User dependant css



I am developing a webapplication for a company holding
stocks for a number of customer companies. The customers
can order parts via this new appliction. My application
is linked to each of the customers' home pages. I want
each user to 'believe' he still is in his company's pages
by changing logo and i.e. backcolor depending on company.
A person from company A will see his company's logo and
colors and a person from company B will simultanously see
his company's logo and colors. Can I achieve this with
css. In that case How? Or is there another better method.

Hope you can help me.


Dave Anderson

Eje said:
I am developing a webapplication for a company holding
stocks for a number of customer companies. The customers
can order parts via this new appliction. My application
is linked to each of the customers' home pages. I want
each user to 'believe' he still is in his company's pages
by changing logo and i.e. backcolor depending on company.
A person from company A will see his company's logo and
colors and a person from company B will simultanously see
his company's logo and colors. Can I achieve this with
css. In that case How? Or is there another better method.

It is certainly possible to do this:

<LINK REL="stylesheet"

Your script could either assign the CSS on the fly or redirect to a static

[JScript example of redirection]
switch(Request.QueryString("Company").Item) {
case "A" : Response.Redirect("Company_A.css"); break
default : Response.Redirect("Default.css")

Dave Anderson

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I presume every company have a ID, i use for my application the VAT number.
I a folder a place all the .css files and when starting the application i
load the corresponding filename into a session variable and then use it in
every page as below

Response.Write "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=" &
session("css") & ">" & vbCrLf


company 1 : vat nr 123456789, the css file is /css/123456789.css
company 2 : vat nr 826242656, the css file is /css/826242656.css

so the session variable will be for the second company: /css/826242656.css


John and Dave,

Thanks for your help. I understand the meaning and will
use your suggestions.


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