using refresh button on the menu bar to refresh two frames.


Jawahar Rajan

I have an ASP site that uses frames two frames. (yes I
should be using include files, but we started ou using
frames so we have been stuck with frames.)

When I get a page expired warning (I am not caching pages)
and a user clicks refresh from the menu bar the user is
taken back to the home page! The home page is a frame with
a top frame that is repeated on each subsequent asp pages

The lower half of the home page is a login screen.

After login the next page is shown in the lower half of
the frame. Refreshing within the individual frames is ok.

But when the Refresh from the menu bar is used the home
page is returned any ideas why?



I have an ASP site that uses frames two frames. (yes I
should be using include files, but we started ou using
frames so we have been stuck with frames.)

When I get a page expired warning (I am not caching pages)
and a user clicks refresh from the menu bar the user is
taken back to the home page! The home page is a frame with
a top frame that is repeated on each subsequent asp pages

The lower half of the home page is a login screen.

After login the next page is shown in the lower half of
the frame. Refreshing within the individual frames is ok.

But when the Refresh from the menu bar is used the home
page is returned any ideas why?


That's one of the many problems with frames. Get rid of them. Changing
from frames to an include is going to much easier on you, and your visitors
in the long run.

Problems with frames:
1. User cannot bookmark individual pages
2. Orphan pages coming in from a search engine
3. Accessibility issues
4. Search engine indexing issues if there is not decent content in the
<noframes> element.

Frames are very easily replaced:

<div id="menu">
<!--#include file="menu_inc.asp" -->
<div id="content">
Lorem ipsum ...

Use CSS to style the menu and content id as desired, bake 20 minutes and

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