Two ElementTree questions



1) It appears as if the following logic works for determining whether
an element is a parent:

# assume elem is an ElementTree element
if (elem.getchildren() == None):
print 'this element is not a parent'
print 'this element is a parent'

My question is this: are there any other ways of determining whether an
element is a parent, and if so, are they preferable to the method
above? (I don't have a definition for 'preferable'; I'm hoping the
reply to this question will suggest why a different method may be

2) At one time, I thought I saw some notes indicating that the
getchildren() method will be deprecated. Now, however, I cannot locate
those notes. Has the getchildren() method been deprecated, or will it
be deprecated?

Fredrik Lundh

1) It appears as if the following logic works for determining whether
an element is a parent:

# assume elem is an ElementTree element
if (elem.getchildren() == None):
print 'this element is not a parent'
print 'this element is a parent'

My question is this: are there any other ways of determining whether an
element is a parent, and if so, are they preferable to the method

if len(elem):
print "is a parent"
print "is not a parent (has no children)"

(in 1.2.X, you can also write "if elem", but that use is discouraged.
see for more
on this).
2) At one time, I thought I saw some notes indicating that the
getchildren() method will be deprecated. Now, however, I cannot locate
those notes. Has the getchildren() method been deprecated, or will it
be deprecated?

an element is a sequence, so there's no need to ever call getchildren
(if you need a real list, use list(elem)).

getchildren() will most likely be removed in some future version of


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