The non-terminating script, revisited



I have a script that is severely misbehaving. Its purpose is simple: It is
supposed to retrieve some records from a local database, compare these
records to others fetched from the NCBI genbank database via BioPerl, and
then insert the results of these comparisons into the local database.

It does all of these things admirably: However, it seems that it is
implicitly forking or something because after it terminates, execution
still continues. I'll elaborate on this in a bit.

I don't like posting code, but I'm sort of stumped here. Here's a
trimmed down version of what I'm doing:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use lib "D:/cygwin/site/www";
use Site;
use Bio::Seq;
use Bio::DB::GenPept;
<SNIP: Many more Bio:: includes>
use DBI;
use Error qw:)try);
use File::Copy;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);

######################### Main routine ##############################
#Initialize the logger we'll be using to record output
my $mlogger = get_logger('MITOSEEK');

$mlogger -> info("Job started.");

#define a single handle to use everywhere here.
my $dbh = Site::createDBHandle()
or &logexit("Could not open handle to database.");

$mlogger -> info("Examining genbank N. crassa homologues.");

$dbh -> commit();
$dbh -> disconnect();

$mlogger -> error("Commit/disconnect failed; $@") if ($@);


#Sanity check 1 -- should never get here
die("DIDN'T EXIT");

#Sanity check 2... pull out big guns, aim at perl -- shouldn't happen
system('D:/cygwin/usr/local/bin/killall -s 9 perl');
#----------------------- End main routine ---------------------------

######################### Helper methods ############################

sub examineHomologues()
my $sth = Site::createStmt($dbh, "SELECT <UNINTERESTING DATABASE
or &logexit("Couldn't fetch homologue data ");

#create a cached query to do the insertion
my $insert_handle = Site::createStmt($dbh, "INSERT INTO

Site::executeStmt($sth) or &logexit("Couldn't execute stmt to
retrieve homologue data");

#connection to NCBI genbank database
my $fetcher = new Bio::DB::GenBank;

my $count = 0;

while (my $dp = $sth -> fetchrow_hashref)
my $cur_accession = $dp -> {'accession'};
my $refseq;
$refseq = $fetcher -> get_Seq_by_id($cur_accession);

#we can afford data loss
next if ($@ || !defined($refseq));


$mlogger -> error("Homologue analysis died early. $@") if ($@);

sub logexit($)
my $logerr_string = shift(@_);

$mlogger -> fatal($logerr_string);

eval{ $dbh -> rollback();};

if ($@)
$mlogger -> fatal("Also, an attempted rollback failed to
execute with error: '$@'.");

#----------------------- End helper methods -------------------------

The Site::createHandle/Stmt etc. commands are just calls to the
corresponding DBI commands (connect, prepare, execute, etc.) wrapped
in evals. I'm using PrintError=0, RaiseError=1.

The abbreviated output (in the log file) looks like this (note that
there are about 24650 records to be processed):

2005/06/22 09:44:53 INFO> Job started.
2005/06/22 09:44:53 INFO> Examining genbank N. crassa homologues.
2005/06/22 09:47:32 INFO> 50 processed.
2005/06/22 09:49:54 INFO> 100 processed.
2005/06/23 05:40:03 INFO> 24550 processed.
2005/06/23 05:41:27 INFO> 24600 processed.
2005/06/23 05:42:06 ERROR> Commit/disconnect failed; DBD::pg::db
commit failed: commit failed at
../cgi/mitoseek line 44.
2005/06/23 05:42:25 INFO> 24550 processed.
2005/06/23 05:43:49 INFO> 24600 processed.
2005/06/23 05:44:28 ERROR> Commit/disconnect failed; DBD::pg::db
commit failed: commit failed at
../cgi/mitoseek line 44.
2005/06/23 05:45:07 INFO> 23500 processed.
2005/06/23 05:46:41 INFO> 23550 processed.
2005/06/23 05:47:49 INFO> 23600 processed.
2005/06/23 06:16:45 INFO> 24550 processed.
2005/06/23 06:18:09 INFO> 24600 processed.
2005/06/23 06:18:48 ERROR> Commit/disconnect failed; DBD::pg::db
commit failed: commit failed at
../cgi/mitoseek line 44.

....and so forth until I arrive in the morning. When I check 'ps',
there are about 20-30 perl processes happily chugging away. I haven't
checked if the 'original' process that started it all is still alive,
which I should really do.

Some things I've noticed:
- the first commit actually does succeed, since I find new records
in the database. I assume subsequent commits fail because of
the inital disconnect call on the handle
- My 'sanity checks' (the die() and system('killall...') calls)
never actually get executed, so there is some exiting going on
- exit(0) behaves 'normally' if it occurs before the execution of
the eval{}-wrapped while loop in examineHomologues()

I apologize for the glut of information, but this is sort of the bare
minimum that I thought would be required to diagnose the problem (although
it might even be less than that).

Any suggestions for what I might be able to do to pick apart this problem
would be greatly appreciated. I've never seen this sort of 'implicit
forking' behaviour from perl before.



Debo said:
I have a script that is severely misbehaving. Its purpose is simple: It is
supposed to retrieve some records from a local database, compare these
records to others fetched from the NCBI genbank database via BioPerl, and
then insert the results of these comparisons into the local database.

It does all of these things admirably: However, it seems that it is
implicitly forking or something because after it terminates, execution
still continues. I'll elaborate on this in a bit.

I don't like posting code, but I'm sort of stumped here. Here's a
trimmed down version of what I'm doing:

The Site::createHandle/Stmt etc. commands are just calls to the
corresponding DBI commands (connect, prepare, execute, etc.) wrapped
in evals. I'm using PrintError=0, RaiseError=1.

PrintError => 1

may help here with diagnosis.
The abbreviated output (in the log file) looks like this (note that
there are about 24650 records to be processed):

2005/06/22 09:44:53 INFO> Job started.
2005/06/22 09:44:53 INFO> Examining genbank N. crassa homologues.
2005/06/22 09:47:32 INFO> 50 processed.
2005/06/22 09:49:54 INFO> 100 processed.
2005/06/23 05:40:03 INFO> 24550 processed.
2005/06/23 05:41:27 INFO> 24600 processed.
2005/06/23 05:42:06 ERROR> Commit/disconnect failed; DBD::pg::db
commit failed: commit failed at
../cgi/mitoseek line 44.
2005/06/23 05:42:25 INFO> 24550 processed.
2005/06/23 05:43:49 INFO> 24600 processed.
2005/06/23 05:44:28 ERROR> Commit/disconnect failed; DBD::pg::db
commit failed: commit failed at
../cgi/mitoseek line 44.
2005/06/23 05:45:07 INFO> 23500 processed.
2005/06/23 05:46:41 INFO> 23550 processed.
2005/06/23 05:47:49 INFO> 23600 processed.
2005/06/23 06:16:45 INFO> 24550 processed.
2005/06/23 06:18:09 INFO> 24600 processed.
2005/06/23 06:18:48 ERROR> Commit/disconnect failed; DBD::pg::db
commit failed: commit failed at
../cgi/mitoseek line 44.

...and so forth until I arrive in the morning. When I check 'ps',
there are about 20-30 perl processes happily chugging away. I haven't
checked if the 'original' process that started it all is still alive,
which I should really do.
Are you using Linux? Multiple threads appear as separate processes with
a ps/top listing under Linux. Does Bioperl create separate threads, or,
for that matter, is it multiprocessed?
Some things I've noticed:
- the first commit actually does succeed, since I find new records
in the database. I assume subsequent commits fail because of
the inital disconnect call on the handle
- My 'sanity checks' (the die() and system('killall...') calls)
never actually get executed, so there is some exiting going on
- exit(0) behaves 'normally' if it occurs before the execution of
the eval{}-wrapped while loop in examineHomologues()
I apologize for the glut of information, but this is sort of the bare
minimum that I thought would be required to diagnose the problem (although
it might even be less than that).

Any suggestions for what I might be able to do to pick apart this problem
would be greatly appreciated. I've never seen this sort of 'implicit
forking' behaviour from perl before.

Well, you have RaiseError set, but then you are wrapping it in evals.
You also have PrintError set to false, so you can't see what is going on
at the database.

I would probably write a small test script that verifies that your
wrapped DBI calls are doing what you think they're doing, leaving out
Bioperl. Next write a small script that tests that Bioperl is behaving
as expected. Following success on both fronts, you can then try both
aspects together.


A. Sinan Unur

I don't like posting code,

You are not going to be able receive the maximum amount of help possible

Posting code requires you to think and work very hard at arriving at the
smallest possible program that still exhibits the problem. Working
toward that aim generally results in the discovery of the cause and
sometimes even a solution to the problem.

It looks like you are going to have to do some more work on that.

Your code is very, very hard to follow for me, especially since you use
the &subcall method of calling subroutines, and the subroutines seem to
operate on global data etc etc. See

perldoc perlsub

for why you should not use & in subroutines call unless you know what
you are doing. The general impression I get from looking over your code
is that you indeed do not know what you are doing but keep putting
various things in until it works for some values of "works". This kind
of programming is very prevalent in academia, and it is very
unproductive. Instead, build things step by step.

So, im summary, you are going have to put some effort into posting code
if you are going to post code. Posting code that we have no hope of
being able to run is not going to do anyone much good.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w


use warnings;

is better because it allows you turn specific classes of warnings on and
off in lexical scopes.
use strict;
use lib "D:/cygwin/site/www";
use Site;
use Bio::Seq;
use Bio::DB::GenPept;
<SNIP: Many more Bio:: includes>
use DBI;
use Error qw:)try);
use File::Copy;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);

So, let's try to reduce the sample code you posted to its essentials.


package Site;

use strict;
use warnings;

sub createDBHandle {
warn "createDBHandle called\n";

sub createStmt {
warn "createStmt: ", "@_\n";
"returned from: createStmt: @_";

sub executeStmt {
warn "executeStmt: ", "@_\n";
"returned from: executeStmt: @_";

package main;

use strict;
use warnings;

my $dbh = Site::createDBHandle()
or die "Could not open handle to database\n";


sub examineHomologues {
my ($dbh) = @_;

my $sth = Site::createStmt($dbh,
) or die "Couldn't fetch homologue data ";

my $insert_handle = Site::createStmt($dbh,

or die "Couldn't execute stmt to retrieve homologue data\n";


die "Homologue analysis died early. $@\n" if $@;

Any suggestions for what I might be able to do to pick apart this
problem would be greatly appreciated. I've never seen this sort of
'implicit forking' behaviour from perl before.

It seems clear to me that whatever behavior you are observing must be
created by code you have not shown us.



M> Are you using Linux? Multiple threads appear as separate processes with
M> a ps/top listing under Linux.

Cygwin -- and that not by choice.

M> Does Bioperl create separate threads, or,
M> for that matter, is it multiprocessed?

I investigated this, and the answer seems to be no. The library I'm using
is essentially a parser that uses HTTP::Requst::Common to push data

M> Next write a small script that tests that Bioperl is behaving
M> as expected.

I did this before the putting everything together the first time, and it
appeared that Bioperl was doing what it was supposed to. Now, though, I've
narrowed the problem down to a specific Bioperl module, and for the first
time I'm able to consistently reproduce the bug.

So, at this point, this discussion is no longer really topical -- nor
recommended for oral delivery, for that matter.

Thanks for your suggestions.



ASU> See
ASU> perldoc perlsub
ASU> for why you should not use & in subroutines call unless you know what
ASU> you are doing.

That's bizarre -- for some reason, the & does the exact opposite of what I
thought it did. I'm not sure exactly where I picked up that habit, but
thank you for pointing out my mistake.

ASU> > #!/usr/bin/perl -w
ASU> use warnings;
ASU> is better because it allows you turn specific classes of warnings on and
ASU> off in lexical scopes.

Will do. Again, thanks for this.

ASU> It seems clear to me that whatever behavior you are observing must be
ASU> created by code you have not shown us.

And that was sort of the case... see my reply to the previous poster, if
you are (for some reason) curious in the outcome.

Thank you for your helpful suggestions.



Debo said:
I have a script that is severely misbehaving. Its purpose is simple: It
is supposed to retrieve some records from a local database, compare these
records to others fetched from the NCBI genbank database via BioPerl, and
then insert the results of these comparisons into the local database.

It does all of these things admirably: However, it seems that it is
implicitly forking or something because after it terminates, execution
still continues. I'll elaborate on this in a bit.

Put near the top of your program:

my $oldpid=$$;

Then, after every other statment of your program, put:

die "$oldpid is not $$" unless $oldpid==$$;
use lib "D:/cygwin/site/www";
use Site;
use Bio::Seq;
use Bio::DB::GenPept;
<SNIP: Many more Bio:: includes>
use DBI;
use Error qw:)try);
use File::Copy;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);

grep through all those module sources for fork or thread.
The Site::createHandle/Stmt etc. commands are just calls to the
corresponding DBI commands (connect, prepare, execute, etc.) wrapped
in evals. I'm using PrintError=0, RaiseError=1.

Why oh why do people do this? Over and over I've had to clean up code
where people used their own no-value-added, buggy, half-assed wrappers
around DBI. If you are going to use DBI, why not use DBI?

Also, what is the point of setting RaiseError=1 if you are just going
to put evals around every single call?
The abbreviated output (in the log file) looks like this (note that
there are about 24650 records to be processed):

2005/06/22 09:44:53 INFO> Job started.
2005/06/22 09:44:53 INFO> Examining genbank N. crassa homologues.
2005/06/22 09:47:32 INFO> 50 processed.

Can you configure your logger to log the pid along with the time?



Why oh why do people do this? Over and over I've had to clean up code
where people used their own no-value-added, buggy, half-assed wrappers
around DBI. If you are going to use DBI, why not use DBI?

Well, I don't know why those people did it, but I can tell you why I did

I did a quick perusal through Programming the Perl DBI, and they suggested
putting evals around your calls to DBI methods so that you could catch a
raised error when it occurred. However, I got sick of seeing evals all
over my code, and so I pushed them all into one general interface. When
an error is raised, it is logged by a different logger located in the
Site module, so I can still see the output; it doesn't just quash the error.

Also, what is the point of setting RaiseError=1 if you are just going
to put evals around every single call?

Am I totally missing the point here? It is possible that I am. I set
RaiseError to 1, place an eval around the call, and then check $@ to see
if anything has gone awry. Most of the time, I don't *want* my script to
die if the call fails -- I would like to attempt some sort of recovery.

Is eval-wrapping a bad thing to do? Again, it was
something I picked up in Programming the Perl DBI. (Admittedly, setting
PrintError to 0 was an asinine thing to do. I've since fixed that.)

Perhaps I should move these questions to a more DBI-centric forum.
Can you configure your logger to log the pid along with the time?


I believe I can. If this becomes an issue again, that's what I'll do.



Paul Lalli

{please don't snip the attributions... it's nice to know who said what
you're quoting}
Am I totally missing the point here? It is possible that I am. I set
RaiseError to 1, place an eval around the call, and then check $@ to see
if anything has gone awry. Most of the time, I don't *want* my script to
die if the call fails -- I would like to attempt some sort of recovery.

Is eval-wrapping a bad thing to do?

It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's an extra level of
indirection that serves no purpose. Under normal circumstances, if
there is a database error, a veriable is set ($DBI::err, I think?).
With RaiseError set, whenever there is a database error, the program
dies. But then you catch that die with an eval. And then you have to
go and check to see whether or not there was a failure in the eval. To
do this, you have to check the $@ variable. So why not just go back
two levels and just check the $DBI::err variable in the first place?
Why add the extra processing of dieing and catching the die?

Paul Lalli


it's nice to know who said what
PL> you're quoting}

Sorry -- bad habit. I'm trying to quit.

PL> > > Also, what is the point of setting RaiseError=1 if you are just going
PL> > > to put evals around every single call?
PL> >
PL> > Am I totally missing the point here? It is possible that I am. I set
PL> > RaiseError to 1, place an eval around the call, and then check $@ to see
PL> > if anything has gone awry. Most of the time, I don't *want* my script to
PL> > die if the call fails -- I would like to attempt some sort of recovery.
PL> >
PL> > Is eval-wrapping a bad thing to do?
PL> It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's an extra level of
PL> indirection that serves no purpose. Under normal circumstances, if
PL> there is a database error, a veriable is set ($DBI::err, I think?).
PL> With RaiseError set, whenever there is a database error, the program
PL> dies. But then you catch that die with an eval. And then you have to
PL> go and check to see whether or not there was a failure in the eval. To
PL> do this, you have to check the $@ variable. So why not just go back
PL> two levels and just check the $DBI::err variable in the first place?
PL> Why add the extra processing of dieing and catching the die?

A few reasons:

1) It sort of 'feels' like exception handling, which is something I'm more
familiar with -- although ultimately, as you've observed, I still have to
poll a variable to figure out what went wrong. So be it.

2) Sometimes I am forgetful. If I have RaiseError on, and I have forgotten
to do an error check that was necessary, my program will let me know in no
uncertain terms that a check was required there. Relying on the error-set
variables in the DBI namespace is a more passive process, and I'm not so
meticulous that I can rely on myself to always do this properly.

3) This may be a cop-out, but I ultimately switched to this method of
handling because I assumed Programming the Perl DBI was an authoritative
source for DBI-ish things, and that book seemed to be stating that
eval-wrapping was the 'better' way of handling errors. This may have been
a mistaken inference on my part; I am not trying to put words in the mouth
of the author.

Thank you for your reply.



Off hand I'd guess there is a problem with the data.

Perhaps there's a name like O'Reilly (see the quote) or
someone entered a back slash,
or a hacker entered a name like SELECT.

Something that is messing up an
insert and reeking havoc the program.

When the program aborts the commit doesn't get
called. The exit() doesn't get called.

The actual behavior may vary - an error may occur
and the commit could get executed by default - depending
upon the database. Or when there are no offending
names it all works OK.

I'd recommend better error handling. As described here.
But also checking for an error after every insert and printing
the data when something bad happens.

Also, if the perl program is an interface which gets called
every 30 minutes when there is data in a que, you may
be getting all those calls because of that and because of
those funky commits. This would explain the forks.


Debo said:
Am I totally missing the point here? It is possible that I am. I set
RaiseError to 1, place an eval around the call, and then check $@ to see
if anything has gone awry.

Why not just drop the eval and the RaiseError and then
check $DBI::errstr rather than $@?
Most of the time, I don't *want* my script to
die if the call fails -- I would like to attempt some sort of recovery.

Is eval-wrapping a bad thing to do?

I think doing it for every call is a bad thing. I use RaiseError, and then
eval wrap only specific calls which I expect to throw specific errors (i.e.
unique key constraint violations which are caused by race conditions upon
insert). I don't bother to wrap select statements, deletes, inserts with
no potential for race conditions, etc., because if I get an error string of
"ORA-12345: Your select statement failed because the Oracle server is
currently on fire" there isn't much I can do about it anyway.



Debo said:
I did this before the putting everything together the first time, and it
appeared that Bioperl was doing what it was supposed to. Now, though,
I've narrowed the problem down to a specific Bioperl module, and for the
first time I'm able to consistently reproduce the bug.

For the sake of future people suffering similar problems, which module was




I thought I'd add. Instead of executing the sql using DBI have you
of writing the SQL to a text file and then executing the script.

You can do it this way to check whether the issue is with the data.

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