vim 6.2 + vim-ruby don't work


Guoliang Cao


I just downloaded the latest vim 6.2 and vim-ruby snapshot 2003-10-12 and
copied ftplugin, indent, syntax to directory of vim executable. I then use
vim to open a ruby file and see syntax highlight working. Then I use "gq=g"
to format the whole file. It scrolls to the end of the file but nothing is
indented. Please let me know what I did wrong.

My .vimrc :

set autoindent number ruler tabstop=2
set nocompatible " We're running Vim, not Vi!
syntax on " Enable syntax highlighting
filetype on " Enable fieltype detection
filetype indent on " Enable filetype-specific indenting
filetype plugin on " Enable filetype-specific plugins


Brett H. Williams


I just downloaded the latest vim 6.2 and vim-ruby snapshot 2003-10-12 and
copied ftplugin, indent, syntax to directory of vim executable. I then use
vim to open a ruby file and see syntax highlight working. Then I use "gq=g"
to format the whole file. It scrolls to the end of the file but nothing is
indented. Please let me know what I did wrong.

Are you using Windows? On *nix you don't put the ftplugin etc. directories
in the same directory as the vim executable... they are put somewhere like:


whereas the vim executable is in:


just as an example. I don't know how vim is set up on Windows.

But anyway, I don't see any change with gq=g either... gq I always thought
was for formatting wrapped text. I use gg=G to indent a source file...

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