WebBrowser: How to cast the document object



Hi, all,

My project is based on wxPython, and I need an IE control (i.e.
WebBrowser ActiveX control). Although the wxPython implements a
wrapped version (wx.lib.iewin.IEHtmlWindow), but it doesn't meet all
my demands, because I need to custom many behaviors of the control.
So I thought I should use it through ActiveXWrapper directly.

So I use makepy to make the typelib of "Microsoft Internet Controls"
and "Microsoft HTML Object Library". Now I can get the document object
of the WebBrowser, and I can cast it into any interface I need like
IHtmlDocument2, IHtmlDocument3... So far, so good.

The document object also implements a COM interface
IPersistStreamInit, which has a *Load* method. Calling this method can
load any stream into the browser control. Here is the a example using
this method in visual c++:

IPersistStreamInit* spPSI = NULL;
CStreamOnCString stream(szHTML);
if (m_pHtmlDoc) {
m_hResult = m_pHtmlDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStreamInit,
if( SUCCEEDED(m_hResult) && spPSI ) {
m_hResult = spPSI->Load(static_cast<IStream*>(&stream));

Now I need to call this method on my document object, my code is just

stream = win32com.client.CastTo(doc, "IPersistStreamInit")

But I got an error:

ValueError: The interface name 'IPersistStreamInit' does not appear in
the same
library as object '<win32com.gen_py.Microsoft HTML Object
nt instance at 0x46359096>'

I googled and someones says only interfaces inherit from IDispatch can
be used by pythoncom. But IPersistStreamInit interface inherits from
IUnknown. But I just need to use
this interface.

However, I also noted that the class wx.lib.iewin.IEHtmlWindow has a
*LoadStream* method, I thought it's a wrapper of IPersistStreamInit's
Load method. So I trace the source code, but only found the implement
is in the c++ base class.

Could anybody tell me how to do it? Any clues is helpful.


Roger Upole

zdp said:
Hi, all,

My project is based on wxPython, and I need an IE control (i.e.
WebBrowser ActiveX control). Although the wxPython implements a
wrapped version (wx.lib.iewin.IEHtmlWindow), but it doesn't meet all
my demands, because I need to custom many behaviors of the control.
So I thought I should use it through ActiveXWrapper directly.

So I use makepy to make the typelib of "Microsoft Internet Controls"
and "Microsoft HTML Object Library". Now I can get the document object
of the WebBrowser, and I can cast it into any interface I need like
IHtmlDocument2, IHtmlDocument3... So far, so good.

The document object also implements a COM interface
IPersistStreamInit, which has a *Load* method. Calling this method can
load any stream into the browser control. Here is the a example using
this method in visual c++:

IPersistStreamInit* spPSI = NULL;
CStreamOnCString stream(szHTML);
if (m_pHtmlDoc) {
m_hResult = m_pHtmlDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStreamInit,
if( SUCCEEDED(m_hResult) && spPSI ) {
m_hResult = spPSI->Load(static_cast<IStream*>(&stream));

Now I need to call this method on my document object, my code is just

stream = win32com.client.CastTo(doc, "IPersistStreamInit")

But I got an error:

ValueError: The interface name 'IPersistStreamInit' does not appear in
the same
library as object '<win32com.gen_py.Microsoft HTML Object
nt instance at 0x46359096>'

I googled and someones says only interfaces inherit from IDispatch can
be used by pythoncom. But IPersistStreamInit interface inherits from
IUnknown. But I just need to use
this interface.

Many non-IDispatch interfaces are supported by pythoncom, IPersistStreamInit among them.
You should be able to use QueryInterface just as the c++ code does.
Try something like



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