray *AL,size_t idx,ElementType *outbuf);
ElementType *(*CopyTo)(ValArray *AL);
int (*Reverse)(ValArray *AL);
int (*Append)(ValArray *AL1, ValArray *AL2);
int (*Mismatch)(ValArray *a1, ValArray *a2,size_t *mismatch);
ContainerMemoryManager *(*GetAllocator)(ValArray *AL);
DestructorFunction (*SetDestructor)(ValArray *cb,DestructorFunction
/* ValArray specific functions */
ErrorFunction RaiseError; /* Error function */
int (*SumTo)(ValArray *left,const ValArray *right);
int (*SubtractFrom)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*MultiplyWith)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*DivideBy)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*SumScalarTo)(ValArray *left,ElementType right);
int (*SubtractScalarFrom)(ValArray *left, ElementType right);
int (*SubtractFromScalar)(ElementType left, ValArray *right);
int (*MultiplyWithScalar)(ValArray *left, ElementType right);
int (*DivideByScalar)(ValArray *left, ElementType right);
int (*DivideScalarBy)(ElementType left,ValArray *right);
Mask *(*CompareEqual)(const ValArray *left,const ValArray
*right,Mask *bytearray);
Mask *(*CompareEqualScalar)(const ValArray *left, const ElementType
right, Mask *bytearray);
char *(*Compare)(const ValArray *left, const ValArray *right,char
char *(*CompareScalar)(const ValArray *left, const ElementType
right,char *bytearray);
ValArray *(*CreateSequence)(size_t n,ElementType start, ElementType
ValArray *(*InitializeWith)(size_t n, ElementType *data);
int (*Memset)(ValArray *dst,ElementType fillValue,size_t length);
int (*FillSequential)(ValArray *dst,size_t length,ElementType
start, ElementType increment);
int (*SetSlice)(ValArray *src,size_t start,size_t length,size_t
int (*ResetSlice)(ValArray *array);
int (*GetSlice)(ValArray *array,size_t *start,size_t *length,
size_t *increment);
ElementType (*Max)(const ValArray *src);
ElementType (*Min)(const ValArray *src);
int (*RotateLeft)(ValArray *AL, size_t n);
#ifdef __IS_UNSIGNED__
int (*Or)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*And)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*Xor)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*Not)(ValArray *left);
int (*BitLeftShift)(ValArray *data,int shift);
int (*BitRightShift)(ValArray *data, const int shift);
int (*OrScalar)(ValArray *left, const ElementType right);
int (*AndScalar)(ValArray *left, const ElementType right);
int (*XorScalar)(ValArray *left, const ElementType right);
#ifdef __IS_INTEGER__
int (*Mod)(ValArray *left,const ValArray *right);
int (*ModScalar)(ValArray *left,const ElementType right);
char *(*FCompare)(const ValArray *left, const ValArray *right,char
*bytearray,ElementType tolerance);
int (*Inverse)(ValArray *src);
int (*ForEach)(ValArray *src,ElementType (*ApplyFn)(ElementType));
int (*Abs)(ValArray *src);
ElementType (*Accumulate)(ValArray *src);
ElementType (*Product)(ValArray *src);
} ValArrayInterface;
As you can see, some operations are implemented in some ValArrays,
others aren't. For instance the Inverse function doesn't make any sense
with integers, since for all integers bigger than one it will be zero.
The same with FCompare that compares using Knuth's proposal floating
point numbers using a fuzzy comparison that defines a range around each
number to allow for much finer precision in the comparison.
After more or less a year of work the project starts looking quite usable.
I have again posted this project in the French standardization
committee, and will start discussing it shortly.
Value arrays are a group of containers that store the basic types of the
language: short, int, long, long long, float, double, long double
and have some specialized operations that should be done in hardware
when the underlying CPU allows it. The objective here is to simplify the
vector interface replacing the void * with the concrete type that these
arrays hold.
This is a very rich interface with all operations necessary to
realize any general purpose computation fast and efficiently.
ValArrays implement also "Slices", patterned exactly like their
C++ counterparts but with a much easier interface:
You set a slice into the array with "SetSlice", and then all
operations will work ONLY in the selected slice obtaining the
same result as the C++
Masks are also supported (but not yet fully implemented).
The implemented interface is already quite developed:
* ValArrays *
typedef struct _ValArray ValArray;
typedef struct tagValArray {
size_t (*Size)(const ValArray *AL);
unsigned (*GetFlags)(const ValArray *AL);
unsigned (*SetFlags)(ValArray *AL,unsigned flags);
int (*Clear)(ValArray *AL);
int (*Contains)(ValArray *AL,ElementType data);
int (*Erase)(ValArray *AL,ElementType elem);
int (*Finalize)(ValArray *AL);
int (*Apply)(ValArray *AL,int (*Applyfn)(ElementType element,void *
arg),void *arg);
int (*Equal)(const ValArray *first, const ValArray *second);
ValArray *(*Copy)(ValArray *AL);
ErrorFunction (*SetErrorFunction)(ValArray *AL,ErrorFunction);
size_t (*Sizeof)(ValArray *AL);
Iterator *(*newIterator)(ValArray *AL);
int (*deleteIterator)(Iterator *);
int (*Save)(ValArray *AL,FILE *stream);
ValArray *(*Load)(FILE *stream);
size_t (*GetElementSize)(const ValArray *AL);
/* Sequential container specific fields */
int (*Add)(ValArray *AL,ElementType newval);
ElementType (*GetElement)(const ValArray *AL,size_t idx);
int (*PushBack)(ValArray *AL,ElementType data);
int (*PopBack)(ValArray *AL,ElementType *result);
int (*InsertAt)(ValArray *AL,size_t idx,ElementType newval);
int (*EraseAt)(ValArray *AL,size_t idx);
int (*ReplaceAt)(ValArray *AL,size_t idx,ElementType newval);
/* NO extra args */
int (*IndexOf)(ValArray *AL,ElementType data,size_t *result);
/* ValArray container specific fields */
int (*Insert)(ValArray *AL,ElementType);
int (*InsertIn)(ValArray *AL, size_t idx, ValArray *newData);
ValArray *(*IndexIn)(const ValArray *SC,const ValArraySize_t *AL);
size_t (*GetCapacity)(const ValArray *AL);
int (*SetCapacity)(ValArray *AL,size_t newCapacity);
CompareFunction (*SetCompareFunction)(ValArray *l,CompareFunction fn);
int (*Sort)(ValArray *AL);
ValArray *(*Create)(size_t startsize);
ValArray *(*CreateWithAllocator)(size_t startsize,
ContainerMemoryManager *allocator);
ValArray *(*Init)(ValArray *AL,size_t startsize);
int (*AddRange)(ValArray *AL,size_t n, const ElementType *newvalues);
ValArray *(*GetRange)(const ValArray *AL, size_t start, size_t end);
int (*CopyElement)(ValArray *AL,size_t idx,ElementType *outbuf);
ElementType *(*CopyTo)(ValArray *AL);
int (*Reverse)(ValArray *AL);
int (*Append)(ValArray *AL1, ValArray *AL2);
int (*Mismatch)(ValArray *a1, ValArray *a2,size_t *mismatch);
ContainerMemoryManager *(*GetAllocator)(ValArray *AL);
DestructorFunction (*SetDestructor)(ValArray *cb,DestructorFunction
/* ValArray specific functions */
ErrorFunction RaiseError; /* Error function */
int (*SumTo)(ValArray *left,const ValArray *right);
int (*SubtractFrom)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*MultiplyWith)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*DivideBy)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*SumScalarTo)(ValArray *left,ElementType right);
int (*SubtractScalarFrom)(ValArray *left, ElementType right);
int (*SubtractFromScalar)(ElementType left, ValArray *right);
int (*MultiplyWithScalar)(ValArray *left, ElementType right);
int (*DivideByScalar)(ValArray *left, ElementType right);
int (*DivideScalarBy)(ElementType left,ValArray *right);
Mask *(*CompareEqual)(const ValArray *left,const ValArray
*right,Mask *bytearray);
Mask *(*CompareEqualScalar)(const ValArray *left, const ElementType
right, Mask *bytearray);
char *(*Compare)(const ValArray *left, const ValArray *right,char
char *(*CompareScalar)(const ValArray *left, const ElementType
right,char *bytearray);
ValArray *(*CreateSequence)(size_t n,ElementType start, ElementType
ValArray *(*InitializeWith)(size_t n, ElementType *data);
int (*Memset)(ValArray *dst,ElementType fillValue,size_t length);
int (*FillSequential)(ValArray *dst,size_t length,ElementType
start, ElementType increment);
int (*SetSlice)(ValArray *src,size_t start,size_t length,size_t
int (*ResetSlice)(ValArray *array);
int (*GetSlice)(ValArray *array,size_t *start,size_t *length,
size_t *increment);
ElementType (*Max)(const ValArray *src);
ElementType (*Min)(const ValArray *src);
int (*RotateLeft)(ValArray *AL, size_t n);
#ifdef __IS_UNSIGNED__
int (*Or)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*And)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*Xor)(ValArray *left, const ValArray *right);
int (*Not)(ValArray *left);
int (*BitLeftShift)(ValArray *data,int shift);
int (*BitRightShift)(ValArray *data, const int shift);
int (*OrScalar)(ValArray *left, const ElementType right);
int (*AndScalar)(ValArray *left, const ElementType right);
int (*XorScalar)(ValArray *left, const ElementType right);
#ifdef __IS_INTEGER__
int (*Mod)(ValArray *left,const ValArray *right);
int (*ModScalar)(ValArray *left,const ElementType right);
char *(*FCompare)(const ValArray *left, const ValArray *right,char
*bytearray,ElementType tolerance);
int (*Inverse)(ValArray *src);
int (*ForEach)(ValArray *src,ElementType (*ApplyFn)(ElementType));
int (*Abs)(ValArray *src);
ElementType (*Accumulate)(ValArray *src);
ElementType (*Product)(ValArray *src);
} ValArrayInterface;
As you can see, some operations are implemented in some ValArrays,
others aren't. For instance the Inverse function doesn't make any sense
with integers, since for all integers bigger than one it will be zero.
The same with FCompare that compares using Knuth's proposal floating
point numbers using a fuzzy comparison that defines a range around each
number to allow for much finer precision in the comparison.
After more or less a year of work the project starts looking quite usable.
I have again posted this project in the French standardization
committee, and will start discussing it shortly.