Turtle graphics speed(). Seems broken



I think the speed function may be broken from the turtle graphics

"from turtle import *



I have tried all of the different speed settings, but I get no change
in the turtle's speed.... does anyone know how to fix this?

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman

Stefan said:

The Python library's implementation of turtle graphics is slow to the point
that many applications are simply impractical. I recently converted a
program to Python/turtle graphics that was originally written by my son
using Processing; the result of the conversion is that the time to draw the
balls increased by a factor of roughly 50! (The Processing version takes
less than 0.1 seconds to generate the image, while the Python version takes
almost 5 seconds on the same computer). It would be good if this
performance problem can be fixed, either by patching the current
implementation of turtle graphics, or by replacing it with xturtle if that
is better. http://old.nabble.com/file/p27732940/balls.py balls.py

Alf P. Steinbach

* Dr. Phillip M. Feldman:
The Python library's implementation of turtle graphics is slow to the point
that many applications are simply impractical. I recently converted a
program to Python/turtle graphics that was originally written by my son
using Processing; the result of the conversion is that the time to draw the
balls increased by a factor of roughly 50! (The Processing version takes
less than 0.1 seconds to generate the image, while the Python version takes
almost 5 seconds on the same computer). It would be good if this
performance problem can be fixed, either by patching the current
implementation of turtle graphics, or by replacing it with xturtle if that
is better. http://old.nabble.com/file/p27732940/balls.py balls.py

Try to add

turtle.tracer( 0 )

before generating the graphics, and



It sort of speeds things up. :)

To test it I had to rewrite your code a little, getting rid of the numpy
dependency since I don't have numpy installed. Looks like this:

#from numpy import *
def array( data, dtype ): return data # Emulate numpy array constructor

import random
from math import *
import sys
from time import time
import turtle # turtle graphics module

class Timer:
"""Track and record elapsed time, allowing an arbitrary number of timers."""

from time import time

# Constructor:
def __init__(self):
self.start= time()

# Report elapsed time:
def time(self):

# Compute elapse time:
elapsed= time() - self.start

# Print elapsed time in seconds:
print str(elapsed) + ' s',

# If total elapsed time exceeds 60 seconds, also print time as
# as minutes and seconds:
if elapsed >= 60.0:
minutes= numpy.floor(elapsed / 60.0)
elapsed-= 60 * minutes
print '= ' + num2str(minutes,0) + ' m ' + num2str(elapsed,3) + ' s'

def main():

# Section 1: User inputs. All four arrays should have the same dimensions.

balls_of_type = array([20, 20], dtype=int)
radius_of_type= array([35, 25], dtype=float)
mass_of_type = array([4 , 2], dtype=float)
color_of_type = array([0 , 1], dtype=int)

canvas_width = 1000 # canvas width in pixels
canvas_height= 800 # canvas height in pixels

# Section 2: Setup.

# Section 2.1: Initialize graphics.

turtle.setup(width=canvas_width, height=canvas_height)

# Use units of pixels for specifying locations on the screen:
turtle.setworldcoordinates(0.0, 0.0, canvas_width, canvas_height)

# Set background color to black:

# We want to specify R, G, and B using whole numbers from 0 to 255:

# Turn off animation and hide the turtle to get maximum drawing speed:
turtle.tracer( 0 )

# Section 2.2: Preliminaries.

ball_types= len(balls_of_type)

max_tries= 1000
tries= 0

# The following variable counts the number of time ticks:
tick= 0

colors= [
(255, 0, 0), # red
( 64, 64, 230), # blue, cobalt blue
(125, 0, 0), # maroon
( 0, 255, 255), # cyan,baby blue
(255, 140, 0), # orange
( 0, 255, 0), # green, light green
(204, 128, 0), # brown
(255, 200, 120), # light orange
(255, 255, 140), # cream
(0, 128, 0), # dark green, forest green
(255, 128, 128), # peach
(255, 255, 0), # yellow
(0, 0, 204), # dark blue, navy blue
(150, 355, 150), # light green
(128, 0, 230), # purple
(77, 204, 0), # avocado
(255, 128, 255), # magenta, pink
(0, 204, 204), # aqua, turquoise
(230, 192, 0), # gold
(255, 255, 255), # white

# Allocate 2-element lists for basis and velocity vectors:
u_hat= [0,0]
v_hat= [0,0]
uv_speed1b= [0,0]; # before the collision
uv_speed2b= [0,0]; # before the collision
uv_speed1a= [0,0]; # after the collision
uv_speed2a= [0,0]; # after the collision

# Section 2.3: Calculate the number of balls and allocate arrays whose sizes
# depend on this.

# `balls` is the total number of balls:
balls= sum( balls_of_type )

x = balls*[0.0] #zeros(balls, dtype=float)
y = balls*[0.0] #zeros(balls, dtype=float)
x_speed = balls*[0.0] #zeros(balls, dtype=float)
y_speed = balls*[0.0] #zeros(balls, dtype=float)

radius = balls*[0.0] #zeros(balls, dtype=float)
mass = balls*[0.0] #zeros(balls, dtype=float)

ball_type = balls*[0] #zeros(balls, dtype=int)
ball_color= [] # empty list

# Section 2.4: Assign a ball type, radius, mass, color, initial position,
# and initial velocity to each ball.

n= -1

for i in range(ball_types):

# Valid color numbers are 0-19. If the color number of a ball type is
# greater than 19, the following line of code fixes the problem by randomly
# assigning acolor number.
if color_of_type >= 20: color_of_type= random.randint(0, 20)

# In the following loop, j is the ball number for the ith type of ball:
for j in range(balls_of_type):

# After the following statement executes, `n` will be one less than the
# number of balls generated.
n+= 1

ball_type[n]= i

radius[n]= radius_of_type
mass [n]= mass_of_type

ball_color.append( colors[color_of_type] )

# Continue loop until center coordinates for ball[n] are such that this
# ball does not overlap any previously generated ball. If the number of
# iterations exceeds max_tries, then the program stops the loop if this
# happens, the program doesn't work because there is not enough space
# for all the balls in the container.

for tries in range(max_tries):

# generate random ball center coordinates:
keepout= radius[n] + 2.0
x[n]= random.uniform(keepout, canvas_width - keepout)
y[n]= random.uniform(keepout, canvas_height - keepout)

# Check to see if two balls have been generated on top of each other.
# First, we set good to True. True means that this ball does not
# overlap any of the other balls that we have checked so far. At the
# end of the inner loop, if good= False, this means that the ball did
# overlap at least one of the previous balls, and the program goes back
# to the top of the outer loop and generates new coordinates for the
# current ball.

good= True

for m in range(n): # innermost loop
dx= x[m] - x[n]
dy= y[m] - y[n]
d= sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
if (d <= radius[m] + radius[n] + 10):
good= False

# end for inner for loop

if good: break

# end of loop over tries

if not good:
print "\nERROR: Not enough space for balls.\n"

# Assign a random initial velocity to the current ball:
theta= random.uniform(0.0, 2.0*pi)
x_speed[n]= 2. * cos(theta)
y_speed[n]= 2. * sin(theta)

# end of loop over j (number of ball of current ball type)
# end of loop over i (number of ball type)

# Section 3: Draw the balls.

# Initialize timer:
t= Timer()

for n in range(balls):

turtle.goto(x[n], y[n])



# Display elapsed time:
print "Total drawing time: ",
raw_input('Hit Enter to close figure window.')

if __name__ == "__main__":
msg = main()

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

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