Web Design: Would you design a PDF by writing Postscript in Notepad?



Steven Saunderson said:
You could try shaking it in a circular arc and relying on centrifugal

No doubt. So these biros would best come with a sting attached
instead of the eraser bit - special space models. I still say the
equation is false, imagine tooling up the biro factory, that is
not "no problem" ...

Jonathan N. Little

TaliesinSoft said:
Methinks the brain cells have bounced a bit and I think that the reason I
rejected the fluid arrangement of miniatures on the opening page was the
inability to return from an excursion to the enlargements with the relevant
miniature being at the top of the page.

Well since your thumbs, image and enlargement pages all have a common
part of the naming convention (That is why in my ample I use PHP, built
very thing from from an array ('01-1', '01-2' , ...) you can easily
create a related ID for each thumbnail.

Just updated the page and your can see the ID's

<div id="pushpin01-1" class="pixbox">...

You can put the hash in your return link

<a href="yourpage.html#pushpin01-1">Back</a>

See for yourself:

Go to Thumb "06-3"


Ed Mullen said:
You take the "thing" that has fluid in it and you shake it in one
direction: In this case, toward the opening from which you want the
fluid to flow.

Ed, you have to trust me on this, I have a lot of experience in
space and you do not willingly design with any kind of shaking in
mind. Shaking is inherently wrong in principle out there. To be
avoided at least in any preparation. OK for emergency use maybe.

No, I would rather screw than shake.

What I have in mind is this, helped along by the caveat expressed
by William Mitchell, take one of those auto pencils with sticks
of lead inside that are pushed by screw turn when you wear out
the lead or it breaks.


Ed Mullen

dorayme said:
Ed, you have to trust me on this, I have a lot of experience in
space and you do not willingly design with any kind of shaking in
mind. Shaking is inherently wrong in principle out there. To be
avoided at least in any preparation. OK for emergency use maybe.

No, I would rather screw than shake.

What I have in mind is this, helped along by the caveat expressed
by William Mitchell, take one of those auto pencils with sticks
of lead inside that are pushed by screw turn when you wear out
the lead or it breaks.


Golly, I don't know, despite the reference. I have long been fascinated
by the notion of "shaking in space." I mean, err, well, umm, you know!
I mean, c'mon! We've been sending up male and female astro/cosmo-nauts
for decades. I can't help but think that these scientists haven't
wondered (and tested): What is sex like in space and zero-gravity?

Oh. Ooops! Sorry. Just re-read the messages/thread! We were talking
about pens! (sheesh!) Sooooorrrrryyyy!

Ed Mullen
Why are builders afraid to have a 13th floor but book publishers aren't
afraid to have Chapter 11?

Steve Hix

Helpful Harry said:
Steve Hix said:
"markup language" is not the same as "page description language".

HTML markup doesn't specify *how* information is to be displayed, but
the relationships between information components.

Since when is [strong] a "relationship between information
components"?!?!? It's telling the browser that the following text
shoulld be rendered in bold until it finds a corresponding [/strong]

No, it's telling it to display as strong; strong may be displayed in
ways other than just bolding it.
HTML code simply tells a browser how to render a page on-screen.
Postscript tells a printer (usually) how to render a page to print to

Well, html gives strong hints, maybe. But anyone's reader may be set up
to do just about anything imaginable, making the writer's intent non
much more than a mild suggestion. Unlike PS or PDF.


Well since your thumbs, image and enlargement pages all have a common part
of the naming convention (That is why in my ample I use PHP, built very
thing from from an array ('01-1', '01-2' , ...) you can easily create a
related ID for each thumbnail.

Just updated the page and your can see the ID's

<div id="pushpin01-1" class="pixbox">...

You can put the hash in your return link

<a href="yourpage.html#pushpin01-1">Back</a>

See for yourself:

6-3 Go to Thumb "06-3"


Again many thanks for taking the time to create an example. I will take some
time tomorrow and explore how one can create the same effect in Freeway.

As an aside, in your examples, the text at the top and bottom is not always
centered left-to-right in the browser window. Also the miniatures are left
aligned and not centered. I know, I'm being perhaps overly picky. :)

A further aside, in the your example you provide a highlight border around
the miniature under the cursor. I got screamed at several months ago for
doing the same thing. If I recall correctly the comment was that having the
cursor change to a finger was sufficient and that the hightlight was
distracting. To be honest, I like the highlight.


TaliesinSoft said:
A further aside, in the your example you provide a highlight border around
the miniature under the cursor. I got screamed at several months ago for
doing the same thing. If I recall correctly the comment was that having the
cursor change to a finger was sufficient and that the hightlight was
distracting. To be honest, I like the highlight.

If you like it, put it back in. You could make the highlight
color black, you could even style the border, so that then it
looks nice as one fingers the lovely things (it is part of a
tradition in B & W to often black border photographs). This then
makes one thing do two. Highlight and border it nicely. To simply
let it higlight in thin red is just plain silly imo, no matter
how priests go on about accessibility and uniformity and known
practice. Who the hell would not know that these are thumbnails
in your context. I will tell you who, Mr. and Mrs. Nobody, that's
who. So make it count for something more than almost useless.


If you like it, put it back in. You could make the highlight
color black, you could even style the border, so that then it
looks nice as one fingers the lovely things (it is part of a
tradition in B & W to often black border photographs). This then
makes one thing do two. Highlight and border it nicely. To simply
let it higlight in thin red is just plain silly imo, no matter
how priests go on about accessibility and uniformity and known
practice. Who the hell would not know that these are thumbnails
in your context. I will tell you who, Mr. and Mrs. Nobody, that's
who. So make it count for something more than almost useless.

What I like about you, dorayme, is that you are a person of thought and to a
great degree sensitivity. My concern about black borders is that they would
get lost in that the photographs themselves are heavy in black. But I'm going
to give it a look.


John Hosking said:
See? Martians aren't so different from us after all!

You know how shot my reputation is John. Now everyone will see
this out of context and it will confirm their smug and horrible
decision to killfile me (Seedhouse put me in his Ignore File! It
is a rotten, hot, horrid place, I will never get comfortable in
it. At least BdeZ provided a few facilities in her killfile. I
think it says something about character this. She also let me out
after a suitable period in detention. She was a just stick. She
had a sense of proportion.)

Jonathan N. Little

TaliesinSoft said:

Again many thanks for taking the time to create an example. I will take some
time tomorrow and explore how one can create the same effect in Freeway.

As an aside, in your examples, the text at the top and bottom is not always
centered left-to-right in the browser window. Also the miniatures are left
aligned and not centered. I know, I'm being perhaps overly picky. :)

Yes you are ;-)
A further aside, in the your example you provide a highlight border around
the miniature under the cursor. I got screamed at several months ago for
doing the same thing. If I recall correctly the comment was that having the
cursor change to a finger was sufficient and that the hightlight was
distracting. To be honest, I like the highlight.

Just remove:

DIV.pixbox A:hover IMG { border-color: #f00; }


[responding to my having stated]
Just remove:

DIV.pixbox A:hover IMG { border-color: #f00; }

Perhaps being forgotten is that I am using Freeway Pro which generates the
final code from the objects in a WYSIWYG specified site. That aside, adding
or removing the border is a simple matter in Freeway.

Jonathan N. Little

TaliesinSoft said:
[responding to my having stated]
Just remove:

DIV.pixbox A:hover IMG { border-color: #f00; }

Perhaps being forgotten is that I am using Freeway Pro which generates the
final code from the objects in a WYSIWYG specified site. That aside, adding
or removing the border is a simple matter in Freeway.
If done properly where stylesheets are external this one change to a
single files can change a whole website. No other pages need editing, no
other files need to be uploaded. Period.


TaliesinSoft said:
What I like about you, dorayme, is that you are a person of thought and to a
great degree sensitivity. My concern about black borders is that they would
get lost in that the photographs themselves are heavy in black. But I'm going
to give it a look.


Yes, I did notice the blackness of all, I was just not going into
it in detail, just something a bit general. Up to you to

Sometimes, (not often), before framing my bromide prints I would
border them with a black line without this hugging the actual
"printed negative" part. With a white (bg colour of paper)
breathing space. You can choose something a little subtle, a grey
perhaps... (you know, in this situation, I prefer nothing at all,
but if you prefer something, well, make it work nice somehow...)


If done properly where stylesheets are external this one change to a single
files can change a whole website. No other pages need editing, no other files
need to be uploaded. Period.

I'm sure that there are many instances where a code modification is simpler
if made directly to the code itself as opposed to specifying a property in
Freeway. But the point remains that I am far more comfortable modifying site
properties in Freeway and not in the code itself. it all boils down to what
kind of interface is one comfortable with when developing a website.

Tom Stiller

dorayme said:
You shake it and it goes to the wrong end from the ball, what
then? You shake it some more? You shake it in a direction? Be
careful, you might go the other way.

You need to write some dying words, your strength is almost gone,
no note to leave your money to whoever, that awful relative gets
it... No gravity=no problem eh? Sure!

Look, the fact is that the equation is no good. That pencil with
the "risk" to the eye (I mean, really!) is looking good all

Hmmm, I guess you never had to shake down a fever thermometer. Maybe
the technique is lost on the younger generation.


dorayme said:
There would be people
wanting to kill you for this effortless command. You can hardly
expect the average home website builder to come up with that.

Like anything else, skill with CSS takes time and practice. Anybody can
have this level of competence if they work at it. But it does take
effort. And patience.


Did you perchance notice the order of display?

Upon a quick look it appears that the order of display when stylesheets are
disabled is alphabetical. If not alphabetical what would be reasonable.

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